Confidence Laid Bare

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Confidence Laid Bare

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The House of Fuuka Yamagishi
Fuuka Yamagishi sat at her computer, putting the finishing touches on an email address to Collei Kushti, her most recent opponent in LAW, whom she had defeated in an oil match by submission. But the bluenette had been left somewhat unsatisfied by the match's conclusion; she felt that Collei had given up far too easily in the end. Submitting before Fuuka had actually applied the hold that she had intended to defeat her with. Her email was as follows:

Greetings, Collei. This is Fuuka Yamagishi. If you do not remember my name, we recently had an oil wrestling match against each other. I would like to invite you to my home for a training session. I could help you with oil techniques if you would be interested. I have also heard that you are something of a sexfighting specialist. So if you are willing, you could practice some of your hentai moves on me to help me train my hentai endurance. If you are interested, I can send you my address and we can decide on a date and time. Well wishes; Fuuka Yamagishi.

Fuuka looked over her email one last time for any errors before sending it on its way. It was a bit concerning how easily available the contact info of LAW wrestlers was to each other considering how many of them wished genuine injury and suffering upon each other. But if nothing else, it had been rather convenient for Fuuka in this instance. She did do cybersecurity as her day job, so Fuuka probably wouldn't have had too much trouble getting her hands on a way to contact Collei one way or another. But she was glad that she didn't have to resort to anything intrusive to reach out to the Young Lioness.
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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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It had been a couple of days since Collei's somewhat dismal display at the hands of Fuuka Yamagishi. The match had knocked her confidence a little, and she still had her doubts about her skills, to the point where she cried that night. The following day, she spent the entire day indoors, watching matches and looking up things that interested her. She was a completely different girl to what she used to be. And it wasn't what the greenette needed.

Today was meant to be a similar day, a cooling off period for Collei to regather her thoughts and try to cleanse her mind. She had already been told by LAW that she had to get out eventually, since she still had to do matches on occasion, and she knew that. She just needed time. As she was watching a match on the LAW website, she got an email from a new contact. She opened it up, and it was from Fuuka. She was a little shocked when her previous opponent suddenly came back to her, asking to train with her. It was flattering to say her say that she though she was a sexfighting specialist, which she was unsure on saying, as there were far better fighters than her, but she was decent enough at them. She quickly thought about how to reply.

Hello Miss Fuuka, a pleasure to meet you once again. I do remember our match, and though it was short, I had fun. I would love to come over for a training session, since you are inviting me to come. I would love to hone my techniques in the lewder fighting scene, plus learn some things about oil grappling in general. As you no doubt saw there, that was my first time. I am almost always free, provided its not the dead of night or I am on a card that day, I can come over whenever you wish. I could even come over in the next hour. Yours Sincerely, Collei Kushti

Collei felt the weight of the world lifted off her after writing that email. She felt like training in something she wasn't good at with someone who was not only skilled, but also had competed against her in a match, was a wise decision, and Fuuka had very graciously reached out to her. Plus she was also able to help Fuuka with her problems too.

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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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Fuuka got a reply back from Collei very quickly. Enough so that the computer whiz could only assume that the Young Lioness had been at her own computer when the email was sent. Fortunately, Collei was open to a training session with her, even willing to come over the same day. Sooner than Fuuka was planning, but still something she could do just fine.

Fuuka sent another email back, giving Collei the address and telling her to come over in a couple hours so that there was time for the bluenette to get things set up. She was able to do so with more than enough time to spare until Collei was supposed to arrive. When Fuuka heard the knock on her door, she went to greet her guest, now wearing her wrestling attire. "Hello! A pleasure to have you here," she said.
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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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Collei's eyes lit up when Fuuka replied, agreeing to meet up with her in a couple of hours. She surmised on what she needed to bring over, considering what they planned to do. She decided to get a rucksack, before putting in her wrestling outfit as well as her bikini, just in case. She kept on her casualwear though, since then all bases were covered. Upon finishing this, she calculated that she needed about 30 or so minutes to reach Fuuka's house.

She set off 30 minutes before the agreed meeting time, her heart racing a little at the prospect of meeting Fuuka again, but not in a competitive sense. Despite only meeting once, Collei liked Fuuka, and she hoped the feeling was mutual between them. Soon enough, she reached the address, and she double checked her phone to make sure the house was the same one, which it was. She knocked on the door, and watched as it opened, with Fuuka stood behind it.

