Damien "The Teen Demon" Davani

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Damien "The Teen Demon" Davani

Unread post by CageWarrior »

Damien Davani
"The Teen Demon"

"That's right, Satan has a Son! And this ring just became your personal hell!"

Name: Damien Davani

Alias: The Teen Demon, Satan's Son

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 18

Eyes: Amber

Hair: Brown

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 132lbs

Nationality: Hellspawn (Iranian)

Alignment: Sadistic Heel (Chaotic Evil)

Ring Attire
Deceptively warm smile...
That's more sinister
Ready to Rumble
He likes what he sees
Rare Casual Pic

Few know the truth about Damien, and the deep secrets he harbors. As far back as he could remember, demented thoughts have clouded his mind, leading him astray down dark and twisted paths. For most of his life he has thought nonstop of hurting others and being hurt, concocting all sorts of cruel ways to unleash pain onto others without mercy or restraint. Rather than unleash these violent tendencies on unsuspecting innocents like he did back home, Damien has learned to save these instincts for the ring, and present himself as a shy and timid young man on the streets of Tokyo.

While not completely innocent while in plainclothes, Damien also enjoys playing tricks and pranks on others, even if they lean more towards cruel than funny. This is especially true in a match, where he will use any opportunity to mock, prank, or humiliate his opponents in as mean-spirited a fashion as possible. The concept of rules is completely foreign to him, and he will avoid them all together if he thinks doing so will make his opponent's time in the ring more miserable.

The difference between Damien in and out of the ring couldn't be more night and day. When not adorned in his faux tattoos and mangled attire, Damien is often found secluded and keeping to himself. He is egregiously bad when it comes to making small talk, or any conversation for that matter, as he is afraid that he might say something off-putting enough that could end up revealing his true darker self to others.

In the ring however, Damien becomes much more in tune with his demon doppelganger. Days of muteness give way to incessant ramblings and violent tactics as he tries to extract maximum suffering from his opponent's and pleasure for himself. Being the sexual deviant that he is, any man or women unlucky enough to find themselves his opponent will often be subject to his perverse antics. Even in non-hentai matches, Damien satisfies his guilty pleasures by filling his opponent's head with disturbing and inappropriate comments.

Engrossed with the supernatural and the underworld, Damien spends his off-time heavily researching these elements and incorporating them into his in-ring persona. What started off as a creepy fascination has quickly devolved into a manic obsession, and Damien has completely convinced himself that he has been possessed by an evil spirit ever since birth, one that stems from no less than the devil himself. "The Teen Demon" persona he adopts while in the ring is far beyond a moniker for Damien. Not only does it act as the perfect outlet for him to express his rage, lust, and sadomasochism, but it also serves as a true representation of what he believes himself to be: A destructive spirit that's so wild and taboo that only the rings of LAW could nurture it. Victory is an afterthought to Damien. As long as pain and suffering flourishes in his ring, Damien counts that as a win.

Mr. and Mrs. Davani knew there was something wrong with their son Damien almost as soon as he could walk. Born under meager circumstances in Tehran, Iran, Damien wasn't afforded the luxury of having many toys to play with, but the few he did have would almost always find themselves mangled and mutilated. Fellow classmates only found themselves slightly better off, as Damien took a perverse pleasure in inflicting pain and misery onto just about anyone within reach.

His fascination with pain and suffered naturally came to guide his hobbies and interests. The world of the supernatural and demonic defined his aesthetic and tastes. He studies the evil spirits of all religions, incorporating elements of their cruelty into his own personal sadism. As tantalizing as his knowledge of suffering came to be, he needed an outlet to express it all. MMA quenched his thirst for brutal combat, while the world of wrestling provided him with insight on how to combine it with theatricality. While he was too poor to ever receive formal training in either of these medians, he studied them intently through tv programs and the internet, observing new ways to deliver and handle pain.

But watching wasn't the same as doing, and soon random street fights and beatings became a part of daily routine, with even most adults and teachers too fearful to intervene. He was equally feared and despised, but it wasn't until after one particularly brutal fight in his senior year of highschool that actions were finally taken to restrain him and give him the intensive care he needed. But treatment seemed to have no effect on him, with not a single psychiatric ward in the area able to tame him.

