"Any time. Any place. Any stipulation."
ProfileReal Name: Saoirse Doyle
Nicknames: Siri
Age: 19
Eyes: Green (Natural), Yellow or Red (Colored contacts used during official appearances)
Hair: Black
Height: 5' 5"/165 cm
Weight: 62 kg / 137 lbs.
Billed From: Drogheda, Ireland or "The First of the Seventh."
Epithets: Scarmaker, Dame of Damnation, Gorelord, Demon of Drogheda, Hellhound
Alignment: Tweener
Original Image
Saoirse Begins Enjoying Herself

Saoirse is a young woman of above average height. Her skin is pale, and her hair is black, slightly wavy, and falls to the middle of her back at its longest extent. Her face is angular, and is most notable for her exceptionally green eyes. Saoirse's facial expression rarely changes much; while not totally without visible emotion, she's not particularly expressive of what she is feeling at any given moment. Her body language tends to be withdrawn and somewhat defensive, but still containing a degree of obvious confidence. Saoirse is generally not particularly concerned about her appearance, maintaining good hygiene and personal care but wearing her preferred clothing and eschewing cosmetics under almost all circumstances. Her wardrobe is primarily comprised of black or white, covering, and comfortable clothes, with some trends towards decorative additions such as metal and/or belts. Function, however, will always triumph over form.
When wrestling, Wyvern has more open, aggressive body language and an intensely focused expression. Her ring gear is far less covering than her usual wardrobe for practical reasons, but tends towards the same overall aesthetic as her casual clothing. It is, however, still far more modest than some of LAW's more liberated competitors. She also prefers to use a pair of MMA gloves while wrestling.
- Long scar running from the center of her sternum, across her left breast, and across one of her upper ribs. Never exposed by her ring gear. Source: ???
- Dozens of faint scars on her right hand, visually comparable to being put through a meat grinder. Source: Improvised thumbtack brass knuckles.
- Deep scarring along the back of the neck. Source: Eris Greyrat dragging her neck along barbed wire.
Moody, enigmatic, and often just odd, Saoirse is something of a mystery to most. In day to day life, she almost entirely lacks expression, making her difficult to read. This mirrors her own struggles, as the feelings of others are often opaque to her when not overtly expressed. The difficulties created by this is compounded by an inviolate personal bubble, something that she is willing and occasionally enthusiastic to enforce via violence. Well aware of how she comes off and generally finding social interaction neither useful or interesting, Saoirse tends to avoid other people wherever possible. This doesn't quite translate into hostility, however, so long as her space is respected. Additionally, those few able to befriend her or operate on the same wavelength find her to be exceptionally loyal. Beyond that, her general aloofness also means she rarely takes anything personally. The closest thing to general hostility Saoirse usually shows is towards potential future opponents. Saoirse will regularly push, prod, and antagonize anyone she believes she may fight in the future, constantly trying to provoke responses in order to gain a better understanding of their measure.
Saoirse only really comes alive when she's in the ring, or otherwise able to fight. Decisive and merciless, she will do everything within her power to annihilate her opponent once the battle starts. Wyvern generally pushes matches to their limit. To her mind, if a ref sees it and you aren't disqualified, it's legal. She will respect that line, however, never voluntarily escalating to actual cheating and ending her assault as soon as the match is called. Overall, Wyvern cares less about winning the match and more about winning the fight; easy opportunities to win, surprise pins, and cheating just aren't interesting to her. This isn't a sense of honor so much as a desire for personal satisfaction; anyone trying to exploit this trait to their advantage will find Wyvern has a nasty vindictive streak and is perfectly willing to respond in kind to cheaters and is savvy enough not to do so in ways that will get her easily caught. Her tendencies towards verbal antagonism also skyrocket during matches, and she regularly engages in trash talk before and during them.
