The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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Standard Tag Match

"It's about time I get my final Apex qualifier, I think," said Chiaki Nanami as she stretched backstage. Talking to her partner, Fuuka Yamagishi, as they prepared for a tag team match against a new team named Nightmare Song. It was made up of two established wrestlers, Koto-chan and Hanabi Sakurai. But this was their first match together. Having teamed up to qualify for Apex themselves together.

"Am I the only one here who isn't a part of Apex?" Fuuka asked her partner. The bluenette had considered entering herself, but had ultimately decided against it.

"Yep. Sounds right to me," answered Chiaki.

"And you've fought the Kotone girl before too, right?" Fuuka followed up with another question.

"Yeah... Koto-chan beat me pretty handily," Chiaki had fought well enough to say that she didn't get rolled. But at no point during the match did the gamer girl look like she had much chance to actually win. "Oh. There's our music," said Chiaki as their team's song came on.
The Keyboard Warriors came out from backstage, making their way down the ramp towards the ring. Receiving loud cheers from the crowd along the way. Chiaki was going to take the lead, but at least for now until the match started, both Chiaki and Fuuka would enter the ring to wait for their opponents' arrival. They knew they had a really tough fight ahead of them, but they were ready to handle it together.
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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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"Mr. X is surely working us with this Apex stuff, right?" Koto said while she was lazily leaning against her locker, waiting for Hana to get ready, in front of her. She was always the first one to be ready. Their manager's been training them like crazy over the past few months for this event, she was always used to harsh schedules and routines, but she could only imagine how hard it would be for someone who wasn't.

"Well, it is the competition for a championship, Koto. He needs to be rough about it" Hana replied stoically while she finished putting on her attire, they needed to hurry the hell up, their music could start any second now. "I guess that makes sense... Still, he called this team Nightmare Song, don't know If I'm a fan, makes us sound like the bad guys"

Kotone was still wanting to be an idol, and rarely did Idols were nightmares, she'd rather be a sweet dream. But soon after she said that, the ground rumbled with the vibrations of their music, a song that according to their mysterious manager suits both girls for their backgrounds, whatever that means.
The song in question
"That's ours Kotone, move it!" "Y-Yeah!" Both girls were the fastest on their roster, making them the fastest team their faction had to offer. They arrived to the stage just in time, not looking exhausted at all for their big introduction. Hana knew next to nothing about these girls, but Koto spoke wonders of this Chiaki girl, so thinking less of them would be less than appropriate.
The Blue Idol
The Pink Nightmare
It was the time, the fan erupted into some loud ovations and whistles, they seemed to eat this new gimmick of the two girls whole. Much to Koto's satisfaction, they walked towards their ring where the Keyboard Warriors awaited them. Koto-chan was waving and posing for the crowd like the good show-woman she was, while Hana was walking determined with a neutral face. "Koto" "Huh?" "I will be a bad guy, if that's what it takes to win... Sorry for your Nanami friend"

Was the only words the Pink-haired Keijo-expert told the idol before both of them came to the ring to face their opponents.

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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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"Hmm, they certainly do look strong," said Fuuka as the Keyboard Warriors watched the entrance of Nightmare Song. "But they don't exactly seem in sync," she said, taking note of the differing dispositions of their opponents.

"An idol like Kotone playing up the crowd doesn't surprise me, but I don't really know anything about Hanabi to go off of," said Chiaki. She saw Hanabi say something to Kotone before they entered, but any hope of hearing what was said was dashed by the deafening roar the crowd was giving to the opposing duo. And Chiaki didn't have the lip reading skills to see that her name was said.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you two," Fuuka said once all four women had entered the ring. "Chiaki has told me a lot of good things about you Koto-chan, and I can only assume that your partner is as nice as you are. I hope we have a good match." Fuuka then gave a slight bow, and would wait to see if her opponents said anything back. Then she would slip out of the ring, leaving Chiaki as the lead.

"I feel the same," said Chiaki. "It's nice to meet you Hanabi, and it's nice to see you again Koto-chan." The gamer girl then dropped into a wrestling stance with a grin on her face. "So who's fighting first? I don't think that I can see myself trying to fight both of you at once going very well, after all."
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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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Hoping inside of the ring, Nightmare Song made it very apparent that they were an improvised twosome. "Hi Nanami-san!!! How are you? It's been so long! You look amazing! That new attire looks great on you!" for starters Koto's initial response was to give Chiaki a hearty followed by a very excited salutation upon seeing an old pal, very much overwhelming the poor gamer girl with her energy and enthusiasm.

"Hana Sakurai, It's nice to make your acquaintances" Hana instead was looking at her partner with a drop of sweat comically dripping down her forehead while her look was a mixture of exhaustion and annoyance, but even so, she still tried to remain cordial enough to her opponents.

Mixed first impressions aside, soon the team would get in game-mode once again, as soon as Chiaki questioned who would be the first to fight.

