Victory conditions: pinfall, submission, knockout, disqualification
"It took too long." Itone said coldly, adjusting her wide fabric belt.
"Don't be a bore, sister," Yaone's voice sounded much more encouraging. "You've been very busy lately anyway, so it's even good that it took some time to find a debut match."
Victoria pursed her lips slightly and adjusted her glasses. She sensed a clear reproach in Itone's words, with which she absolutely disagreed. Being a manager, the brunette always tried to fulfill her duties perfectly, regardless of the circumstances. And although in this case, the search for a debut match for the Frost Birds really took quite a long time, she did not see it as her fault.
"The tag team division is not in the most stable condition right now," the Englishwoman said in order to clarify her position on this issue. "The fingers of one hand are enough for me to count the already existing active teams, the rest only unite in stables for a very short time for the sake of trying to win titles." A glint ran across her glasses. "So instead of complaining that it took time, you should be grateful that I found a match for you against a strong and famous team."
Itone turned around and gave Victoria a hard look. Perhaps she understood that the Englishwoman was right, but she was not used to admitting mistakes. She was even about to say something, but Yaone lightly slapped her on the shoulder and handed her the kendo stick. The eldest of the Hidesato sisters clearly took it all more calmly.
"And we are really grateful," Yaone said, after which she slightly tilted her head. "Isn't that right, sister?"
"Yes, that's right," Itone admitted, agreeing with her older sister. "Thank you for your work, Victoria-san."
"You're welcome." the Englishwoman nodded.
It was still difficult for Victoria to find the right points of contact with them. Yaone and Itone are currently the last to join her team. Both Hidesato sisters, like most Japanese, were quite biased against foreigners. However, the Englishwoman was not going to prove anything to them, because the results of her work spoke for themselves. Yes, so far not all members of her team have had the opportunity to shine in the spotlight, but all in good time. Her golden trio managed to win a place in the hearts of people, and she was sure that the rest of her team members would also be able to prove themselves over time.
"It's time to go!" Yaone smiled, folding her handheld fan.
"That's right..." Itone calmly confirmed.
"Good luck then!" Victoria said finally.
"No need!" Both sisters replied in unison.
After leaving the locker room and leaving the manager alone, Yaone and Itone headed down a long corridor. The younger sister's face was almost completely emotionless, at least that's what anyone who would have looked at her at that moment would have said. And although the shadows of emotions on her face were barely discernible, Yaone read them like an open book, she knew her sister too well.
"You know you don't have to be like this while we're alone," she smiled. "Come on, tell me, what's the matter?"
Itone looked at her sister. Most considered her as cold as ice, because she actively supported this image. This was what her family demanded of her. However, emotions were really hidden under the mask of indifference. And now, while no one was looking at them, Itone allowed herself to relax. Just for one second. But that second was more than enough for a wide smile to appear on her face, and a fire lit up in her eyes.
"I really want to win!" She confessed, which made her older sister nod approvingly.
The Hidesato sisters entered the waiting room and stopped in front of the curtains. They really had responsibility on their shoulders, because the reputation of the great Hidesato family depended on their successes and failures. However, they weren't here just to glorify their family. Yaone came here because she loved excitement more than anything, she liked the adrenaline running through her veins during a fight. Itone, despite all her composure, passionately wanted to be a winner in everything. But the most important thing was that they wanted to show everyone that...
"As long as we're together..." said Yaone, putting on the mask and then raising her right fist.
"Nothing can stop us!" Finished Itone, also putting on the mask, and then hitting her sister's fist with her left fist.
Entrance Music
Entrance Attire

Their music started and along with that, it started snowing at the top of the ramp. At some point, as if out of nowhere, the wind appeared, turning snowflakes into a real blizzard, it was at this moment that the Frost Birds came out from behind the curtains. Pressing their backs to each other, they stood sideways to the audience and at the same time turned their heads. Their faces were hidden behind kitsune masks, but this only increased the effect of mystery that they brought with them.
To loud applause, Yaone opened her fan and made a wide upward swing, while Itone firmly and confidently lowered the sharp tip of her kendo stick straight to the floor vertically down. Only after that the Hidesato sisters took off their masks, which further increased the noise level in the arena.
The Frost Birds began to descend the ramp. They both moved smoothly and gracefully. Considering that it was their debut, they managed to get a really warm reaction from the audience. Not the least role in this was played by the fact that their outfits literally personified the whole Japanese culture. Their family was truly ancient and they still strictly observed the traditions.
Yaone had a big smile on her face, because she was clearly enjoying the attention they gave them. And although Itone did everything in her power to hide it, she also liked the enthusiasm with which the audience greeted them. The Hidesato sisters slightly quickened their pace because they both felt the desire to be in the ring as soon as possible.
Yaone and Itone climbed the metal steps and then slipped between the middle and top rope. When they reached the center of the ring, the sisters exchanged glances and briefly nodded to each other. They synchronously pulled each other's belts, and then each of them made a spinning movement. After that, it was enough for them to unbutton the clasp just below the neck and their dresses, along with belts and metal plates, slid down.

Presented to the audience in their wrestling swimsuits, they received another round of applause. Yaone and Itone pressed their backs against each other again. Itone placed the sharp tip of her kendo stick on her shoulder, and Yaone playfully covered part of her face with her fan. It was at this point that their music ended, and the arena was filled with cheers.
Handing the referee the fan and the kendo stick so she could take care of this and the rest of their entrance costumes, the Hidesato sisters headed to their corner. Despite the fact that their family was famous, they did not expect to receive such a loud reaction from the audience. Yaone bounced several times on the tips of her toes, and Itone slightly stretched the muscles of her arms. They were ready. And now they could only wait for their rivals.