Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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LAW made it so, so easy.

Of course when a few ambitious company producers came to Nathalie Christiaens, budding star needing to spread word of her name with a new audience, and pitched that she should be one half of a reality mini-series, she was going to agree. What better could they offer to her than a camera plastered on her for hours on end with an opportunity to sell her brand to anyone who watched? Even better that they had asked her, specifically, to be in it. Nat needed no details to know that she would agree, and good on them for recognizing she could ace having so much attention on her.

And ultimately the details had been no bother for the Belgian. She and one of the male wrestlers on LAW roster would be stuck in an apartment together for a three-day weekend while cameras rolled. It would show... How had they put it? The daily life of a wrestler. The tension of two attractive strangers living together. The potential troubles the two could have with each other. Two people with nice bodies changing with cameras there to see it. Whatever the case, Nat had not cared. She ate up the opportunity.

But the man they had picked as her counterpart was a petite merde - a little shit.

They had started the living and filming this morning, and he had started this morning. Jacob Masters. He seemed to think everyone with tits was his plaything, not anyone to be taken seriously. Oh, and certainly not a wrestler. They had been at it the second the two of them had set foot in the apartment together. It was barely past noon of the first day, and the Sapphire Stunner had nearly had it with him already. Twice she had resisted kicking him, mostly because he would see it coming.

She had escaped him for the moment. He was taking a shower, and she sat on the faux apartment's couch in black leggings and a fitted white t-shirt, glad she could not hear him anymore. Making sure she kept an eye toward doing something interesting enough that it would make it to the final cut of the reality show, the Belgian had her laptop open on her lap while her feet rested on the coffee table. In reality, she was browsing for some new tennis shoes, but out loud, knowing the cameras could hear, she pretended she was doing anything but.

"The most efficient ways to drown a one hundred and fifty pound man..." she said aloud to herself, as if she pondered what was on the screen. She smirked to herself, pleased with her own cleverness.

Rumbling came from the bathroom. Shitty, here he came to bother her again. With a dismissive boredom, she looked up from the screen and towards the hallway, thankful that at least his body was nice to look at for the weekend.

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Re: Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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This was certainly an interesting way to spend the weekend. Jacob had never imagined that he would never work in the television industry but the fact of seeing himself on TV for a reality show was too good of a opportunity to pass by. He knew wrestling was a good gateway to Hollywood but making some appearances of tv shows would certainly improve his chances even more to go on the big screen one day. He had the looks, the charisma and a crappy attitude which was perfect for a snobby Hollywood star.

So, all he had to do was spend three-days with some chick in a apartment? That should be no problem at all, until that is, he realized that it was actually a fellow wrestler at LAW that he was going to spend his time with. Sure, that did sound like a little troublesome but nothing he couldn't handle. Plus, it was pretty much settled that any issue that would arise they would surely resolve it amicably on the mats and that meant that he would surely win any disputes they would have.

He stepped out of the shower, clad in nothing but his blue wrestling briefs and smelling like a man-god with his expensive perfume. "Eh, what was that?" he said stepping out to the living room in his brief clad form as he went passed her. "You know you shouldn't believe anything you read on the internet right? That thing never works" he said leaning on the table and yawning.

"Anyways princess, showers all yours. Go take it, you smell like a sweaty gym bag and I don't want you to cramp my style. Oh by the way, when you're done with that how about you go do the dishes and the laundry too? I'll probably hit the gym soon though so maybe wait on the laundry until I get back, okay princess?" he mocked.

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Re: Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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She could smell him coming too.

No one in the universe could describe the smell as bad, but that did not stop Nathalie from slapping a hand over her nose and grimacing, pretending as if he smelled like a paper mill. She dramatically fell back against the arm of the couch and spoke as dramatically as she could muster - considering her acting skills, she could muster a great deal of drama. "Oh God, it's like a chemical plant exploded when you opened the door. Do you think you used enough? I don't think they can smell you on the Korean mainland yet." She writhed a moment longer before letting the act end and straightening again in her seat to get back to the lot of nothing she was doing.

Waving a hand in the air at his critique of the internet to show how disinterested she was, she kept her attention on the screen despite noticing in her periphery that he did not wear a great deal. The Belgian could look at that subject matter later, when he would have less of an idea that she noticed. Bit he seemed keen on making himself the focus of the moment by continuing to run his mouth. Nat supposed she should have expected the business about her doing all the chores for a man who clearly did not realize mysogyny should have died along with the dinosaurs.

She snorted, but any hint amusement behind it was fake. Still refusing to look from her screen, she waggled a finger in her general direction. "The showering I will be doing, but not because you want me to. And what you smell is the bubbling cauldron you sprayed all over your body like you're a thirteen year old boy in the lockers after physical education." She knew a few of those guys in school. He reminded Nat of them.

"For the rest of that business, you will be doing yours, and I will be doing mine. Welcome to the twenty-first century. I would make you do mine, but you might get too excited to touch a girl's underwear. "

Switching her crossed legs, Nat got more comfortable. "And hurry to the gym, yes? I liked it better quiet."