"I can start if that's okay, I did promise you that rematch last time if I recall" Kotone said with a smile on her face, to which her partner simply nodded with tacit agreement. Hana would leave the ring, not without sending a spine-chilling look Fuuka's way, as a manner of telling her that it will mean that they will most certainly fight each other, and they might not have their companions by then.

"Whenever you're ready Nanami-san, we're all eager for this, Isn't that right?!" She shouted to the crowd who gave her an exciting affirmation roar, Hana may not be the friendliest, but the idol definitely had enough rizz for the both of them. Getting in a fighting stance, Koto would also whisper something to Chiaki while she awaited for the bell, finishing it with a very suggestive wink.

"And I'll make sure to add lots of those smothers you enjoy sooooo much~"

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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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"Hey Koto-chan! Thanks, I'm pretty good. Your careers seem to be going pretty well too, I think," said Chiaki. Kotone's cheeriness was certainly a lot, but the gamer girl was just happy to see a friend again. Fuuka felt a little awkward seeing the interaction between the two from the outside, something which the idol's partner Hanabi seemed to feel as well, as she tried to break the ice with the Keyboard Warriors.

"Um, Fuuka Yamagishi. Likewise," she said with a similar expression to Hanabi.

"Right, I imagine Koto-chan has already told you this, but I'm Chiaki Nanami," she said to her fellow pinkette. "I'm sorry if we made you feel like you were locked out of the dialogue." Once Kotone declared that she would be the lead wrestler for Nightmare Song, Fuuka began to step out of the ring, thought not before catching a rather worrisome look Hana sent her way. Fuuka paused a moment before sending her signature sweet smile in return.
She thought it was funny, and she wasn't very capable of sending back a scary face instead.

Chiaki smiled as Koto-chan got the crowd more than ready for the match to start, and that smile would turn to a blush when she heard what the idol whispered to her. "Much appreciated, but you'll have to get me down first," said the gamer girl. "To be honest, I'm really wondering what it's like to be smothered by a Keijo player. No offense to you, but Hanabi's training and fighting style are built around those parts of her body. That experience has got to be something special, I think."

Once Chiaki was done wholeheartedly affirming her love of smothers, the bell rung. She knew that she had to go into Kotone hard to get her. Last time, when Chiaki had tried her usual style of building up to bigger moves with weaker hits, the idol had just powered through it and locked Chiaki in a hold. This time, the gamer girl would try the reverse approach. Trying to approach Kotone from an angle, Chiaki would start off the match with a Roundhouse Kick that seeking to hit the idol in her tummy.

Regardless of whether the kick landed or was blocked, Chiaki would shift her leg down and try and pull one of Koto-chan's legs out from underneath her and put the idol onto her back. If Chiaki was successful, she would try to follow up by taking control of Kotone's legs and tying them up into a Figure Four Leglock. If Chiaki was able to drop to the floor and lock in her hold, she would immediately start pumping her hips up to get as much pressure on Kotone's knees as possible.
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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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Kotone was doing her stretches while listening to Chiaki go on and on about her love for being smothered. She couldn’t help but chuckle. It was precious really, and to be fair, she did see the appeal. Specially for someone like her partner, Hana-bi was indeed a very desirable woman.

“Well, I can hardly blame you for your curiosity. And you bet that Hana is a smother expert! Her butt and boobs are thick and firm~ And when we practiced she almost send me to Idol-heaven… Don’t worry about it, once we’ve set the stage I tag her and you’ll get to experience aaaaaaall she has to offer~”

Koto said with a very teasing smile and tone. For all her idol pure-schtick, she was still not above being like this to her friends. And Chiaki was for all purpose of the word. Considered a friend to Kotone. The bell rang and the Gamer girl didn’t waste no time, trying to kick Koto from the get go.

“Heh, cute” She thought to herself, kicking was the idol’s expertise. Kotone would block that attack with no problem. However, the takedown was an entirely different story.

“Woah!” Koto fell down instantly, she didn’t had time to remember that Chiaki was quite the artful strategist before she was enveloped by the lock that made her wince in pain.

“Aughhh! Do you want to be smothered or not?!” Koto asked annoyed while she tried to drag her sorry ass towards the ropes for the break. All the while Hana looked on at the predicament with her fingers pinching at her frown. “Idiot”

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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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"Well I guess we'll see," said Chiaki when Kotone attested to the smothering prowess of Hanabi. Of course Chiaki wasn't going to just lie down and invite Nightmare song onto her face, she did want to win. It was simply that if the gamer girl had to lose, then she would like that defeat to involve a heavy dosage of smothers from the opposing tag team.

Like in their first match, Kotone successfully blocked Chiaki's opening strike, but the similarities would end there. As instead of the idol grabbing Chiaki and pulling the streamer into a chokehold, then pinkette instead was able to trip Kotone up and get her down onto the mat. Chiaki was then uninterrupted when she tried to lock the bluenette into a Figure Four Leglock.

Now it was Chiaki's turn to chuckle at Kotone's words. "I said you'd have to get me down first, didn't I?" Chiaki said to her pained opponent. "I can't just lay down and lose for you when I have a partner to support, fun as the two of you may make it for me. She got a glance at Hanabi as Kotone slowly dragged the two of them towards the ropes, and she did not look pleased with the antics of her partner.

