Sex: Female
Age: 25
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Black/Purple
Height: 4'11
Weight: 101 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music:
Wrestling Attire

With her girls

Quick opponent who can inflict mulitple types of strikes and submission holds. She is known to use various chemicals that she sneakily uses to defeat tougher opponents.
Attitude towards Hentai: "Oh my, that sounds interesting!"
Preferred Matches: Smothers, Hentai, Standard
Endurance: ★★
Strength: ★
Speed ★★★★
Defense: ★
Technique: ★★★★★
Strikes: ★★★★★
Submissions: ★★★★
Powerhouse: ★
Counters: ★
High Flying: ★★★★
Favored moves: Any type of strike, slam, and some submission hold.
Finishing moves:
“Dance of the Butterfly”

“Dance of the Dragonfly"
Shinobu displays a bright, friendly and cheerful demeanor, always having an easygoing smile on her face regardless of the situation she is in. However, her outward behavior is shown very quickly to be a façade. This is displayed in the way she enjoys teasing others, to the point of being rather sadistic about it.
Shinobu was raised in an upper class home. Her parents very much encouraged her to pursue a career as a doctor, and that's what she did. During her years in college, she would often see her roomates watching LAW on television and was intruiged by the idea of it. As she graduated, she was hired by an indie wrestling company as the head doctor. One day, an injured wrestler with a rude attitude came in and insulted the doctors small breasts, starting a fight between the two. Shinobu got flung around pretty badly, and some of her special sleeping medicine fell on her. Taking advantage of this, the small doctor was able to smother out the wrestler, mocking her as she did. However, this was caught on video by one of her coworkers and she was fired shortly later. Seeing potential in her, LAW contacted her and invited her to join them on the main roster as well as the medical department.
Fun Facts
- Shinobu's hairpiece was made by her mother.
Timeline/Match History