Elizabeth Garner-Willis - Bewitching Lisa

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Elizabeth Garner-Willis - Bewitching Lisa

Unread post by Galahad »


Personal data:

Name: Elizabeth Garner-Willis
Wrestling monicker: Bewitching Lisa
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’10” / 1.78m
Weight: 150lbs / 68kgs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Face
Entrance music theme:

Wrestling Information:

Strategy: She would try to compensate for her lack of wrestling skills by becoming the ultimate honey trap, alluring her rivals with the use of her body in several ways including smothering or docking until she can take things to the mat and sexually submit her rivals.
Type: Alluring sex-fighter

Physical stats:
Endurance: ★★★★☆
Her cardio exercises surely paid off.
Strength: ★★★☆☆
Has a decent amount of strength for an untrained woman of her age.
Speed: ★★☆☆☆
Quick shifting isn’t her main skill.
Defense: ★★☆☆☆
Doesn’t know how to effectively protect herself.
Technique: ★★☆☆☆
Her application of moves is a little lacking.

Wrestling stats:
Striking: ★★★☆☆
Thanks to her strength she can get some decent hits going.
Submissions: ★★★☆☆
Her weight helps her secure some basic holds despite her lack of technique.
Powerhouse: ★★☆☆☆
Her pain tolerance isn’t her best asset.
Aerial: ★☆☆☆☆
Definitely not willing to risk injury by making aerial moves.
Countering: ★★☆☆☆
Not proficient in escaping holds with her skill. Would rather try more distracting methods.

Hentai stats:
Composure: ★★★☆☆
Can maintain her focus well, at least whenever she wants to.
Allurement: ★★★★☆
She is almost irresistible. Only cold-headed rivals could deny her charms.
Orgasm Resistance: ★★★★☆
Can take pleasure for some time before she goes beyond the edge.
Endurance: ★★★★☆
Most rivals would see their willpower break before hers does.

Preferred Matches: Anything hentai, the kinkiest the stipulations the best.

Favored moves: Smothers and immobilizing moves like grapevines, legsplit facepins, jacknife pir, schoolgirl or double leghook pins, all of them she spices up with some sexual moves.

Finishing moves:
  • Tree of ecstasy: A tree of woe she uses to pleasure her rival.
  • Class’ on session: She indulges in a schoolgirl pin by pleasuring herself against her rival while she does good work of them with her hands.


Wrestling Attires

Elizabeth is a refined and classy woman. She knows how to handle people really well and her demeanor is always one composed and with style. That isn’t rival with talking things in a direct way, but she knows how to get to the point without presenting herself as blunt. Generous with her friends and family, always tries to surround herself with people and mingle with the only exception of when she wants to relax or just spend some time with her husband. She always tries to charm her way out of a bad situation, circumventing uncomfortable exchanges.

Elizabeth’s youth was a pretty regular one as the daughter of a middle class American family. She was grown to be an educated woman with some generousness within her without neglecting her own needs. She wasn’t the best at her studies but her performance wasn’t bad either, not mediocre but not great either. With time her main draw also surface: she was capable of elegantly getting around people, showing some class and distinction from a very young age that made her look older than she was.

Flashforward to her early 20s, a recently graduated Elizabeth joined a company as the secretary for one of its executives, Gabriel Willis. Time would create a bond between the two and a couple years later they were starting a relation and two more years after that they got married. At first she maintained her job, but seeing how it could harm her husband’s career she decided to retire and enjoy some accomodated life, indulging in a relaxed and pleasant lifestyle. Her marriage was a happy one, she found a true kindred spirit in Gabriel and Elizabeth was experiencing true happiness with it, so someone in search for drama wouldn’t find it in this story. Their marriage was based on trust and communication, the two of them enjoying several benefits and liberties that only made them feel even more united. One of these things slowly grew to become an interest in sexual wrestling. First they started enjoying watching it together and before they could realize Elizabeth was playing with the idea of taking part in such matches and Gabriel was just excited about it, so she started taking some classes and with time Elizabeth was reaching LAW for a tryout that ended with her joining the roster for some sensual action.

Fun Facts:
  • When she started dating her now husband she had some rough time when some people around her tried to slander her by saying she was a gold digger. The memories still give her some anxiety.
  • She likes gardening, using a decent part of her penthouse’s space to grow different kinds of flowers.
  • Really enjoys the witchy aspect of her persona. She just loves witches and their pop culture image.
  • Swims pretty well since she used to compete while in high school.
  • Her family calls her Elizabeth, her friends Lisa and only her husband can call her things like Liz or Lizzie.
LAW Record and Information
Wins: 1

  • Lisa's debut against Ishigami Yuto in a hentai submission match ----> click here
Last edited by Galahad on Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:54 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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