"Ow-! You hit me! You'll pay for that, you tramp!"
Name: Danielle DegardinAge: 22
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7 / 170 cm
Weight: 125 lbs. / 57 kg
Hometown: Cannes, France
Alignment: Heel
Ring Gear


A few 'professional shoots'

Other Art

History: Danielle's story in coming to a career in pro wrestling is different than most. Coming from a very wealthy family, she grew up in luxury and glamor, and she always had a foot in showbiz thanks to her mother, who had a successful acting career in her day, pushing her towards a similar life for herself. Dani saw her looks as her best asset, and taking pride in her appearance she found work as a model, something her parents encouraged every step of the way with their wallets as much as their words. She had plenty of disputes with her colleagues, ones that came to blows surpisingly often, yet Danielle always made sure she got her way in the end, given her family's wealth and influence. In particular, Danielle felt she found her calling in modeling swimwear and 'intimate apparel', seeing it as a chance to put her perfect body on display and get a healthy paycheck for it - what could be better than that?
At least, that was what she thought - until one day a different job came through the front desk. A sportswear company wanted Danielle to model their products in a wrestling-themed photoshoot, with her and another model playing the roles of wrestlers in the ring - Dani, of course, being the victorious champion standing proudly over her beaten foe, in a decision that was made not without some backstage politicking.
To her surprise, as soon as she got into the shot, Danielle felt powerful, like this was exactly where she had been meant to be all her life. She was strong, she was dominant. She would be showing all the bitches under her who the true queen was. She didn't want to stop it there - she wanted to keep going. The experience led her to look further into the wrestling world, and of course her parents, not wanting to say no to anything their daughter wanted, had to encourage it. She started going to the gym and dragging whoever she could force into it to spar with her, and she began trying out at whatever promotions she could find, just to get that rush of excitement that could only come from dominating an opponent in front of as many eyes as possible. Of course, the fact that she couldn't actually wrestle very well held her back, which proved nothing short of annoying.
Nevertheless, she somehow managed to get into LAW, in some incident likely involving bribery and corrupt talent scouts, and the rest is history. Of course, to Danielle, it was dream come true a to finally get her shot at the top.
Personality: As befitting someone who was so spoiled in her youth, raised never questioning how she was perfect and deserved the world, Dani is vain bordering on narcissistic. She thinks very highly of how she looks, never wanting to be seen as anything short of royalty. This is, of course, despite the fact she's in a less than glamorous job, but it still shines through, and she takes particular offense at any opponents who bruise her face or mess up her hair. She's hot-headed and has a powerful temper, especially when she doesn't get her way, which is rather often when she's outside the bubble she grew up in, not that she's the type to learn from her mistakes.
Despite her haughty disposition, though, Dani can be downright vicious. Taking any slight as though it's deeply personal, she makes no hesitation to bring the pain against a foe, hitting as hard as she can and focusing on causing the most pain however possible with a sadistic sense of enjoyment. Danielle particularly enjoys it when she gets to humiliate her opponents as well, bruising their ego as well as their bodies.
Outside of the ring, Dani enjoys flaunting her wealth and status by throwing money around, living her life to the fullest of hedonistic excess, though of course she wouldn't be caught dead staggering around drunk like a trashy street whore in public, and she's quick to deny any accusations of disorderly conduct against her.
- Danielle wears high heels to the ring, but takes them off before entering and wrestles in stockings. She knows that she can't fight in them, and she doesn't want to break them, keen to point out to her opponents how much her shoes cost.
- She has a sweet tooth and particularly likes chocolate, though given her vain personality she worries about her weight.
- Danielle's father is Italian and has distant connections to the Mafia, which helped the family attain their fortune. She doesn't speak about this, less because she's ashamed of her family's criminal affiliations and more because she's ashamed she isn't purely French.
- Danielle will occasionally use smothers in the name of humiliating and cutting down her opponents, but finds them utterly repulsive if done to her. She also calls her stinkface a Makeup Session so as to not suggest she smells subpar.
Fighting Style: It probably shouldn't come as a surprise for a fashion model who half-assed most of her wrestling training, but Danielle isn't exactly the best at grappling or technical skill. What she's good at is, for lack of any better term, catfighting - slapping, scratching, punching, and pulling hair to wear down her opponents, while still using the token suplex every once in a while if only to justify her being in a wrestling organization at all. As such her performance is quite clumsy and uncoordinated, and she can't reliably pull off more complex holds - and by extention she isn't good at getting out of them when they're turned on her. Despite the shortcomings, though, Dani's style does have its advantages. Without a defined art to her tactics, she can prove unpredictable in the ring, often leaving her opponents guessing as to what she'll do next, and giving them no chance to prepare a defense. Since she focuses more on what hurts than what sets up a favorable position, too, she can hit hard where it counts - since Danielle fights dirty and uses whatever she can to get the upper hand, she's not afraid to use damaging moves that can put an unprepared opponent at her mercy.
Favored Match Types: Although Danielle is perfectly fine with standard matches, being a garbage wrestler (not that she would ever use such a disgusting term, of course!) she's really in her element in gimmick matches, preferably those that don't require her to do much actual wrestling. As the sadist she is, she enjoys any chance she can get to demean and embarrass her opponents in humiliation, bra-and-panties, and similar matches, and she's happy to take part in beach or bed matches to let her flaunt her looks to the crowd.
There's one other point here, though. You wouldn't think that someone as high-class and snobby as Danielle would have any interest in hardcore matches - and that's where you'd be wrong. Dani takes great pleasure in hardcore, no-DQ, and no-holds-barred matches because they give her free reign to punish her opponents without having to worry about any silly rules and regulations holding her back, and it helps cover for her lack of wrestling ability if she's allowed to beat people with chairs. Of course, if she's the one to bleed, she isn't going to be happy about it.
Finishing Moves:
Koronco Buster
Les Onze
This move is a modified Garvin Stomp, except instead of jumping to land her hits, Danielle stands on top of a downed opponent and stomps them from there. She also counts from one to eleven in French for each hit she lands, hence the name.
Relationships with Other Characters:
- Gail Whitaker is one of the very few people Danielle doesn't hate, owing to the fact that she was one of the few people who reacted to Danielle in a fashion other than absolute disgust and actually has some respect for her. She's willing to work with her as a partner in crime for her schemes, when she needs another person to provide a hand.
- Gil is, despite Danielle's insistence to the contrary, one of her few honest friends. While the Frenchwoman argues that a common fool like Gil is woefully beneath her and that to so much as associate with her is demeaning to her status, ever since their first match, Gil hasn't held anything against the redhead and is willing to meet her on pleasant terms. Despite Dani finding her insipidly annoying (sometimes, she even means it), she does, deep down, value her company, and Gil makes her feel like someone cares about her.
- Jade Cho might have started out as someone Danielle singled out in an attempt to make herself look good, challenging her to a POW bed match in the hopes that Jade would be at a disadvantage. To Dani's surprise, though, Jade actually beat her - and then, even more surprising, rather than lord over her, Jade chose to treat Danielle to her company. There, Danielle was able to open up to her about how she felt truly appreciated in a way she rarely ever did, and Jade, in turn, revealed her infatuation with the Frenchwoman. She agreed to pledge her loyalty and service to Danielle, treating her as a bodyguard would their charge.
- Alexa Taylor is a rival of Danielle, ever since their shared backgrounds in modeling led to a clash at a photoshoot. Danielle considers herself to be above Alexa in her manners and status, and she considers her an annoying pest who can't hold a candle to her. The fact that Alexa herself seems determined to undercut her doesn't help matters.