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Re: Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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After prepping himself up in nothing but his blue wrestling briefs, he made his way out of the shower to the living room coated in his frat boy perfume. Nat would react by slapping her hand over her nose and fell back against the arm of the couch, not appreciating or at least acting not to appreciate the scent that he had on. "The fact that you don't like it makes it the best perfume princess" he mocked back while moving over towards the kitchen counter and getting out a drinking glass. He would walk over towards the fridge, taking out a orange juice box and pouring it in the glass.

He drank the juice while she did her thing before waggling her finger and responding to his sexist views. "Oh please, this is grade-A stuff girl! What would you know!" he said shaking his head and waving his hand at her direction in disapproval of her opinion on his choice of perfume. Nat was quick to decline his demand, happy to do her share only for her while suggesting he would do his own and then hit the gym post haste. Jacob would grin before walking over towards her, standing next to the sofa arm.

"You aren't going to join me? I thought that was the whole point. Come on, slip into those sports bra and manly briefs you have and lets go....unless, you'd prefer we have our work-out session here?" he said with a smirk. "In fact....why not" he said sitting down on the sofa and leaning towards her. "I have a plan too! Lets wrestle, you and me....loser of the match does the dishes and laundry?" he proposed.

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Re: Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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He did have a mouth on him. Nat, not recognizing the irony, figured they must have chosen him for this reality series for that precise reason. She bounced her feet as she kept half-shopping, half-responding to him. "So it's a deterrent, not a deodorant. In that case, you made the perfect choice," Nat retorted, in her patented dismissive voice.

She listened to him move around the room, first getting something from the fridge and then, for some reason, deciding to be closer to her. She didn't turn as he stood at the couch arm she leaned against, leaving him to look at her bouncy black bundle of hair she had brushed as lazily as any other day. While she looked as calm and indifferent as she had the whole time they had spoken, she sat ready to kick him straight in the jaw - over the top of her head if necessary. Her laptop would survive the fall to the floor.

But he simply jockeyed with her more to get his way. Nat shook her head slightly, wishing she had a newspaper instead of a laptop. That would make her look even less interested in what he had to say. "No, I want a few minutes to forget you exist, so you can go by yourself."

But he persisted, because of course he did. And she could hear that a lightbulb had turned on in his poor little head. Nat sighed as he trotted around in front of her to sit on the couch, and only once he sat on the couch and leaned toward her did she finally peer over the top of her laptop at him. In... the little he wore. Her eyes did not wander to his briefs, sticking to his face.

What he proposed did not overly appeal to her by any means - she would rather have ambushed him and beaten him down and gotten her way instead - but the show did call for this. Give the people what they want, and all that business. Plus, when she beat him, how fantastic would she look in the aftermath? And she could milk this laundry and dishes thing as much as she wanted. Maybe she would make him her pet all weekend, or something else fun.

After blinking at him a few times, she planted her bare foot in his side and pushed him back to his side of the couch. But she did put the laptop aside. "Okay, stinky boy. You get the mats. Or are you unable to do that too?"

She stood off the couch, pulling off the white shirt to reveal a tight black swim top beneath that covered her breasts and little else - she had prepared for this inevitability and wanted to look good wrestling on such scrutinizing cameras. "In fact, put the mats down and you get to pick the match rules. Because you'll be beaten whatever you choose."

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Re: Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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It was clear Jacob was trying to be a little seductive with his movements, slowly getting near to her slowly and gradually. He made sure not to get too handsy or close, knowing that the camera's were on him and he didn't want to give Nat a chance to start a fight without it being official. The two went back and forth to insult each other, both clearly getting under each other's skin. Jacob would finally sit next to her on the couch and gave a proposition, one which she had to think about before pressing her soles against his side and pushing him to the edge of the sofa. Jacob didn't resist, it seemed playful enough and he was more interested in her response.

Luckily for him, she accepted and got off the couch after putting away her laptop and even giving him the luxury of picking the match type subject to setting up the wrestling mats. "Stinky boy? Hah, says the girl who hasn't showered yet. I'm gonna have to bear wrestling a sweaty tomboy. Whatever, as long as I can make you do my chores I can live with it" he said waving his hand off to her before moving to the balcony to fetch the blue wrestling mats. He made his way back to move the couch, the coffee tables, some chairs to get the living room nice and spacious before setting up the wrestling mats to make a nice private wrestling studio.

Jacob would step up on the mats, barefoot and clad in nothing but his blue briefs and would start to do some light stretching and warm-ups. "Match type is simple. Humiliation submission. The first one to submit aka you via a humiliating submission move, loses the match. Other than that, there are no rules and no restrictions to where we wrestle" he said before standing on the center of the mats, hand on his hips.

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Re: Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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Nat did not bother mentioning to him that she had showered early this morning, when she had awoken back at her own apartment far before the sunrise to get ready for her first day of the reality life. In fact, if it bothered him to wrestle her unshowered self, she would let him think her grimy. "I can already see that's going to be your excuse when you lose. 'Oh, she's not showered, it messed with my-" She forgot the English word for vibe, so she settled for something else. "-wrestling senses.'"

