A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

Unread post by Aifumi »

Standard Match
Stipulations: Hentai Allowed
Rules: WIn by 3-count Pinfall, Submission, KO or Disqualification. Ring out allowed.
Venue: LAW Arena
Attire: Normal

It's been a few weeks since Haruka had been in LAW and she's quite happy by the fact that she's now back to who she was, but not to the full sentence. Though she could admit, after years of not exercising and taking bumps, doing them once again could pretty much hurt and would lead to injuries if she wasn't careful. Though unwillingly, she pushed away all of the negative thoughts about her past and decided to watch back all her past matches. Surprisingly, it was still up in the 18+ site even though the facility and organization already collapsed. The uploader is an anonymous person, in which she assumes that maybe it's a fan, someone working for the cursed organization or the video was pirated. Nonetheless, Haruka watched how good she used to be and starts taking notes for what to do in a few situations based on the video.

She was then informed to be booked for another match. This time, against a Greek-British girl. Finally! A second chance for her to fight someone that isn't her race! She was intrigued to observe how other races wrestles as well, since LAW is an international promotion and somehow she still debuted against a Japanese. But somehow, this girl was rumored to be a punching bag back in the day, but she was unsure if the statement was true. Nonetheless, if it was actually true, Haruka would probably give some advice to her, considering she had went through the same struggles. No one deserves to be wronged and mistreated, as long as they don't do anything that suits it. She wore some casual clothes with her wrestling outfit in her handbag and drove to the facility. As she reaches, she hastily went to the locker room and took a warm and fragrant shower before changing into her wrestling outfit. Receiving the cue from the staff and her two assistants, She was ready to do her entrance and start a new day.

(Those final memories, in the darkness.)
(I strained my eyes in the line of sight.)
(Cold as it lays, mother's corpse)
(Scents of blood, so strong it could choke)

The whole arena went from a bright view into a blood red and menacing environment, as the crimson fighter's entrance cues in while red mists starts to form, covering the backstage entrance until the ramps, making the crowd pops and screams in excitement, curious about what will unfold a few seconds later. The fog hides whatever that was happening inside of it, as the female singer sings about memories, darkness, cold corpse and blood.

(An unknown query, in my nightmares.)
("Do you have any regrets?")
(The voices calls, in my head)
("Carry out, their punishments.")

While the singer talks about how revenge unfolds in someone's mind, two shadowy figure reveals itself from the dense fog. Both of them carries a coffin, walking slowly with the contents unknown.

While the singer screams her last words, the two unknown shadows lightly puts down the coffin, before they dance into the menacing red mists, continued with a sound of a click and thud, indicating the coffin is open, but still blurry as the dense fog covered its secret.

The fog finally clears, along with the lights turning bright once again, though partially red along her entrance video. The ramp reveals an open coffin, with Crimson Spring standing right on top of it.

"And her opponent...fighting out of Osaka, Japan, standing at 5'6 and weighing 121 lbs...With a piercing golden gaze and crimson locks, she DEFIES HER PAST and DEFINES HER FUTURE...Treading a path fit for the bold...THE CRIMSON SPRING...HARUKA MIYAZAKI!!!"

She slowly steps out of the coffin, as the crowd pops loudly and roars in pure excitement and happiness. She looks around the arena, while her ears listened closely to the cheering and the chanting.

She eventually charges to the ring, running along the ramp hastily. She enters the ring through sliding under the lowest rope, and climbs on the turnbuckles, doing flips around the ring as she moves from a corner to another, raising her arm or poses for the crowd while climbing it.

After her entrance was done, she goes down from the turnbuckle and rests on her corner, leaning on it, while waiting for her opponent.
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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

