Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.


Despite it being a minute before Keith Fox’s first LAW match, he wasn’t in the gorilla. He was directly above it, as a matter of fact, hanging out in the rafters, covered in the shadows, where the bustling crowd below couldn't see him. The ring crew worked with his harness, rigging him up, going over all the particulars for the stunt her was about to pull, and all he could think of the whole time was one solitary thing.

This was dumb. ”This is really dumb.”

Aika, his agent, came in over the headpiece with her calm, reassuring voice, the same one she’d been trying to use on him several times that day with varying levels of success. ”Keith. Kid. You need to relax. Everything is perfectly safe.” Keith wished she could’ve seen the skeptical look in his eye when she said that. ”These guys are professional, they’re not going to let you fall. Trust me. This isn’t all that different from your bungee jumping stunt in the Grand Canyon.”

”This is totally different from that.” He sighed and gave the restraints on his back a tug, trying to work them around to be comfortable without messing up the fit. The absolute last thing he needed was a wardrobe malfunction. ”I only went over once, for starters. This is me flying out over a crowd, and I'm not sure-”

Aika’s sigh tickled his ear. ”You've just got pre-match jitters. I've been there, it's natural.” Keith looked down again, scanning over the audience. He was only supposed to be fifty feet up, but damn, it felt like twice that. ”Relax. Focus on the match. You’ll be fine.”

Keith was still hearing those words in his head a few minutes later, when his theme music was playing and he found himself soaring over thousands. The people cheered, pointing his way as he flew and cameras flashed below him, and he threw his fist up and roared back. For the most part.

HolyfuckfuckfuckfuckYEAH, BITCH! Fuckfuckfuckfuck-"

Keith made it down to the ring, nearly hitting the ropes with his leg before he managed to get it up at the last second, and came down to a running stop in the middle of the ring. After enjoying the feel of solid ground beneath his feet, he untethered the harness, let it zip away, and then ran a few laps around the ring, pumping his feet and soaking in the applause. Not the worst way to start your in-ring debut.

He was never doing that again, though. Fuck that.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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Backstage, watching on the monitors, Riza wasn't sure if that was one of the coolest entrances she'd ever seen, or if that was one of the dumbest things she'd ever seen anybody risk themselves doing, especially before a big wrestling match, and wondered, briefly, if she'd ever do something like that...

No...no way, fuck that, that was dumb, she would never.

What she would do however, was finish wrapping her wrists and hands in wrist tape, finish lacing her boots, and go out and kick some ass. Her last time being in a major wrestling promotion had been a failure, something that she had been embarrassed by for too long. This time, in Law, in Japan, so far from home, she was going to redeem herself for that failure. The past few years had seen her merely flirting with the idea of being a fighter, as she tried to figure out her future since leaving the military, but now, she was fully dedicated to it, fully committed to job of being a professional wrestler, and everything that came with it. The wrestling, the hardcore matches, the big entrances...even the hentai stuff. Heck, honestly, that part kind of sounded fun.

But for tonight, all she had planned was going out to that ring, and taking this "Youtube Boy" to town, and introducing herself to the LAW crowd by choking this social media star out!

Hmm...maybe knock him out with a knee?

Nah...choke him out. Totally gonna choke him out.

Finished with her attire, green and white camo pants, hard boots, and white bikini top, an outfit designed specifically to give her a tough, but attractive image, Hawkeye grabbed her matching vest and left the locker room just as an assistant came into the locker room to tell her that her music was queued up. It was show time.

Her theme began to play as the former solider came out, getting a much smaller reaction than the famous social media star, getting only a polite applause from some of the crowd, and plenty of wolf whistles and catcalls from others, which all just made her smile. Sure, they didn't know who she was now, but that would change.
She looked around the size of the arena, whistling at the size of the crowd, feeling some anxiety and nerves at the size...but shoveling those down, taking a few deep breaths, she rolled under the ropes, entering the ring and getting up, immediately moving to the center of the ring and nodding over at her blonde opponent.

"So, your Keith huh? I don't know what I find more surprising, that a big social media star like you is doing wrestling matches, or that I got lucky enough to get to choke out a big star in both his, and my, first match here. You trained well for this? I don't want to go easy on you just because your famous."

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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”...the fuck?”