She smiled and waved at Fuuka as she greeted her, before stepping towards the door to go into the house. "Hello Fuuka, nice to meet you again, and thank you for the opportunity to train with you!" Collei said gleefully as she entered the cost home, looking around in awe. She noticed the staircase and quickly darted upstairs to get Chenango into her wrestling attire, the one that Fuuka was currently in, assuming that she wanted Collei to aldo be in hers. Upon finishing getting changed, she put her old clothes in a second bag, then walked back downstairs.

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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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"Bathroom is upstairs if you'd like to get changed into your wrestling attire in private," said Fuuka, giving Collei an offer that she quickly accepted as the greenette darted upstairs to switch to her wrestling outfit. "Hehe, it looks like we both switched from bikinis to proper wrestling outfits for today. You look good."

Fuuka then sat down, a blush rising to her face. "So how about we start with the hentai practice," she said. "I think it would probably better if we did the sexfighting practice while things are still dry. So. . . I was thinking I just lay here and take it for as long as I can until I cum, since I'm trying to build sexual endurance. Is that good with you, or do you want me to do something else?"
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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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Collei could only blush as Fuuka complimented her wrestling outfit, a professionally made outfit imported from her home city of Delhi, costing approximately $80. She sat down with Fuuka as she explained what they wanted us to do. It was clear that they were both going to get lewd with each other, with Collei nodding with each sentence that Fuuka said.

"I am more than happy to help you there. Is there anything in particular you want me to do to you first? Oral, fingering, denkianma, tribbing, breast play?" Collei asked, wondering which things Fuuka was weaker to, and hoping that she could help her in whatever way she could.

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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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"Um, well let me think," Fuuka didn't even know what two of those five things were that Collei just said. The Emerald Enigma might be a Young Lioness, but she was definitely the expert here when it came to sexfighting. The bluenette was a little embarrassed to admit that, so she would try to play it off as if she wasn't clueless when it came to hentai.

"I think you can start with whatever you want to. But I do want to get the full experience by the time we're done, even if you make me orgasm more than once while you're at it," Fuuka said. "I'm ready when you are. I can lie all the way down, stay sitting, stand. Whatever position you want for whatever you want to go for first.
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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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Collei smiled at Fuuka and nodded to her. She could tell that Fuuka was letting the Lioness take control of this, which made the greenette think that Fuuka didn't know much about sexfighting. She thought to herself for a moment, before sitting on a chair briefly.

"You don't know much about sexfighting, do you?" Collei said, wanting to get an admission from Fuuka. "I am not going to snitch on you or anything. We are friends now, and what happens between us stays between us." Collei said warmly, before standing up once again. "Lets start with fingering. Could you stand opposite to me please, and move away the fabric on your vagina?" She said politely, wiggling her fingers.

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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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"Is it that obvious?" Fuuka said with a blush after Collei picked up on how little the bluenette actually knew about sexfighting. "I don't even have an idea of what denkianma or tribbing even are. And honestly, I doubt I'd even know what the other three things were if their names weren't as self-explanatory as they are.

"Okay, I can do that," Fuuka said as she slowly pulled her bottoms to the side, exposing herself to Collei. "But we don't have to just stand here like this and do it, you know? If you want, you can pin me to the floor, or put me in the kind of position you would use if you were going to finger me in an actual match."
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Re: Confidence Laid Bare

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"I wouldnt call it obvious, though the fact you habent give me many details on what you needed to improve on gave me thought. I am just glad that you aren't defiant." Collei said with a warm smile, trying to make Fuuka feel more at ease. "A denkianma is just a footjob on a womans crotch, generally rubbing their sole on her folds and using their toes to tease their clit. And tribbing is basically lesbian sex, with them both opening their legs up and pressing their vaginas into each other, before rubbing them together." The greenette explained. "We can do them later on, if you feel comfortable doing them."

Collei watched as Fuuka pushed her fabric aside and shpwed her vagina to her. She walked up and parted her own fabric aside, showing Fuuka her own vagina. "We will get to that, but for now, I need to see how you are at giving and taking pleasure. As I finger you, you finger me back. You will know how you are doing going by my moans." Collei requested, moving up to Fuuka and putting her right hand close to Fuuka's crotch.

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