If Saoirse has any major psychological vulnerability, it comes from her immaturity. Saoirse is still young and often inexperienced with anything outside of her direct history. In particular, she is easily flustered by romantic or sexual overtures and is somewhat prudish, which can be a dire problem in a place like LAW. Only time will tell if this trait remains or if she will grow out of it.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Wyvern approaches her opponents head on, engaging in direct clashes and wearing her opponent down through attrition and accumulated damage. She's more strategic about this than is immediately obvious, however, avoiding taking serious risks and preserving her energy early on during matches in order to try and bait out her opponent into overexerting before moving in for the kill. Additionally, Wyvern is far more analytical than her fighting style would indicate; she's highly observant of her opponents and does her research before matches, adapting quickly and tailoring her approach to the opponent and stipulations. Wyvern's exceptional physical abilities render this approach highly effective; engaging with her on her own terms is rarely a reliable strategy for victory.
Style: Wyvern relies on her durability and skill to conserve energy and slowly grind her opponent down during the early fight while getting a read on them, then switches to explosive offense to close the fight out until she or her opponent is incapacitated.
Type: Hybrid Brawler.
Preferred Attacks: Elbow and knee strikes, punches (all types), chops, kicks (all types), headbutts. Suplexes, favoring symmetrical back-to-belly suplexes such as the German, Tiger, or Dragon Suplex. Simple submissions that can be applied with little preparation or warning, such as arm bars or chokes. High impact power moves such as Spears or Powerbombs.
Preferred Matches: Any and all hardcore match types, particularly deathmatches.
Attitude To Hentai: "This conversation is over."
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★★ - Wyvern has an extreme level of pain tolerance and can absorb absurd quantities of punishment before going down.
Strength ★★★★★ - Wyvern is far stronger than her build suggests, and is capable of explosive bursts of strength.
Speed ★★★ - Wyvern isn't slow, but she isn't exceptionally quick on her feet, either.
Defense ★★ - Wyvern focuses more on reducing the effectiveness of incoming attacks rather than outright avoiding or blocking them.
Technique ★★ - Wyvern is extremely skilled at striking and has a deep arsenal of such techniques, but has fairly limited knowledge outside of this.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★★ - Wyvern is an excellent striker. She is also extremely adept at unleashing punishing blows from awkward positions or short distances.
Grappling ★★ - Once a crippling weakness, Wyvern is now competent enough to defend herself in a grapple.
Powerhouse ★★★★★ - Wyvern is strong enough to unleash devastating power moves, even on opponents considerably larger than her.
Aerials ★ - While she can get good height, this is one of Wyvern's weakest areas overall and generally harms her as much as her opponent.
Counters ★★★ - Despite her straightforward fighting style, Wyvern is always looking for vulnerabilities to exploit.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Wyvern assigns names to all of her favorite moves, a fact that she is very embarassed about.
Prey Tearer: Wyvern clinches her opponent into a double collar tie, then unloads repeated knee strikes into their ribs and stomach. If the opponent is sufficiently disabled by the initial barrage, this is finished by forcing their head down and unleashing a final knee strike directly into their face.
Black Talon: A spinning back heel thrust into the opponent's diaphragm, aiming to double the opponent over for a follow-up move.
Finishing Moves
Drochspor: A heel kick delivered as either an axe or hook to the back of the neck. May spin to gain extra momentum or apply the strike to other parts of the head if necessary. Simple, practical, and effective.
Caoránach: Only used as an absolute last resort, despite Wyvern's general lack of concern for her opponent's health. To execute the Caoránach, Wyvern must be behind her opponent. Trapping one of their arms around their neck, Wyvern lifts them into a modified torture rack before falling backwards and rotating, driving her opponent's head directly into the mat. With no ability to mitigate the impact, anyone receiving this move is at risk for skull fractures, neck injuries, and dislocations in the wrist or shoulder. Pronounced queer-hawn-nock.
Wyvern assigns names to all of her favorite moves, a fact that she is very embarassed about.
Prey Tearer: Wyvern clinches her opponent into a double collar tie, then unloads repeated knee strikes into their ribs and stomach. If the opponent is sufficiently disabled by the initial barrage, this is finished by forcing their head down and unleashing a final knee strike directly into their face.
Black Talon: A spinning back heel thrust into the opponent's diaphragm, aiming to double the opponent over for a follow-up move.
- Nightfall: A Gutwrench Elevated Powerbomb.
- Voidcall: A jumping stomp delivered to the back of the head.
- Shadesquall: Launching herself forward, Wyvern grabs her opponent in a Front Facelock as she delivers a Basement Dropkick to their legs, sweeping them off their feet and into a DDT.