Under threat of permanent sedation and supervision, Damien's prospects for unending violence seemed to be coming to an end, that was until he was approached one night in his padded cell by a mysterious Japanese business man carrying a briefcase. He was offered a get-out-of-jail free card: an opportunity to leave this place and fight in the faraway land of Japan in a promotion renowned for it's tolerance of depravity.

While initially skeptical, Damien's hesitation quickly withered away as he was promised all the violence, lust, and wealth that was so cruelly denied to him by his institutionalization. How the organization had managed to hear or find out about him was a complete mystery to Damien, but he didn't dwell on that for too long. No doubt the League wanted to introduce a little chaos into the male roster, and the young deranged brawler was more than happy to provide it.

Damien demanded that he be put under no formal training programs, as the spirits had already endowed him with all the knowledge he needed to wreak havoc in the ring. As odd as the request was, management happily agreed, seeing it as an opportunity to make Damien even more unpredictable in the ring. To show his enthusiasm for his new career, Damien constructed his wrestling attire right there on the spot: A haphazardly thrown together wardrobe tied from the bedsheets, bandages, and paint in his ward. While offputing at first, the macabre ensemble quickly reassured the business man that he had made the right choice in recruiting Damien.

Japan and LAW offered an opportunity to start anew. He now had a place to unleash violence indiscriminately, which meant that a whole other persona would have to be adopted while outside the ring. Damien learned to balance two halves of himself, one a shy and quite young man in the streets of Tokyo, and the other a savage spirit without bounds in the ring.

Fun Facts:

- Damien's "tattoos" are simply body paint that he applies randomly before every match. No two matches will have the same pattern.

- He doesn't make friends easily, if it all. Although he might warm up to fellow lovers of the occult.

- Bleeding doesn't make Damien weaker. If anything, it encourages him to fight harder and draw even more blood!







Wrestling Information

Strategy: Cunning and cruelty are essential to his repertoire as a fighter. Having refused all training in both pro wrestling and martial arts, Damien is an expert on adapting and learning from his opponents. He is capable of imitating his opponent's moves in a crude and brutal fashion. He wants nothing more than to hurt and humiliate his opponents as much as possible, and will easily break and ignore the rules to do just that.

His history as a brawler has given him a solid foundation as a striker, and this is easily his strongest fighting style. However, Damien has absolutely no regard for his own safety, and will not hesitate to try out improvised moves that are as much of a danger to himself as they are to his opponents. This makes sporadic aerial attacks a favorite of his, even if they don't always pan out in his favor.

Damien lives for his opponent's screams, and will try and get them through submission holds if an opponent is clumsy enough to land in his grip. Don't expect him to let go anytime soon however, as Damien rarely respects any cries for mercy or surrender. He also has an extremely high pain tolerance, which means making him submit is very difficult. Knocking him out seems to be the most effective way to beat him... if you can.

Style: Brawler, Crude Pro Wrestling

Favorite Attacks: Strikes, Joint Locks/Submissions, Weapons, Aerial Strikes, Dirty Moves

Preferred Matches: Anything non-standard: Hardcore, No DQ, NHB, Ironman, TLC, First Blood, Hardcore Hentai, Humiliation, etc

Attitude towards Hentai: "HA! What else did you think I meant when I said I'm gonna fuck you up?"

Physical Stats:

Endurance: 5/5 - Damien can persevere through extreme pain, and even takes a sick pleasure on being on either side of a brutal beating.
Strength: 3/5 - Packs a surprising punch despite his despite his small stature
Speed: 4/5 - Lightweight and very nimble
Defense: 1/5 - Damien prefers to eat attacks rather than block them
Technique: 2/5 - Prefers streetfighting tactics, but still aware of various pro wrestling and martial arts moves.

Wrestling Stats:
Strikes: 5/5 - Brutal and effective
Submissions: 2/5 - Rarely lands them, but when he does, boy are they painful
Power Moves: 1/5 - Too small to slam most opponents. Won't stop him from trying though.
Aerial Moves: 2/5 - Uncoordinated and risky, but a favorite of his nonetheless.
Counters: 1/5 - Why counter a punch when you can just take it instead?

Signature Moves:
Corner Carnage
Tartarus Pitstomp
Skull Rake
Suicide Dive
Finishing Moves:
Kill Klutch
Abode of the Damned
Hentai Finisher:

Match History:
Chapter 1: Hello Hell!

Last edited by CageWarrior on Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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