[Mixed] Bengal, the Blaze Tiger

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[Mixed] Bengal, the Blaze Tiger

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »


Name: Bengal
AKA: The Blaze Tiger
Age: 27
Hair Color: Black (Natural Color), White (White Tiger Outfit)
Eye Color: Orange (Classic Outfit), Blue (White Tiger Outfit), Dark Brown (Natural Color)
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 140 pounds

Entrance Music: Combustion by Meshuggah

Nationality: India
Hometown: Kolkata (see History section)
Alignment: Heel
Fighting Style: Primarily a striker, with a special focus on kicks and knee strikes. Occasionally uses technical submissions. Often a dirty fighter.

Signature Moves: Claw Rake, Jumping Knee Strike, Kamigoye, Single-Leg Boston Crab, Cobra Clutch, Split-Leg Drop

Finishing Moves:

Ambush Predator (Super Kick): Bengal surprises her opponent with a swift, vicious kick to the chin. Simple, but effective.
Burning Bright (Burning Hammer variant): Bengal lifts her opponent onto her shoulders, then smashes them down headfirst. This dangerous move has been banned in many leagues. Bengal will often attempt to distract the referee, so she can hit Burning Bright while he's not looking.
Fearful Symmetry (Koji Clutch): Bengal doesn't use this submission as often as her strikes, but that doesn't make it any less devastating when she does. By trapping her opponent's head with her arms and crushing their neck with her leg, she quickly forces them to tap out.
Blaze Barrage: A striking combo that utilizes Bengal's clawlike nails. First, she kicks her opponent in the legs to bring them to their knees. Then she repeatedly slashes them across their face and chest. She finishes off with an uppercut knee strike that knocks them onto their back. Finally, she pins them, either by hitting a Banzai Drop, or simply stepping on them.

Strength: 6/10
Endurance: 6/10
Speed: 8/10
Striking: 8/10
Submissions: 7/10
Aerials: 6/10
Counters: 7/10


Classic Outfit (Black and Orange)
White Tiger Outfit

Bengal is a longtime heel who seeks to get heat from the crowd by any means. She has a nasty habit of continuing to attack defeated foes, even after the bell has rung. She is arrogant to the point of overconfidence, often neglecting opportunities for easy wins so that she can deliver one more taunt or insult. She also tends to be dismissive of wrestlers she has not encountered before, leading her to underestimate newer and younger talent. Mistakes like these have cost her more than a few matches, but Bengal’s stubborn nature makes it impossible for her to admit when she is wrong. If she ever did offer a competitor some token of respect after a match, it would probably be backstage, where no one in the crowd could see her.

Bengal was born in Kolkata, India, into a large and wealthy mercantile family. Her parents provided her with every advantage in her education and athletic training, but they also rigidly controlled her life, down to the most trivial details. One of her few escapes were the trips that her family would take to Sundarbans National Park, where she first glimpsed wild Bengal tigers. While she recognized that the giant cats were dangerous, Bengal also admired their solitary and self-confident nature. Unlike her, the tigers were bound to no one’s rules or expectations; they were free to take what they wanted.

As she grew into a teenager, Bengal began sneaking out of her family’s estate at night, traveling into the city to seek out matches in Kolkata’s burgeoning professional wrestling scene. At first, she was just a spectator, but she soon discovered that she had a talent for competing as well. However, she knew that her parents would never allow her to become a high-profile wrestler if she stayed in India. They considered the sport to be crass entertainment for the masses, unworthy of someone carrying their family's pedigree. The growing conflict between Bengal and her family eventually led to the young woman breaking ties with them, before leaving India altogether.

Exactly when and how Bengal left her home country are secrets that she keeps closely guarded from the wrestling community, along with her original name. She somehow made it to America when she was eighteen, and began wrestling in underground leagues across the country. She took the ring name of “Bengal” after the region she hails from, and modeled her costume after the tigers she had loved in her youth. Even after years of slowly climbing up the ranks, Bengal still demands that announcers say she is from Kolkata; she claims, with some bitterness, that this is to remind herself that she can never go back. If there is more to the story, she refuses to admit so. She currently resides in Denver, Colorado, though she travels frequently.

A few years into her time in America, Bengal joined an indie federation that focused on tag-team matches. She started teaming up with Renee Steinhauser, a fighter from Saint Paul (OC belonging to ReneeCockyUndercard). The two formed a close bond, promising to never leave each other behind, but this was not to be. When their fed put on a rare singles exhibition match between Bengal and Renee, which Bengal ultimately won, a talent scout offered her a position in a much more prestigious organization. Tempted by fame and glory, Bengal forgot her promise and agreed. Even worse, Renee had secretly seen the whole thing happen. Since that day, she has looked for a way to challenge Bengal again, and get revenge for the way she was betrayed.

For her own part, Bengal did not find life in her new position as easy as she had expected. Her opponents were more challenging, and she no longer had Renee’s support. Desperation forced her to begin using dirty tactics. The hate she received from the crowd embarrassed her at first, but now she takes a grim enjoyment from it. Her sullen, arrogant attitude has made her unpopular amongst her fellow wrestlers. She has few close relationships; much like the tigers she emulates, she now lives a mostly solitary life.


1 Win - 2 Losses - 0 Draws
Win VS. Renee Steinhauser: (View Here) Bengal betrayed her former tag partner in what was supposed to be a friendly exhibition match, breaking the rules with dirty moves and ultimately winning via submission. (This match took place before Bengal joined L.A.W. and is not counted as part of her record.)

Loss VS. Katsumi Oshiro: (View Here) Bengal put up a valiant effort in her debut match, but was defeated and pinned by the Punk Princess after suffering her devastating Nightmare Bomb.

Loss VS. Fuse Kiyoko: (View Here) This "I Quit" match took place in an unusual venue: a hotel room! Bengal got some early offense in, but interference from Fuse's little sister Handa threw her off. In the end, she was wrung out and forced into verbal submission by Fuse's Sisterly Hold.

VS. Scurvy: (View Here) Submission Match. Ongoing

Win VS. Hitomi Ayase: (View Here) Bengal dominated in this Iron Woman match, defeating her rookie opponent six points to zero.

VS. E'isa: (View Here) Ongoing

VS. Lexi Romero: (View Here) Ongoing

VS. Iori Nagato: (View Here) 2 Out of 3 Falls Match. Ongoing

VS. Ashley Morgan: (View Here) No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere Match. Ongoing

PS - Thank you very much to ReneeCockyUndercard for helping with many details of Bengal's backstory. And thanks to XXVV for commissioning the amazing portrait of Bengal in her white tiger outfit! Artwork by Ambiguous Illustrations (see Instagram link below).
Last edited by BengalTheBlazeTiger on Wed Feb 26, 2025 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Bengal's Roster Page. I'm open to match requests and ideas! You can also message me on my Discord: kestrelhath

If you want to see more pictures, or writing about Bengal's non-LAW matches, you can check them out on my DeviantArt page.

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