Pruning the Rose

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Pruning the Rose

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

The gym, on most days, would have seen all of its facilities being utilized by many members of LAW; as it was the go-to to train and prepare for upcoming matches. However, today was unlike most days, as this was something that Jack would find out. Going by the call sign of Blades, Jack was a new entry into LAW. Not much was known about him by other contenders when he joined, as he had yet to enter a debut match. It may or may not have to do with some complications regarding his past, but it was something that could eventually be overturned in time. For the time being, he came to the gym today. For the most part, he was here to strictly train so that he could stay in top top shape.

Of course, he had other ideas in mind for some fun. However, an opportunity needed to present themselves...or herself in this case. As he scouted around, there weren't too many people around; meaning little potential for getting acquainted with someone today.

That is, however, until he happened to notice on individual by herself. Curious, he moved to approach to get a good look; while also making sure not to make it appear like he was staring at her.
Last edited by ZorzLeth on Sun Aug 13, 2023 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pruning the Rose

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The gym wasn't as busy as usual, Rose wearing some shorts and a sports bra just shrugged it off as she usually worked out alone anyways. Today was leg day for Rose, she may have lost all of her matches in LAW so far but she wouldn't let that discourage her from working out as she walked to part of the gym away from the other people in the semi empty gym to do her squats as Rose also turned the music playing in her ear buds up. Rose glanced back and saw a newer looking guy looking at her brushing it off thinking he was just lost and not actually staring at her as she began her squats.

Rose Reference


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Re: Pruning the Rose

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Jack noticed that this pink-haired gal saw him, but considering how she didn't react, he believed that she thought he was looking at something else. This provided the opportunity to get a good look at her. He picked up some weights and started to do lifts as he would sneak a quick look at as she was doing squats. He wanted to see just how good looking this gal was.

Of course, he had to pay attention to his weights so he made sure to focus a bit on his workout as he observed this woman. He would sneak a look at both her backside and front side. As he did, he noticed she had music buds in her ears, meaning it would be tricky to get her attention without being so obvious. He would wait for the first opportunity for her to take those ear buds off.
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Re: Pruning the Rose

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Rose would continue her squats for a few moments before stopping and standing up for a few moments and taking quick rest and rolling her elbows before leaving her spot and looking for the punching bags. Rose walked past Jack not even knowing who he was simply greeting him with a warm smile and a "Good afternoon" walking right past him to the punching bag where she began working on her kicks and her form. The pink haired woman gave the punching bag a hard kick causing her ear buds to fall out but Rose didn't seem to care as she continued to work on her kicks sending another hard one into the bag before a few quick and lighter ones before backing up for a second and thinking if she was doing anything incorrect or not.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Aug 13, 2023 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Pruning the Rose

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Jack gave her a nod, a smirk and a wink as she greeted him. He examined her as she walked past and dang she had a form that he could have fun with. As he continued working out, he would peek at the woman and noticed that as she was kicking the punching bag, one of the ear buds would fall out of her ear.

Perfect. Jack thought to himself as he decided now was an opportunity to make his move. He put the weights down as he approached the woman. He bent down to pick the ear bud up.

"Excuse me miss, I think you dropped this." Jack said to the woman, offering her the ear bud, before continuing with a smrik, "I have to say, based on those kicks, the rose definitely has thorns."
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Re: Pruning the Rose

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Kaelyn saw a guy walking over and picked her ear bud up in front of her, not even realizing it fell out. "Oh, thank you, didn't realize I dropped it" Rose said with a smile thanking the stranger. "As for the kicks ehhhh I mean I guess I have thorns when I want to" Rose said shrugging before giving the punching bag another hard kick. Rose did find it weird how the same guy was following her a bit but she just brushed it off and ignored it thinking he was just friendly and awkward not unlike herself from time to time..


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Re: Pruning the Rose

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

"I'm sure you do." Jack responded in kind as he gave the ear bud. He examined her legs as she moved in to kick the punching bag again, "So, trying to practice some type of move before an upcoming match?" Jack would engage in conversation with this woman, trying to make it feel natural and make it look like he was curious as to what she was doing. He was body was a couple of feet away from the woman as to not make it like he was in her face of anything.

Still, he was feeling a slight urge, but he kept it repressed for the time being.
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Re: Pruning the Rose

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"I don't really have a reason to do this, I just kind of like kicking the bag as part of my work out sometimes, That and it kind of helps stretch out my legs a bit" Rose answered before sending one last kick to the punching bag. Rose decided to humor the stanger and approached him a bit but not much, leaving about a foot and a half between them. "Well you some how knew my name was Rose, what is yours? Rose asked with a smile having to admit the stranger was decent looking to say the least.


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Re: Pruning the Rose

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Before Jack could respond, he was almost thrown off when this woman responded with him knowing her name already. It took him a quick second to realize this before he chuckled.

"Now that was a lucky guess...technically" Jack said with a laugh as he shrugged his shoulders, "I just though it would be a suitable compliment for one like yourself." As he cleared that up, he then said, "Name's Jack. Since you said that you are doing this as a stretch, I assume that you have some kind of workout in mind to stretch for."
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Re: Pruning the Rose

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

'Thanks Jack you're so sweet" Rose relied with a small smile when Jack let her know he guessed her name on accident when trying to give her a compliment. But when asked why she was doing the kicks Rose once again shrugged she really didn't have a specific workout, she had some thing she did regularly and some stuff she died once and awhile."If I'm being honest, I'm just doing it because I find it fun also, I know that might seem lame but it is what it is" Rose said taking a step closer to Jack.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Aug 13, 2023 4:38 am, edited 2 times in total.


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