Keith’s eyes shot up when he heard Killswitch Engage over the loudspeakers, heralding his opponent’s arrival. Not because the music was terrible or anything - he liked his music more lowkey, but as loud, screeching metal went, that didn’t sound bad. But it wasn’t at all what he expected from a military chick. He would’ve expected something a little more patriotic, like a sousa march, trumpets, or Bob Dylan. This sounded fitter for some uber-goth dripping with Hot Topic. To each their own, though.

He overcame his surprise and moved back to his corner, lounging against the turnbuckle as she descended. He was surprised again, but in a good way: As it turned out, Hawkeye was every bit the stunner she seemed on her Twitter pic. Sometimes you got catfished with these things, and Keith knew the power of a good filter more than anyone. But no, she had it all - the looks, the hair, the smile. Easy 10 out of 10.

”Okay, okay.” He ran his hands through his hair as she came into the ring, psyching himself up. Remember, be confident. Stand straight, put a little swagger in the step, get a little cocky with the grin. Emanate that Alpha Male energy.

”Yeah, I’m Keith Fox. Feast your eyes.” He stepped forward and spread his arms out, giving her the complete view. ”And yeah, no, nobody’s getting choked out today. Least of all me, pretty lady.” He walked around to her side, looking at her from a different angle. ”Nice, nice. My bad for the ‘flat ass’ comment, whoever took your profile pic got a bad angle.”

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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Riza loved metal, all the metal. Helped pump her up in her workouts and her daily routine.

Plus, pop music is lame. Regardless, hearing the blasting drums and heavy growls of her theme song helped make her feel pumped and excited, fully energized for the fight that was to come, and after their twitter exchange, Hawkeye was hoping Keith was ready for a fight himself. Not that she took social media seriously, but she'd be disappointed if he just talked a big game and then wasn't impressive in the ring as well.

She "feasted her eyes" on him as he wanted. Taller than her by an inch or two...looked a bit heavier than her...but not by any large amount at least. Not much advantage over her, so that was good. He was handsome, she'd give him that.

...and he was checking out her butt. She knew that would happen in this league, given the famous hentai matches. There was a point early in her career where that would have made her blush and fluster her. Luckily, she had practiced for that in the indies, and so the comment about her body didn't fluster her at all, the beautiful blonde putting her hands on her hips and giving her butt a small shake, just small ones, while offering him a friendly grin.

"You trying to flatter me, youtube boy? I'll never turn down a compliment for my butt...and if you don't mind me saying..." Hawkeye copied his actions, walking partly around the blonde man to check him out equally. "...You're not so bad yourself honestly. Butt's not as good as mine though...and before you get any thoughts in your head, you won't be seeing my butt anytime soon...unless I knock you out with it, of course."

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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Keith kept his smile on as they circled, making sure to keep with a cocky act, not wanting to let the facade slip for even a second. This was fun and cinematic, like two rivals facing off in a movie. Lots of Creed vibes. It helped that Riza was in a good mood by the looks of it, not taking their Twitter beef too seriously. He’d gotten death threats off way less confrontational interactions online, never knew how people would react.

And he certainly didn’t mind getting checked out. He put a lot of work into his glutes and gave them a little flex to show them off as she passed. ”Yours is better.” Keith gave a quick whistle. ”But don’t make promises you can’t keep, babe.”

”Okay, okay.” The referee, a petite blond with bouncing curls, moved between them and ushered them towards. ”Enough of that, let’s get it started.”

Keith would’ve been okay going back and forth a little more, but he followed instructions and moved to the center of the ring. He dropped into his grappling stance and glanced down, taking a moment to ensure everything was in its proper place. Legs spread wide for a good base, feet at the correct positions, arms up, hands open…yeah, this was good.

The bell rang, and he lunged forward, looking to meet up with Hawkeye and kick this off with the standard collar-and-elbow. He had a lot of tools in his arsenal that he was willing to try out, but he knew better than to go crazy right from the start. Needed to gauge her a little first.

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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The impromptu flirting moment was cut off by the referee, getting an eye roll from Riza as she moved to the center of the ring, similar to Keith, and dropped into her own stance, legs spread, knees bent, arms up, fists clenched. She was extremely curious as to what kind of training a social media star would have gone through, and how it compared to her own training from both the military and pro wrestling training.