Finishing Moves
Drochspor: A heel kick delivered as either an axe or hook to the back of the neck. May spin to gain extra momentum or apply the strike to other parts of the head if necessary. Simple, practical, and effective.
Caoránach: Only used as an absolute last resort, despite Wyvern's general lack of concern for her opponent's health. To execute the Caoránach, Wyvern must be behind her opponent. Trapping one of their arms around their neck, Wyvern lifts them into a modified torture rack before falling backwards and rotating, driving her opponent's head directly into the mat. With no ability to mitigate the impact, anyone receiving this move is at risk for skull fractures, neck injuries, and dislocations in the wrist or shoulder. Pronounced queer-hawn-nock.
Enigmatic and intensely private in regards to her personal life, Saoirse Doyle, more commonly known by her ring name "Wyvern" (stylized with spaces and capitalization) entered the public eye four years ago, wrestling her first match at the age of 15. Despite her young age, she displayed no hesitation or caution, targeting her opponents with exceptional viciousness and showing little concern for her own safety. Although moderately successful in conventional matches, Wyvern truly came into her own in death matches, where her mercilessness and pain tolerance could achieve their full potential. Within six months of her debut, Wyvern had bled in the ring. Within a year, she had both given and received broken bones. While not especially charismatic or skilled at the showmanship aspect of the profession, she quickly developed a small but vocal fanbase who approved of the sheer violence of her matches, giving her promotion's bookers incentive to provide a steady stream of hardcore matches involving her. As time went on, Wyvern rapidly improved her skills until she was a near-unstoppable force in the Irish independent wrestling scene; so much so that it became increasingly difficult to find opponents that were both willing to face her and capable of putting up a good fight. Bored with weaker opponents and having outgrown the small pond she had thus far existed in, Wyvern jumped at the opportunity to move up in the world when she was scouted by a LAW representative.
- Birthday: October 2nd (International Day of Non-Violence).
- Wyvern practices 5 different martial arts: Lethwei, Xing Yi Quan, Pradal Serey, Manca (Sulawesi Silat), and Bajiquan.
- She bakes as a hobby, and is quite skilled at it.
- Saoirse facetiously tells people that her favorite food is raw red meat because she's deeply embarrassed that it's actually Crêpes Suzette.
- Her middle name is "Winifred."
Competed in the main card of Fight the LAW 2.
Alizeh Midori: Wyvern's first opponent at LAW, the two wrestlers immediately found kindred spirits in one another and enjoyed a match that took everything they had to finish. As time passed and the two interacted more, what started as a rivalry (also) became a friendship, despite the best efforts of Wyvern's utter lack of social skills.
Aizen Yuzuriha: With their first fight cut short by Wyvern's inexperience, both wrestlers were left unsatisfied and eager for a rematch. Their mismatched skillsets and equal desire for challenging opponents leads the two to complement each other well, and the two made a promise to have another match after Wyvern had a chance to train more.
The Impossible: Crashing Wyvern's debut PPV match and stealing her glove alone would have been enough to earn her undying enmity, but the Impossible's antics and larger-than-life behavior combined with her evasive fighting style create an individual practically custom-made to drive Wyvern up the wall.
Template References
Name: Description Of Relationship
Who they'd go to in a wrestling pinch.
Name: Description Of Relationship
Who they adore/love!
Name: Description Of Relationship
Who they'd go to in a wrestling pinch.
Name: Description Of Relationship
Who they adore/love!
