[Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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[Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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Match type: tag team
Victory conditions: pinfall, submission, knockout, disqualification

"It took too long." Itone said coldly, adjusting her wide fabric belt.

"Don't be a bore, sister," Yaone's voice sounded much more encouraging. "You've been very busy lately anyway, so it's even good that it took some time to find a debut match."

Victoria pursed her lips slightly and adjusted her glasses. She sensed a clear reproach in Itone's words, with which she absolutely disagreed. Being a manager, the brunette always tried to fulfill her duties perfectly, regardless of the circumstances. And although in this case, the search for a debut match for the Frost Birds really took quite a long time, she did not see it as her fault.

"The tag team division is not in the most stable condition right now," the Englishwoman said in order to clarify her position on this issue. "The fingers of one hand are enough for me to count the already existing active teams, the rest only unite in stables for a very short time for the sake of trying to win titles." A glint ran across her glasses. "So instead of complaining that it took time, you should be grateful that I found a match for you against a strong and famous team."

Itone turned around and gave Victoria a hard look. Perhaps she understood that the Englishwoman was right, but she was not used to admitting mistakes. She was even about to say something, but Yaone lightly slapped her on the shoulder and handed her the kendo stick. The eldest of the Hidesato sisters clearly took it all more calmly.

"And we are really grateful," Yaone said, after which she slightly tilted her head. "Isn't that right, sister?"

"Yes, that's right," Itone admitted, agreeing with her older sister. "Thank you for your work, Victoria-san."

"You're welcome." the Englishwoman nodded.

It was still difficult for Victoria to find the right points of contact with them. Yaone and Itone are currently the last to join her team. Both Hidesato sisters, like most Japanese, were quite biased against foreigners. However, the Englishwoman was not going to prove anything to them, because the results of her work spoke for themselves. Yes, so far not all members of her team have had the opportunity to shine in the spotlight, but all in good time. Her golden trio managed to win a place in the hearts of people, and she was sure that the rest of her team members would also be able to prove themselves over time.

"It's time to go!" Yaone smiled, folding her handheld fan.

"That's right..." Itone calmly confirmed.

"Good luck then!" Victoria said finally.

"No need!" Both sisters replied in unison.

After leaving the locker room and leaving the manager alone, Yaone and Itone headed down a long corridor. The younger sister's face was almost completely emotionless, at least that's what anyone who would have looked at her at that moment would have said. And although the shadows of emotions on her face were barely discernible, Yaone read them like an open book, she knew her sister too well.

"You know you don't have to be like this while we're alone," she smiled. "Come on, tell me, what's the matter?"

Itone looked at her sister. Most considered her as cold as ice, because she actively supported this image. This was what her family demanded of her. However, emotions were really hidden under the mask of indifference. And now, while no one was looking at them, Itone allowed herself to relax. Just for one second. But that second was more than enough for a wide smile to appear on her face, and a fire lit up in her eyes.

"I really want to win!" She confessed, which made her older sister nod approvingly.

The Hidesato sisters entered the waiting room and stopped in front of the curtains. They really had responsibility on their shoulders, because the reputation of the great Hidesato family depended on their successes and failures. However, they weren't here just to glorify their family. Yaone came here because she loved excitement more than anything, she liked the adrenaline running through her veins during a fight. Itone, despite all her composure, passionately wanted to be a winner in everything. But the most important thing was that they wanted to show everyone that...

"As long as we're together..." said Yaone, putting on the mask and then raising her right fist.

"Nothing can stop us!" Finished Itone, also putting on the mask, and then hitting her sister's fist with her left fist.

Entrance Music
Entrance Attire

Their music started and along with that, it started snowing at the top of the ramp. At some point, as if out of nowhere, the wind appeared, turning snowflakes into a real blizzard, it was at this moment that the Frost Birds came out from behind the curtains. Pressing their backs to each other, they stood sideways to the audience and at the same time turned their heads. Their faces were hidden behind kitsune masks, but this only increased the effect of mystery that they brought with them.