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Here Louise was, a week after her shameful defeat, hypnotized by her bare breasts in her bathroom mirror. She could remember all the ways her adversary humiliated her that night—she fell back to the bottom just as quick as she rose to the top; defeated by a rookie to boot. It gave the brunette heroine more than enough to fill her head going into her next match. She had questioned if she should enter the ring in her new, skimpy attire. It worked wonders when she was someone that was more than just a pretty face, but now, she was made out to be a joke on national television. Moreover, her own beauty used against her to seem like nothing but a helpless bimbo.
In a pained rejection, she accidentally knocked over a few bottles, biting her lower lip bitterly. Surprised by the racket, a few other girls, scantily clad, rushed inside to identify the noise. Louise brushed it off as a purely mistaken gesture, but in spite of that, one of the girls wrapped her arms around her shoulders and pecked on her cheek with pastel pink lips. She used to do the same, slaving away at the club. She didn't plan on going back to that.
Louise brushed away the plethora of sex workers, unable to admit that her loss was in any way her fault. 'She was surely going to win this match in all her feminine glory', she thought, rubbing thick layers of makeup over her face. She hadn't seen her brother since that very defeat. She couldn't; not until she came back stronger.
She soon got dressed into her ring attire and had her limo driver take her to the stadium, where her next opponent was bound to be waiting. Immediately getting out of the limo, Louise was bombarded with nuclear levels of light from all angles. She waved and gave the press a gentle smile, essential for her role as a face, treading down the isle of fans carefully in fear that she might slip.
It wasn't long before, she was once again on the grand stage—adored by loving fans as her entrance music played. She noticed her brother in the crowd, and waved hesitantly, getting into the ring. She noticed her opponent on the opposite side; pretty but covered in the guise of one of those airheaded heroines from anime. She couldn't get herself to feel an ounce of fear for Haruka. She had gruelingly honed her new skill to the point that she could sent any attack back just as strong, and just as proficient.
Louise walked up to Haruka, glaring up at her. She was only taller by an inch, but she didn't let them intimidate her. The drunken brunette got close enough to her opponent's face, that she could feel her soft breaths.
"You look like a good girl, maybe you should get out of the ring before I take that away from you," she threatened, placing her hand beneath Haruka's chin, disregarding the size difference.
Ring Attire [Lovestruck Outfit, V2]
Last edited by MidMorii on Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

Unread post by Aifumi »

As Haruka rests on the turnbuckle, the light blares accompanied with her opponent's music and the crowd cheering. Haruka was quite intrigued on who her opponent actually is. The type of costume that Louise wear probably turned Haruka on a little, but the red head knows it's not the time for her to be falling over another girl and instead focus on the upcoming match. Other than her opponent's full name and where is she from, Haruka would barely know about the details of her opponent's life but then, Everyone thet she had a match with at this point are just complete strangers after all. She was hoping that Louise would live up to her aligntment, being a face. But unfortunately. Her adversary would be a little cocky then she expected as soon as she was going to extend a hand for a handshake.

"Huh? What are you doing!? Aren't you supposed to be a babyface like me??"

A disgusted expression was visible on Haruka's face, as she slaps Louise's hand that was cupping her chin earlier, to make the girl retreat. She wasn't expecting her opponent to behave this way. To say that this was a gimmick, she was informed that Louise was a face and this was supposed to be a normal friendly match, just like her past matches. She then realizes that her opponent might be actually acting for real or drunk, but she couldn't let her opponent to be that cocky easily.

"and take what? My innocence? Once you leave this ring, you'll see yourself taking the lesson that I'm going to teach you!"

As the atmosphere became even more tense, the referee didn't waste any time to start a match between them. The showdown begins as both women circle each other around the ring and Haruka would have her hands ready in a stance in case if her opponent would go for a lockup or any attacks first. She didn't plan to initiate, so she's currently feinting to avoid any risky moves that her opponent would do.

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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

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Louise knew not to underestimate her opponent—not after her last match. She had to win this match to prove she wasn't just a 'face' as everyone expected her to be. Perhaps she didn't want to be seen as a face anymore; that she was more than just a sweet and kind girl. Those tended to be the weak ones; the ones who weren't ever capable of doing a damn thing. The mere thought angered her and fueled her with more than just alcohol.
"The h-heck do you know about me?! I'll be the one doing the teaching today, little miss babyface!" she asserted; hand barely able to stay still on her hip as she failed to even curse in her drunken state.
Louise wanted to tear the girl apart and show the audience that she wasn't going to be anyone's pretty little doll: not her manager, not Mashiro, and sure as Hell not Haruka. Seemingly losing all cool, she reached for her opponent's hair, hoping to smash in Haruka's face. She had to send a message, and Haruka surely didn't make Louise want to hold back after her insults.
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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

Unread post by Aifumi »

The reply that the red head obtained from her opponent was quite overwhelming as she starts to make up all of the possibilities and scenarios in her head. Was she wrongly informed? Did her opponent went through a tough time? Why did a face wrestler like her became rude and cocky in front of the camera? There must be something wrong behind the scenes and Haruka was determined to find the cause of it. Plus her opponent sounds, drunk..? How did the management let her go through a show if she is currently in this state?