The Sapphire Stunner idled and stretched while he so dutifully got the mats into place and the room organized. Maybe he would wear himself out before they started, make the match even easier for her. She tossed her shirt onto the moved couch and then went to removing her leggings, revealing a pair of navy booty shorts hugged tight to her ample hips beneath them. The leggings joined the shirt, and Nat shook out her legs and arms to get herself at least a bit warmed up before they started - and to put on a show. Admittedly, while she meant the stripping down primarily for the adoring fans of this new reality series, she meant for it to get this brainless man distracted too.

Oh, and he could not have proposed a better stipulation. Nat hmmed in an unspoken agreement at his proposition, happy to accept it - after all, she thrived on humiliating people. And he seemed... prime for humiliation. Perhaps he had never experienced it, and she could rectify that for him.

Plus, the embarrassment would make him much more compliant all weekend, which would, in turn, make her look all the better to the viewers.

The Belgian slowly trotted onto the mats, rolling her neck and shoulders and inching her way closer to him. And she still did not look at his minute briefs. "Well then," she breathed, more than she said the words-

-and then she struck out with a sharp kick at his side. Not one strong enough to waylay him or even leave a bruise, but quick and biting, more to sting him and get this started. She immediately reeled backward a step, out of grappling range, and grinned her best Cheshire grin. "Let's get you ready to clean up for me."

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Re: Reality Is Never (for Teenwrestler)

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While she kept him busy doing to the grunt work, the Belgian would take a moment to toss her shirt on the now moved couch while slowly removing her leggings to reveal a pair of booty shorts. Now clad in her sports bra and booty shorts, Jacob couldn't help but take a moment to admire her fit and toned body. While he was sure he was eye candy for Nat too but she was doing a good job not showing it or perhaps she didn't find him hot at all which in his case would leave the advantage to Nat in terms of being 'distracted' by their opponent. After placing the mats and clearing the room, Jacob would stand on the center of the mats and finished off his stretching while Nat would do the same outside of the mats.

Eventually, she would join him and step up towards him until the two were face to face right on the middle of the mats for a staredown which the camera's were sure to have a nice zoom to take in all the intensity. She started off with some words and followed up with a kick, just to let him know the match started and she meant business. "Ugh" he grunted and watched her back up.

"Tch, cheap shot. Whatever, come on and lets do this like real wrestlers" he proposed while raising his arms up and taking up a grappling stance. Jacob would begin to circle her, looking to invite her to a grapple battle to test their strength and skill in a collar and elbow tie-up.

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Re: Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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He noticed her body. Nat could sense, without having to look squarely at him, the extra few seconds he spent with his head swiveled in her direction when she dropped the leggings. As usual, all of her best laid plans showed fruit, and Nat found herself mulling what she should use to distract him - was he a leg man? A butt man? Maybe he liked tits or abs? She would find out, and his desires would get him into so much trouble before the match ended... and all weekend if she could help it.

Her kick did the trick to spur him to action without looking too cheap, and with him falling into a fighting stance to get this business started, she did the same, bouncing around on her long legs like a gymnast ready to do her floor routine.

She could see what he offered - a test of strength. The Sapphire Stunner stood his height, yes, and her legs matched or exceeded his in size, but she knew how to analyze people too well not to recognize that those big, burly pecs, shoulders, and biceps marked him as far stronger, with her own frame more that of a gymnast, too. In a tug of war, he could likely pull her to the moon if he wanted.

And while she was looking at the muscles, she did take one glance at the package. Not bad.

Nat didn't want to get into any tugs of war, but she did get closer, moving to lock up... but only long enough so that when she felt him clasp her, she could throw another kick at his knee.

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Re: Reality Is Never Disappointing (for Teenwrestler)

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Both of them were cautious at the start, with alot being on the line especially pride they could not afford to make a mistake. Clad in nothing but their wrestling attires it was clear both of them were inspecting each other's bodies. A perk of two beautiful people living together in a reality show. Nat struck first but only to get him on his toes and in response he would bring his arms up and challenge her to a grapple to see what kind of woman she was. A hot-head who would lunge into action when being prompted? More strategic or just a cheap shot trickster. It seemed the answer was strategic as the woman would bounce on her legs and got in closer as if to lock up. Jacob would move in to lock up and just when he grabbed her, he felt his knee being jerked thanks to another kick.

"Ugh" he grunted and fell down to a knee in front of her. If she wanted to play games he would respond. Now that he was down in front of her he would reach out to grab her legs and tug both of them towards him making her trip down onto her back in front of him. If his plan worked, he would pounce on her body completely with his to lay on top of her and wrap his arms around her neck, pulling her close against him while grapevining her legs. Jacob would squeeze her neck while spreading her legs a bit, pressing his body down onto hers.

"Come on baby, that all you got? Were gonna be making hot, sweaty love on the mats by me out-wrestling you and making you tap out" he mocked.

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