To loud applause, Yaone opened her fan and made a wide upward swing, while Itone firmly and confidently lowered the sharp tip of her kendo stick straight to the floor vertically down. Only after that the Hidesato sisters took off their masks, which further increased the noise level in the arena.

The Frost Birds began to descend the ramp. They both moved smoothly and gracefully. Considering that it was their debut, they managed to get a really warm reaction from the audience. Not the least role in this was played by the fact that their outfits literally personified the whole Japanese culture. Their family was truly ancient and they still strictly observed the traditions.

Yaone had a big smile on her face, because she was clearly enjoying the attention they gave them. And although Itone did everything in her power to hide it, she also liked the enthusiasm with which the audience greeted them. The Hidesato sisters slightly quickened their pace because they both felt the desire to be in the ring as soon as possible.

Yaone and Itone climbed the metal steps and then slipped between the middle and top rope. When they reached the center of the ring, the sisters exchanged glances and briefly nodded to each other. They synchronously pulled each other's belts, and then each of them made a spinning movement. After that, it was enough for them to unbutton the clasp just below the neck and their dresses, along with belts and metal plates, slid down.


Presented to the audience in their wrestling swimsuits, they received another round of applause. Yaone and Itone pressed their backs against each other again. Itone placed the sharp tip of her kendo stick on her shoulder, and Yaone playfully covered part of her face with her fan. It was at this point that their music ended, and the arena was filled with cheers.

Handing the referee the fan and the kendo stick so she could take care of this and the rest of their entrance costumes, the Hidesato sisters headed to their corner. Despite the fact that their family was famous, they did not expect to receive such a loud reaction from the audience. Yaone bounced several times on the tips of her toes, and Itone slightly stretched the muscles of her arms. They were ready. And now they could only wait for their rivals.

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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This is what we need! No more singles matches to win at Apex or getting attacked by some wrestler to take us out so they can get an easy tag match. This should be a good clean match.” Amber could hope so. It had been almost a year since the two had last been able to team together. Between Amber’s injury taking her out of action and forcing Cheryl to find a new partner for her tag matches and then the two of them trying to get through Apex they had been busy in singles action or working with other people. It was strange! LAW was finally giving them a break by pairing them with a duo who looked fun so Amber was excited. Anything would be better than Vanessa again and Amber had some unfinished business with her and her partner who slipped her the weapon that cost her the match. That was later, now it was time to be a tag team. Something she was happy to repeat to Cheryl even though she needed it more. “We have to do good here. Get the win after some real tag team wrestling and remind the fans why we’re going to be the next tag champs.” That’s another thing that was on her mind that she needed to clear. Focus on what’s in front of her and let the rest come when it did. Pom Poms in hand and strategy on her mind she and Cheryl were ready to meet the debuting birds. The music played to signal the arrival of the popular team and the cheers only grew when the Pom Pom Punchers arrived twirling the Pom Poms on their hands while laughing and smiling. “Sorry to keep you waiting! We’re back and ready to Fight! Fight! Fight!” Amber punched the air with each chant and got the crowd to follow her example before she would skip along the barricade. Patting a few fans playfully with her Poms since it didn’t let her shake hands with them and she would beat Cheryl to the end of the ramp so she could take a knee and bring her arms together, ready to boost her up and send her over the ropes and into the ring before jumping in as well to give the crowd something else to cheer for and then turn to her opponents. “An actual team that looks badass? Cheryl I think LAW is starting to value tag teams again.” Whether her joke went over well with her partner she still stepped in closer to the opposite team. “Amber and Cheryl only have one thing for you two! A wholesome welcome to LAW Frost Birds!

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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Cheryl was excited to be teaming with Amber again, Miranda was fun to work with but she couldn't replace her blonde friend and the chemistry they had together. And it was nice that they seemed to be facing an actual team even if they were new. "Yeah, time to remind LAW how great we look in our element." Cheryl boasted jumping out with Amber while they made their entrance. After Apex had been a tough ride that ended with her match with Misaki Toyoda, Cheryl had been looking forward to going after the tag belts again while the Openweight situation sorted itself out. She was raising her pom poms to each chant to fight and bouncing down the ring to greet fans before they faced the two girls in front of them. They could've been sisters, twins even and they looked really cute and cool, just like them.