"I may not know much about you but that's not the way you're supposed to behave!"

Still in disbelief on what her opponent had became, even though bell had rang, she was yet to notice that the match had already started. As she was lacking the anticipation, her opponent had already grabbed onto her ponytail as she was shoved to the front. Her head would eventually meet with Louise's with a big impact of a headbutt, making her knocked backwards as she held onto her own forehead with one had. Getting visibly pissed, she tries to retaliate with a hard slap onto Louise's face.

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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

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Louise, taken by surprise, stumbled back onto the ring's surface. The soft-faced brunette bit down on her lower lip, almost a habit of whenever she begins to be overwhelmed in a match. It only seemed to piss her off more as she tried to force her foot into the stomach of Haruka, expecting her to fall out of the ring where she could do more damage to her.
Internally, she thought Haruka was pretentious and very self-righteous. She thought, "Who was Haruka to judge her character? She was still the same girl from her first match—she just has more confidence in herself. The Hell was Haruka to tell her those things??"
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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

Unread post by Aifumi »

Haruka was completely pissed from the headbutt, as she was still dazed and disoriented from it after her slap towards her opponent. This was the only match in Haruka's life that started with a hard hitting move to initiate the fight. She finally understood that her opponent was really someone that's the opposite from what she would've expected and this might be an experience for her to prepare before fighting a heel next time.

"Uhh.. my head! Why do you do- AH!"

Completely not noticing what her her adversary had planned, she would be instant pushed and shoved backwards with Louise's boots, planted onto her stomach that was hugged by the fabric of her red swimsuit, now a little bit wrinkled and messed up as she walked backwards unwillingly. Thanks to her reaction time, She has now managed to focus back into the match and bounces back from the ropes instead of falling off from it, launching a fast superkick with her legs and boots extended in the air charging towards Louise's face.

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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

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Louise was gleaming from her initial attack being successful, but from the moment she bounced back from her attack, she fell back to high alert. After her first defeat in the ring, she had practiced long and hard to reach a new level of awareness and skill that wasn't present in her other matches—she had to win this; she was absolutely guaranteed to win this.
She swiftly dodged her opponent's boots, picking up her legs just as fast and somehow mustering the force to slam the frankly light-weighted redhead back onto the ring's mat.
"You're clever and innocent like I used to be. You'll understand soon enough that being a jobber or a face is no more than a deceiving title meant for audiences to know what a cute little bimbo you are; and what a body you have for it." Louise remarked.
Last edited by MidMorii on Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

Unread post by Aifumi »

("Ah, shit!")

Somehow, her opponent seems to be way more agile than her. Since her debut, she was yet to miss a superkick onto someone, but somehow this British girl managed to see through her and dodge in time, making the red head unbalanced standing with only one leg. Eventually, her adversary would be able to take her down with that leg, leaving her to crash down onto the canvas as she lies on her back flat onto it.

"Nnhh... You don't know what it really means to be a face! Plus, I'm not that innocent like what you'd assume. I'm just holding back because I don't want people to see the brutality that I'm capable of.."

The red head would slowly get up from the fall as she replies, still dazed from the impact even though it was a simple bump from the takedown. She would take time to stand up, which would give her opponent a window of an opportunity. But if her adversary wouldn't act, she would try to charge towards Louise and lands a spear to push her towards to turnbuckles, so that she could follow up with some other moves.

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Re: A perfect tutor for self-reflect: Haruka Miyazaki (Crimson Spring) vs Louise Heisenberg (The Graceful Undead)

Unread post by MidMorii »

"Maybe I'm not a face! Maybe I was never meant to be one!! You stupid bitch!" Louise declared.
With this, Louise felt a wave of frustration simmer down her head. Almost as if she got a heart attack, she felt her body quiver in anger, unable to understand what she said. These very words that came out of her mouth were that of someone that knew something about their own past. Since her youth, she barely even remembered how she became a jobber; all she knew was that she hated it, and she associated it with being a face.
In a chaotic frenzy, Louise dashed down towards her opponent, slamming a knee into the belly of Haruka, then repeatedly punching her face in until her idiot opponent would finally realize that she was in no place to be so pretentious.
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