Vs. Alizeh Midori: Wyvern's debut match, going up against the unofficial gatekeeper of LAW. An intensely physical contest that pushed both women to their absolute limits, Alizeh's well-rounded skillset enabled her to keep up with Wyvern's superior toughness and brutal strikes. Ultimately, the Emerald Storm was able to lock in the Emerald Twilight, forcing Wyvern to tap out or have her leg broken. Loss via Submission
Vs. Yukari Akiyama: Yukari's attempts to mimic Wyvern's striking style floundered in the face of Wyvern's superior reach and training, although her refusal to quit or use a different strategy seemed to frustrate the Irish wrestler to no end. While Yukari did manage to inflict some effective offense, Wyvern eventually knocked her out entirely with a Prey Tearer before pinning her. Win via KO and Pinfall
Vs. Luíza Ishikawa: Falls Count Anywhere. Luíza was utterly unprepared for Wyvern's raw power and ferocity, leading to a dominating performance by the younger wrestler. After repeatedly taunting her opponent in an effort to get a better fight out of her, Wyvern finally decided to go full out and speared Luíza through the barricade before headbutting her unconscious and ending the match. Win via Pinfall
Vs. Anna Holmes: In a hard-hitting match, both strikers inflicted severe damage on each other, their fighting styles and tenacity both being well matched. Wyvern's overwhelming brutality eventually won out, devastating Anna with a Black Talon to the knee before delivering a basement dropkick to the British wrestler's head, leading to a pin. Win via Pinfall
Vs. Karla "Ray" Reinhardt: Cancelled.
Vs. Thereisa Niedermeyer: Cancelled.
Vs. Alizeh Midori (2): Best of Three match. In another utterly exhausting exhausting contest, Wyvern managed to achieve her first pinfall against the Emerald Storm. Unfortunately, this simply wasn't enough to overcome the more experienced wrestler, and the previously unseen full execution of the Emerald Twilight was enough to secure victory for the Emerald Storm. Loss via Submission, 2 to 1
Vs. The Impossible: Ongoing.
Vs. Aizen Yuzuriha: Aizen's skill and training allowed him to hold his own against Wyvern's superior power and striking ability. While both combatants looked forward to a long, hard fight, a single mistake from Wyvern lead to Aizen securing a chokehold and rendering her unconscious before they truly started, cementing the need in her mind for additional training. Loss via Technical Submission
Vs. Aizen Yuzuriha (2): Following her humiliating first defeat, Wyvern brought the results of her training to a Last Person Standing match. While still Aizen's inferior in skill and experience, Wyvern's determination and need to avenge herself allowed her to persevere through the high impact match, dropping Aizen for a ten count with a Drochspor followed by a Nightfall through the announcer's table. Win via 10-Count
Vs. Kimiko "Star Power" Nagasawa: After being dismissed by Star Power, Wyvern was sent into a cold fury and she proceeded to annihilate Law's Cutest Rookie in a viciously one-sided fight, halting her onslaught only after her opponent was beaten to the edge of consciousness. A chokeslam into a pin was more of a formality than a true finisher. Win via Pinfall
Vs. Tracy "Circus Cat" Canon: Ongoing.
Vs. Eris Greyrat: Eris's fury made her a good match for Wyvern's own direct viciousness, the two wrestlers enabled by a ring wrapped in barbed wire. Both wrestlers were quickly soaked in their own blood, turning the match into an agonizing contest of endurance. The fight ended when Wyvern snapped over Eris's rejection of her deranged wrestling philosophy, gaining the strength to reverse her tenuous position and beating the Mad Dog into submission. Win via Submission
Vs. Kyoko Akan: The Belly Queen's first challenger as Middleweight champion, Wyvern extracted a heavy toll from opponent. While the match was even at first, Wyvern was eventuall forced to break her own arm to escape one of Kyoko's arm bars, leaving her at an insurmountable disadvantage against the more experienced fighter. Only the intervention of the referee prevented Wyvern from having her other arm snapped. Loss via Referee Stoppage
Vs. Angelina Tarrant: Ongoing.
Vs. Marid: Cancelled.
Vs. Aizen Yuzuriha (3): Ongoing.
Vs. Yukari Akiyama: Yukari's attempts to mimic Wyvern's striking style floundered in the face of Wyvern's superior reach and training, although her refusal to quit or use a different strategy seemed to frustrate the Irish wrestler to no end. While Yukari did manage to inflict some effective offense, Wyvern eventually knocked her out entirely with a Prey Tearer before pinning her. Win via KO and Pinfall
Vs. Luíza Ishikawa: Falls Count Anywhere. Luíza was utterly unprepared for Wyvern's raw power and ferocity, leading to a dominating performance by the younger wrestler. After repeatedly taunting her opponent in an effort to get a better fight out of her, Wyvern finally decided to go full out and speared Luíza through the barricade before headbutting her unconscious and ending the match. Win via Pinfall
Vs. Anna Holmes: In a hard-hitting match, both strikers inflicted severe damage on each other, their fighting styles and tenacity both being well matched. Wyvern's overwhelming brutality eventually won out, devastating Anna with a Black Talon to the knee before delivering a basement dropkick to the British wrestler's head, leading to a pin. Win via Pinfall
Vs. Karla "Ray" Reinhardt: Cancelled.