"No kidding, This is going to be fun!" Cheryl said before she pointed to the Frost Birds who watched them come down. "Welcome to LAW Frost Birds! Let's make this an awesome night!" Cheryl said while she took her pom poms off and would give a hand to either girl willing to take it, starting this match as respectfully as possible because they were really looking forward to it.

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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Yaone and Itone simultaneously turned their heads towards the ramp when the music of their rivals began. Both sisters had smiles on their faces. The only difference was that Yaone's smile was clearly gambling, while Itone's smile exuded cold confidence. Even though Itone usually studied every issue to the smallest detail, this time she listened to her sister's advice and did not try to look for too much information about their rivals' team.

However, both Hidesato sisters were well aware that Pom Pom Punchers is a strong and well-known team, and they also found success not only as a team, but also separately. Someone might have thought that this was a bad sign for the Frost Birds, because facing such a strong opponent in the debut is a serious challenge, but that's exactly what they wanted.

"Foreigners..." muttered Itone.

"Nah, I think they look cool, do you see how well they interact with the audience?" Yaone did not share her sister's skepticism. "You could do with being more open, too."

"I prefer a more graceful approach," the younger of the Hidesato sisters replied, proudly lifting her nose up.

When Cheryl and Amber were in the ring, Yaone joined the applause of the audience, because she really liked the energy that the Pom Pom Punchers carried with them. Itone remained unshaken because she was focused only on the result of the match, the rest was not very interesting to her yet.

The Frost Birds left their corner in order to meet their rivals in the center of the ring. However, Amber and Cheryl took the initiative, first approaching them and then greeting them. Yaone took a step forward without any hesitation and grabbed Cheryl's hand, shaking it vigorously.

"Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm Hidesato Yaone, nice to meet you!" she said with a sparkle in her eyes. "We've been training for a long time waiting for this moment, so don't count on an easy victory!" Yaone wasn't going to be rude, but she wanted their rivals to take them seriously enough. "Please forgive my sister, she's a little nervous!"

"I'm not nervous..." Itone said quickly, pursing her lips slightly due to her older sister's inappropriate behavior, as she was sure that Yaone had only done it to force her to greet their rivals. "I'm Hidesato Itone, nice to meet you!" Itone bowed slightly to their rivals, and then extended her hand to Amber for a handshake. "Let's not keep the audience waiting."

"And let it be a good match!" Yaone added enthusiastically.

When the greeting stage was over, the white-haired women returned to their corner in order to finish the final preparations for the start of the match. With a slight smile, Yaone stared at her sister, which caused Itone to slightly raise her left eyebrow. But quickly enough, she realized exactly what her older sister wanted.

"Don't even think about it!" said the White Swan.

"Oh, come on, where's your spirit of adventurism?" the smile on Yaone's face widened.

"Baka onee-san..." Itone sighed heavily. "Maa yoi..."

The sisters faced each other and half clenched their right fists. It might seem to someone that for unknown reasons they are ready to hit each other, but...

"Saishowaguu!" they said simultaneously, moving their half-bent fists back and forth.




Yaone completely clenched her fist, and Itone straightened her palm, spreading her fingers. The paper covers the rock! Yaone slightly pursed her lips as she wanted to be the one to start this match. However, this is the whole point of gambling. You never know what exactly awaits you.

"Kuso..." she muttered. "Okay, sister, you have the honor to shine first!"

With these words, Yaone slipped between the middle and top rope, taking her place on the apron. It was now obvious that Hidesato Itone would be the one to start this match. The White Swan grinned and then turned to face her rival.

Taking a deep breath, the white-haired woman clenched her right fist and raised it to chin level. Her left palm was only slightly bent and she moved it a little forward. With a brief nod to the referee, she made it clear that she was ready to start the match. Now it remains only to wait first for the same confirmation from her rival, and then for the bell to ring!

