Such an embarrassing and painful loss definitely shattered Tia's momentum and she was looking to get back at Alaina soon. She had entered the gym, took a shower in the locker room, and changed from her regular outfit to her wrestling gear. Tia decided to get some an in-ring workout today and once she felt ready she emerge out the locker room and head to the practice ring.
As Tia was walking she was muttering to herself still salty about the hard loss she took from Alaina. She couldn't sleep without having nightmares about it and refused to even watch the match or look into the headlines. Instead of being humble Tia blamed it on bad luck and thought it wasent suppose to be her day. Still Tia would do whatever it takes to get her revenge on the "Amazon" and forget about there first match together.
When Tia got to the practice ring she put down her duffel bag and saw that someone else was in the ring...confused she immediately the ring apron to chat with the person who was inside the ring.
"hy mite...haow much toime do yah hahve? Oy koinda nayd t' use thiies ring!"