Real Name: Tilde Voclain
Age: 23
Eyes: Ice Blue
Hair: Purple (originaly black)
Height: 162.5 cm (5’4’’)
Weight: 78.5 kg (173 lbs)
Nationality: French
Alignment: Twener
Entrance Music:
Tilde is generally a pretty laid-back person, in her mind, there is little point in caring about little things and she adopts an attitude similar to thaoist philosophy to take things as they come and go with a flow. That being said it is very possible to get on her bad side and while she wants actively be malicious she will take any opportunity to stick it to people she dislikes. Aside from that, she can also be easily embarrassed which can lead her to a bit of an aggressive outburst that she will be very sorry for after.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Keeping her opponent off their feet. She is very adept at throws which she can perform seemingly out of nowhere and knows how to use opponent's size against them and if given an opportunity will continue to toss them around the ring.
Style: Powerhouse
Preferred Attacks: Any throws and lifting maneuvers along with some punches.
Preferred Matches: Any, especially good in over the ropes and TLC but not anymore interested in them than the others
Attitude To Hentai: YES! Wait! What?
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★☆☆ – Can take quite a beating but gets easily tired
Strength ★★★★★ – Incredibly strong, sometimes hard to believe
Speed ★★★★☆ – Don't get fooled by size she can be quick
Defence ★★☆☆☆ – If she is on defense it is not a good sign for her.
Technique ★★★☆☆ – Good in her specialty but not much else
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★☆☆ – Shear strength carries her through but not much skill
Submissions ★★☆☆☆ – Only basics
Powerhouse ★★★★★ – Gives free flight lessons
Aerials ★★✮☆☆– Not the most skill with that but can be dangerous if she pulls it off
Counters ★☆☆☆☆ – Can hardly defend countering is too much to ask.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Spinning sit-out uranage

Arm pull knee strike

Spider superplex

Crash bomb

Hentai Moves


Tilde’s life was all in all fairly unremarkable. That’s not to say there was anything wrong but she grew up in a loving family with both her parents and two siblings, was reasonably successful at school, and had a small group of friends she was close with. All in all not much to say.
The thing that changed that was her career in wrestling. She always was rather strong and liked to train, that even in her school days got her involved in a wrestling team though a style of classical wrestling didn’t suit her and she was from a very young age interested in pro wrestling. That led her to find a gym where she could train just that and soon after graduating she would start competing in the indies. There she would gather quite a following with both her style and rather characteristic looks which, in the end, led her to be scouted by one of LAW’s talent hunters.
Main Attire



Bunny Outfit


Loosing a Mixed Hentai Match


- Her scar comes from a motorbike accident.
- She spends a lot of time with young lions and will always help them train if asked.
- Has an enormous tea collection.
- Will try to deny but was a fan of LAW long before joining and will get excited at the prospect of fighting one of her idols.
- Has a bit of a muscle kink…