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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Despite her smile Amber came down observing these two for any signs of disrespect. She knew how often people expected to face a tough team and immediately relaxed when they saw a bunch of cheerleaders coming to meet them. The smiles were genuine and one of them was confident but thankfully Amber could say neither one seemed to be assuming they were easy to beat. The more cautious younger sister named Itone greeted Amber and even offered a hand that Amber gracefully shook while Cheryl was greeted by the older, bigger and bolder Yaone. “Cute! The bird meets the Skye. It’s an honor to be your first opponent here. You both look great and really serious! We’re not looking for an easy victory either. But we still plan to win so let’s get to it and show these fans some real tag team wrestling.” Once she broke the handshake Amber would return to her corner with Cheryl to plan things out. “Cheryl I know that it might be smarter if you started since you’ve been wrestling longer while I was hurt and that’s the logical choice. Still I really need to go first this time despite how risky it is. I need to know I’m really back. Besides I might surprise them with my muscles.” Amber had to beg to make her choice and would start to walk to the center if Cheryl didn’t stop her. Ready to meet whichever Frost Bird was in her way which happened to be the one she shook hands with. “Okay Amber. This is it. This is how you really show them you mean business again.

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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Cheryl's introduction was getting a good reaction from the crowd, but her mind was focused on her opponents and how they took it. She was pleased to see a bright smile on Yaone's face before she moved in and took her hand for a friendly handshake. This was a promising start, no judgement from either of them for the routine or the attire. After the CWF Alumni it was exactly what they wanted.

"I'm happy to help make your debut great even if I still plan to win!" Cheryl said. The two cheerleaders backed off to their corner to start getting ready, where Amber insisted on going first while the sisters on the opposing side decided that another way. "I know your fully healed, my worry is if you're fully there? The match with VIP was tough." Cheryl said, but she could see Amber's determination and didn't have the spirit to crush it, especially since on the other side the younger sister won. Cheryl figured that Amber's brawn might be the better play against her anyway and that made up her mind. Cheryl looked at Amber and nodded in support before moving out of the ring to give her the start of the match, praying for Amber's safety.

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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It took some time for both teams to decide who exactly would start this match. But when Itone and Amber took a few steps away from their corners, the audience filled the arena with noise. Well, the choice was made, and now it remained only to wait for the signal from the referee. The white-haired woman nodded to the striped shirt, indicating that she was ready. And when the referee received the same confirmation from Amber, she waved her hand.


"Show them, sister!" Yaone shouted enthusiastically.

However, her cry was swallowed up by the cheers of the crowd, who were clearly impatient to see the match. Considering that the Pom Pom Punchers were more than a well-known team, the audience expected a lot from them. And although it was a debut match for the Frost Birds, they also wanted to find out how good the Hidesato sisters were.

Together with the ringing of the bell, Itone immediately rushed forward, approaching her rival. There was a cold determination in her eyes and she was not going to play number two, she felt responsible on her shoulders because the reputation of her family depended on the result of the match.

Having shortened the distance, the White Swan decided to bet on her speed, and therefore, first of all, she intended to throw a quick left jab at Amber's chin, but only to test her reaction, because immediately after that Itone was going to shift her weight to her left leg and swing her right leg in order to send heavy roundhouse kick.

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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I’m always here! Cheryl this is our world. Tag team wrestling. No one does it better when we’re together! I’ll never let anything distract me from doing my best work right here with you by my side! Trust me!” Amber was confident and ready. She’d been waiting for this ever since the attack. The moment her and Cheryl could get right back on the tag scene and show them she meant business. She went to start the match with Itone with that confidence still brewing within her. She would show everyone what she was good at. She would show Cheryl she could still be trusted as a partner! When the bell rang Amber brought her arms close so she was ready to defend herself and just in time for Itone’s jab. She was quick. Amber’s head turned to dodge and her arms came up just in case. The attack didn’t end there. Itone quickly became a spinning swan who turned herself ready to collect Amber’s head with a kick! “So quick.” an observation she made earlier was still true. Amber didn’t even think of blocking this one. If she could knocked off balance Itone would punish her while she stumbled. Instead Amber leaned back to get some distance from the kick from catching her and reached back to fall all the way. Her arms would hit the mat while her eyes watched Itone’s foot go above her and almost hit her nose. Close. Amber committed to the back spin and brought her legs up to follow her until she twisted around back to her feet. The moment her feet touched the ground again she pushed forward and charged right at Itone to give her a guard test she would jump and spin in the air to win a kick where Itone’s chest would be.