Vs. Thereisa Niedermeyer: Cancelled.
Vs. Alizeh Midori (2): Best of Three match. In another utterly exhausting exhausting contest, Wyvern managed to achieve her first pinfall against the Emerald Storm. Unfortunately, this simply wasn't enough to overcome the more experienced wrestler, and the previously unseen full execution of the Emerald Twilight was enough to secure victory for the Emerald Storm. Loss via Submission, 2 to 1
Vs. The Impossible: Ongoing.
Vs. Aizen Yuzuriha: Aizen's skill and training allowed him to hold his own against Wyvern's superior power and striking ability. While both combatants looked forward to a long, hard fight, a single mistake from Wyvern lead to Aizen securing a chokehold and rendering her unconscious before they truly started, cementing the need in her mind for additional training. Loss via Technical Submission
Vs. Aizen Yuzuriha (2): Following her humiliating first defeat, Wyvern brought the results of her training to a Last Person Standing match. While still Aizen's inferior in skill and experience, Wyvern's determination and need to avenge herself allowed her to persevere through the high impact match, dropping Aizen for a ten count with a Drochspor followed by a Nightfall through the announcer's table. Win via 10-Count
Vs. Kimiko "Star Power" Nagasawa: After being dismissed by Star Power, Wyvern was sent into a cold fury and she proceeded to annihilate Law's Cutest Rookie in a viciously one-sided fight, halting her onslaught only after her opponent was beaten to the edge of consciousness. A chokeslam into a pin was more of a formality than a true finisher. Win via Pinfall
Vs. Tracy "Circus Cat" Canon: Ongoing.
Vs. Eris Greyrat: Eris's fury made her a good match for Wyvern's own direct viciousness, the two wrestlers enabled by a ring wrapped in barbed wire. Both wrestlers were quickly soaked in their own blood, turning the match into an agonizing contest of endurance. The fight ended when Wyvern snapped over Eris's rejection of her deranged wrestling philosophy, gaining the strength to reverse her tenuous position and beating the Mad Dog into submission. Win via Submission
Vs. Kyoko Akan: The Belly Queen's first challenger as Middleweight champion, Wyvern extracted a heavy toll from opponent. While the match was even at first, Wyvern was eventuall forced to break her own arm to escape one of Kyoko's arm bars, leaving her at an insurmountable disadvantage against the more experienced fighter. Only the intervention of the referee prevented Wyvern from having her other arm snapped. Loss via Referee Stoppage
Vs. Angelina Tarrant: Ongoing.
Vs. Marid: Cancelled.
Vs. Aizen Yuzuriha (3): Ongoing.
Violence Is Its Own Reward: Her first two matches completed, Wyvern finally gave an introductory promo to the LAW audience. Although she tried to keep it short and sweet, her aggressive calling out of the back lead Isaiah Bowen to make an appearance, issuing an impromptu challenge. Semi-canon due to interaction with a banned user.
Every Fiber of My Being Wants To Puke At Once When I Say This...: Following a series of demoralizing losses due to her deficiencies as a grappler, Wyvern turns to her only friend (in LAW?), Alizeh Midori, as a training partner/teacher to improve her skills.
Kyoko's First Challenger Is...: Following Kyoko Akan's appointment as the new LAW Middleweight Champion, she chooses Wyvern as her first opponent for We Are Law 6.
Every Fiber of My Being Wants To Puke At Once When I Say This...: Following a series of demoralizing losses due to her deficiencies as a grappler, Wyvern turns to her only friend (in LAW?), Alizeh Midori, as a training partner/teacher to improve her skills.
Kyoko's First Challenger Is...: Following Kyoko Akan's appointment as the new LAW Middleweight Champion, she chooses Wyvern as her first opponent for We Are Law 6.