
Age: 18
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Purple
Height: 154 cm (5'1")
Weight: 42 kg (93 lbs)
Entrance theme:
Alignment: Face
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality Bi:
Fighting Style: Sumo
Preferred moves: Palm Strikes, various throws, suplexes, bear hugs, body press, drop kick, stink face.
Signature Move: Shinjou Combo (0:17-0:27)
Standar attire:





Backstory: Born the daughter of a Rich Russian industrialist father but lived most of her life in her mothers Homeland of Japan, Hinako was a girl seemingly always destined to stand out. This became abundantly clear when she developed her deep interest for the tradition of Sumo wrestling. This deep seated fascination and passion became a defining part of Hinako as she became fixated with the pursuit of proving that cute girls like her CAN participate in sumo. This combined with her foreign looks often made it difficult for Hinako to make friends with girls her own age and stifled her various attempts to get a girls sumo club started at her school. Not perturbed, she would participate in countless amateur tournaments which were open to girls. The final one she participated in before her graduation from high school (where she won quite easily) coincidentally was being watched by a law agent, who impressed approached her and offered a place in the promotion. Wishing to step up from the ameture level and knowing that the proper professional Sumo stables would never let her in, she chose to take the offer as a chance to use Sumo on what is technically (a) professional level.
Personality: Unfailingly polite and incredibly friendly. Hinako naturally approaches interacting with people with a combination of kindness but with a great degree of formality due to her upper class upbringing and history of isolation. Despite this when she Considers somone a true freind she will be very loyal. In the ring when her adrenalin is pumping and she's in the heat of a match she loses a good bit of her formality and shows a much more energetic, excitable and competitive side.