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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Despite the fact that Itone and Yaone were quite different from each other in character, they were both determined to win. The debut is one of the most important matches for any fighter, in a sense, the debut sets the tone for the whole future career. And since both Hidesato sisters were eager to bring honor and glory to their family, today they were both ready to do everything necessary to have their hands raised by the referee at the end of the match.

However, it was not difficult for Itone to notice that there was a lot of confidence in Amber's eyes. Her words, addressed to her partner, sounded as sincere as possible. This forced the white-haired woman to approach her attack with all seriousness because she had no right to give in to her rival.

Acting with cold determination, the White Swan threw her fist into her opponent's face. However, the blonde easily dodged this, which made Itone frown. However, the second heiress of the Hidesato family was not going to stop. Keeping the pace high, she added a quick and powerful kick to her attack, hoping that this time Amber would not have time to react.

However, the blonde showed really impressive skills, dodging the kick too. Itone's foot passed right in front of her opponent's nose, but the most important thing was that the blonde remained unharmed. Even more. Immediately after dodging, she rushed to Itone. Pushing off from the mat, Amber soared into the air, simultaneously turning around her axis.

"Watch out!" Yaone shouted.

If she had time, she would have cast an irritated glance at her sister, because even without her prompting, she saw the foot approaching her chest. Unlike her rival, she didn't have time to dodge it and so the white-haired woman had only one option left. Bringing her hands together, she created an obstacle in the form of two forearms between her chest and Amber's foot.

"GGHHHH!!!!" Came from her lips.

It was painful. Probably no less painful than if Amber's foot crashed right into her chest. Itone knew perfectly well that blocking a powerful kick with her forearms was far from the best idea. The force of the blonde's kick made the White Swan back away and it seemed that her attempt to defend herself did not help her at all. However, this was not the case.

Thanks to this, she kept her breathing even, which she definitely wouldn't have been able to do if she hadn't blocked that kick. And now she was going to take advantage of this in order to return her rival's debt. Instead of stopping, she began to back away even faster, causing her back to press against the ropes. The White Swan had both a sharp mind and sharp instincts. Until this day, she used it in order to find benefits in business, even if this or that situation seemed completely lost for her. And now she was going to use it in the ring.

Itone intended to bounce off the ropes and rush at high speed to her opponent. She wanted to catch Amber by surprise and if she succeeded, then nothing would stop her from stretching her right arm to the side in order to hit the blonde right in the chest and send her to the mat with a hard lariat!

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Re: [Tag Team Match] The Frost Birds (D) vs The Pom Pom Punchers - A thin line between passion and composure

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Amber realized her opponents quickness early on and found herself only barely avoiding both hits. She used her own speed to go on the attack and found that her defenses was pretty good too. Even though she wasn’t fast enough to dodge her arms came up to take the kick instead of her chest. A bit of protection that let Itone avoid the worst of that kick. Amber stumbled staying on her feet and went in to follow up her attack thinking Itone still lost her balance. Maybe she did however Itone planned to use that to her advantage going all the way to ropes and then bouncing off them to meet an approaching Amber with a lariat. Once that again that speed was a killer. Amber saw the arm come out and still had no time to react, the lariat was hitting her chest and taking her off her feet before she moved away. The cheerleader was sent into the air and down to the mat with a strange gasp for air leaving her when she landed. These two were no joke. Despite this being a debut they wouldn’t be easy to defeat.

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