Personally, and no offense to the man, as he seemed fit if nothing else, but she wasn't expecting much.

He lunged at her, right at the start, arms spread wide, grappling, had to be going for a grapple or a tackle, one of the two. A lock up challenge then was it? Well...it would be rude to not accept.

Riza spread her arms, shifted her legs, and opened her fingers, catching and locking them around his own digits, immediately feeling his weight and force start pushing her backwards...and instead of pushing back, she pulled him closer, lifting her leg and pressing her boot against his chest before falling backwards, pulling him over her and using her leg for leverage to try and throw his body over hers with a monkey flip right out of the gate!

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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It might have seemed like a small thing, but Keith considered the simple act of successfully tying up a big thing. He hadn't immediately tripped or fallen flat on his face, hadn't screwed up the footing, hadn't made himself look like a total idiot—a good start.

The jitters might’ve seemed odd for a guy with millions of viewers, but this was a different kind of pressure. On YouTube, the only interaction you got was in the comment section, and he paid a guy to wade into that cesspool and pretend to be him. Here, anything he did would get instant feedback. If he fucked up, they would let him know it, and it wouldn’t be subtle. So the fact that, so far, they weren’t pelting him with trash or anything was a good sign in his book.

He didn't overlook that Riza seemed to have enough strength to hold her own against him, too. He was taller and a little heavier than her, but she had a better build overall - if he weren’t stuck playing the asshole, he would’ve asked about her workout routine and maybe offered to get her into his gym for a video. He’d been thinking about doing more fitness content, but that never seemed to get the best views…

He was just starting to ponder the possibilities when he noticed that she wasn’t pushing back against him - no, she was pulling him forward, planting her knee against his chest, putting him on a path that would have ended with him on his back. Slick move, no question, but that didn’t mean he couldn't handle it.

Instead of fighting her, he pushed into the move and threw himself forward, adding more momentum to hers and cashing it in all at once. He threw his legs up, performed a full flip, and came down on his feet, immediately shooting up with his arms held high, looking out to an impressed crowd.

”Ten out of ten, baby!” He bounced on his heels and soaked the praise. ”Woooo!”

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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Well son of a bitch, he actually flipped through it.

While Keith was busy soaking up the applause for his impressive landing out of Hawkeye's monkey flip attempt, Hawkeye was rolling over to her front, raising an eyebrow as she stared at the man, admittedly impressed that he actually managed to pull that off. Maybe there was something more to this youtube boy than she had originally thought when they were trading light hearted barbs on the twitter.

...still left his guard down though.

Hawkeye moved in to take advantage, hooking one arm between his legs and wrapping it around his thigh, while angling her body directly behind his leg while she was on all fours, before pulling back, looking to trip him over her body and land him on his back, with her hooking his legs up and pressing her body against them for a school boy pin attempt!

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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”Yeah, that’s right, let me hear it!” He put a finger to his ear. ”Who’s got the goods, Japan? Who’s got the oh shit!”

Keith had been busy soaking in the moment when he felt something grabbing him by the leg. He barely had time to register that before he was pulled over, dumped on his back, and folded over, with the referee starting a count straight away.


It took a full second to process what had just happened, more than enough time for the referee to count once more.


Panic set in, her straightened his legs and threw himself to the side, flopping over to his back and breaking the pin just as the referee’s hand was coming down for a final time. Half a second longer, and he’d have taken a loss that no amount of internet spin could justify.

”Whew! That was close.” He rolled to his feet and backed away, moving into his stance once more as he retreated. ”All right, Private Barbie, credit where it’s due, you had me there.” He wiggled his fingers and began to inch her way. ”Feeling lucky? Want to try that again?”

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox - Going Viral

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Damnit, she had been so close! Sure, not the most impressive way to win, far from it in fact, but she had to admit, scoring a win within the first minute of her match wouldn't have been a bad way to start her LAW career at all.

She grinned at Keith, holding up her thumb and forefinger, symbolizing how he had been SO close to losing it all tight then and there.

"That close YouTube Boy...there's a lesson for you, sometimes a split second is all I need to win."

As he approached again, she did similar, this time looking to lock up with him properly and start pushing hard against him!

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