Chiaki wanted to stop Kotone from reaching the ropes, since she understood that she probably wouldn't have a large number of opportunities to rack up damage onto the idol. But then again, the streamer didn't have a very good way to stop Kotone without releasing the hold and risking losing control as she tried to transition to something else. So even though Chiaki dug her heels into the mat and slowed things down as much as she could, her opponent eventually forced a rope break. Once the were both standing again, Chiaki would get aggressive to try to stop Kotone from starting an attack of her own. She would try to charge into Kotone, body to body, and wrap her arms around the idol. Then if all went to plan, the force would push Kotone back into the ropes, and Chiaki would then use the momentum from bouncing off to hit the bluenette with a big body slam.
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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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Categorizing opponents was a dangerous practice, one that Kotone was accustomed to use dreadfully too often. She apparently overestimated Chiaki's libido because of her initial approach and the result of their last match. She would pay early on for it with a painful punishment to her ankles. Causing the poor idol girl to drag herself pathetically towards the ropes in a desperate attempt at escaping the torment.

Hana on her hand, couldn't believe her partner would let herself be caught at the very beginning of the match. She had a high opinion of Koto as a disciplined martial artist. But as a fighter? That one was lowering by the second.

"Ouch... Ouch... Almost there..."" Koto spent a few excruciating seconds dragging her sorry behind towards the ropes, where she would finally manage to get a rope break and intend to get up, slowly and wincing all the while. She wouldn't have much time to lick her wounds, because Chiaki soon would attempt to grab her. Such an attempt would not give her much success against a striker like the idol, especially now that she was so freshly-pissed.

"No chances!" She would yell as her kicks and knee strikes would keep Chiaki at bay. But not enough for her to stop trying apparently. Koto would be pushed by the gamer towards the ropes, where then she would be subjected to quite a rough Body Slam on Chiaki's part. "Oughh!" Before the pinkette's body made contact, Koto would try to lift up her knee and force Chiaki to stab her own stomach with it. Nevertheless, the attack would still connect directly and make the blue-haired damsel fall once again due to her bad ankle, leaning on the ropes breathing heavily to ease the pain.

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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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Chiaki wanted so desperately to be capable of pulling Kotone back towards the other side of the ring fast than the idol could crawl to the ropes, or even just keep the bluenette stuck in place. But the simple truth of the matter was that Kotone was a bigger and stronger wrestler than Chiaki was. So for however frustrated Hanabi got at the idol's antics, the Keijo play would be able to take solace that Kotone bailed herself out with a rope break.

Chiaki wasn't expecting Kotone to be able to fight her off so soon after getting up, and yet the idol was trying to space out the gamer girl with her legs. But Chiaki's submission hold did have some effect however, as Kotone's kicks and knees were slow enough that Chiaki was able to parry and weave through them until she could reach her aim of grabbing the bluenette and pushing her up into the ropes to rebound off for a Body Slam.

Sadly for Chiaki, however, Kotone's defensive resources were not yet depleted. As the two fell, the idol pulled her knee up between their stomachs. Chiaki knew exactly what was coming before it happen, she just couldn't do anything about it. "AUGH!" Chiaki groaned as a sharp pain in her stomach spread throughout her entire body. Fuuka's eyes widened in both concern and confusion, as she lacked the proper viewing angle to see what Kotone had done. But she knew that her partner was likely in trouble.

In too much pain to effectively press the attack or retreat, Chiaki tried to push off of the mat with her foot and throw herself on top of Kotone's shoulders to cover for a pin. She did not expect this to work, but her body hadn't had enough time to recover to do anything else productive. The streamer had to hope that the idol took that impact a lot worse than she probably did.
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Re: The Rush to Apex: Keyboard Warriors vs Nightmare Song

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Koto's constant movement was key in her fighting style. That much was obvious, the reason behind it was that her original fighting style was entirely made out of kicking strikes, akin to martial arts like Tae Kwon Do. She never wanted something more... Flashy for her Idol style she uses in LAW. And with a combination of Keijo, purosesu, and other martial arts, she made a fighting style that sacrifices efficiency and technique for a good spectacle! This of course, meant that constantly she's holding back in her matches. But she was okay with that, it was never about winning.

That was, until this specific match. This was Apex the biggest event LAW has ever seen. The zenith of their careers in LAW. Or at the very least, for now. And such an important event required them to give it their best and thensome! So as soon as she was able to shake the cobwebs from her head, Koto would get on all fours, groaning all the while, before finally deciding on attacking Chiaki while the iron was still hot.

Dropping her leg on Chiaki's head for a very half-assed attempt at a Guillotine Leg Drop. Koto then would envelop the Streamer's head in between her strong thighs, attempting to start a headscissor on Chiaki, although her current situation would do it one that's less sturdy than usual.

"Heheh... You got me there, guess it's not only us that are here to win it"

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