Coffee for a crazy life (For Riders)

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Coffee for a crazy life (For Riders)

Unread post by Lederface »

Since Hitomi accepted to live in that new form, to a certain point in her lived a desire to do something specifically, and now that she really did not have much to do these days, Hitomi would take the day to prepare, being that the day before Hitomi had spoken by private message on Twitter to an old acquaintance, so then she would be about 5 min. before at the meeting place, a small cafeteria, where Hitomi with a quite casual outfit, would wait patiently for the arrival of an old acquaintance, that even though she was not a friend or a great person, she had things to talk and arrange anyway.

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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Re: Coffee for a crazy life (For Riders)

Unread post by The Riders »

Thereisa is outside regretting her choices, as she was given a message to appear at a cafe for someone to meet and talk to. as she is wearing her skirt and blouse outfit before walking inside the building and looking around for who wants to meet with her here. Before crossing her legs and crossing her arms against her chest, she walks over and sits across from the one woman she never expected to want to meet her... "Hello Hitomi, I fancy seeing you here right now." "What do you want to talk about with me?"

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Re: Coffee for a crazy life (For Riders)

Unread post by Lederface »

Hitomi finally saw the once sworn enemy, so she would smile and as they both sat down Hitomi would take a breath before speaking.

As you can see...... I'm no longer a risk to anyone.... .
She would say so pointing out that she now had a wheelchair.

I can guess that you have done better things .... The reason I wanted to talk, is not to make you feel sorry..... . But to know..... If there is any chance that between our families we can eliminate these problems....

Hitomi would say with a smile to Thereisa as she hoped to get something out of this talk, besides talking a bit about how life is going

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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