Grudge Match: The Thundergirls vs. Kathleen/Jack

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Grudge Match: The Thundergirls vs. Kathleen/Jack

Unread post by Highfly »

Match Type: Standard

"I am going to crush that twerp tonight." Alaina said as the large amazon paced the locker room clad in her two piece tiger print wrestling attire. "I owe her for that cheap win she snuck in on me."

"Allie I already got her, the two of us can take her again even if she has that baboon watchdog with her. We'lll show them what the Thundergirls are all about!" Tina said giving Alaina a smile and thumbs up.

"We better, I hate Kathleen so much. I can't wait to just destroy her with ya. The two of them won't know what hit them." Alaina added as the duo left the locker room to head towards the arena.

As their music played both Alaina and Tina came out all smiles, flexing and posing at the top of the ramp before heading towards the ring. They high fived fans all the way down the ramp before bolting towards the ring to slide in underneath the bottom rope. The two basked in the loud cheers of the crowd before setting in to their corner to wait for the arrival of two women whom they both are eager to slam all over the ring! They were both in the corner talking quietly and curious as to who would start the match for the other team, waiting to decide for themselves....

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Re: Grudge Match: The Thundergirls vs. Kathleen/Jack

Unread post by TickTock »

While Tina and Alaina spoke among themselves before their match, Kathleen and Jack were silent. The latter was never much of the speaking type, and the former wasn't in any mood to speak anyway. Technically speaking, Kathleen was 1-1 versus these two. A career-defining win vs. Alaina, even if it required a bit of help prior, and a rattling loss versus Tina, where she was subject to a roll-up leading to her defeat. The first was still fresh in her mind, but the second was bitter on her tongue, meaning the venom she already spoke was that much more deadly.

Yet in a silent agreement, the two seemed to know how they'd approach this. This would actually make it the first time ever the two teamed up in a tag match, with the two usually managing the other. So their strategy may not be as refined as the Thundergirls, their sheer difference in skill will make up for that.

Making their way out onto the ramp, it was clear the two were the disliked team of the match. Not that they cared of course. Kathleen's stare filled with superiority and hatred matched up with Jack's stone cold glare, walking down the ramp and getting to the ring. Kathleen immediately took a stance on the apron, getting ahold of the tag rope, without so much a word to her partner or her opponents, while Jack stood ready in their corner, muscles flexing and ready to destroy.
Last edited by TickTock on Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Grudge Match: The Thundergirls vs. Kathleen/Jack

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina and Tina grinned at this arrangement. The two nodded to one another knowing that Tina was the obvious choice for Kathleen to start up against. That is why as both women grabbed the rope it was Alaina who surged forward at the opening bell as Tina stepped through the ropes to stand on the apron!

The amazon moved in reaching out to grapple a hopefully surprised Kathleen as she wanted to steer her back to a neutral corner, eager to pin her in place and rock the middleweight with hard, powerful knee strikes when she was in a position she could not maneuver away! Alaina wanted to get payback against Kathleen, and she would be more than happy to do so with Tina at her side.

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