Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe
Standard Match
Win via Pin, Submission, or KO

Ring Attire 1
Diana was feeling confident about her match. The Brazilian lightweight had just recently won her debut match which had helped boost her self esteem. Despite her increased confidence, Diana was still weary of her opponent tonight. She was due to face a rough brawler type but growing up in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, Diana was sure she could handle her.

At last it was time. Diana would enter the arena wearing her usual light blue two piece outfit that exposed her tanned midsection. The rookie still wasn't used to being watched by so many people and would look down with a small embarrassed smile on her face as the crowed began to cheer. Not one for self promotion, Diana would make her way down to the ring with little fanfare, still having much to learn about showmanship. Sticking her long athletic legs under the ropes, Diana would enter the ring and quickly make her way to her corner where she would perform small stretches before her opponent entered.

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Alyssa Monroe looked to be in for yet another match here in LAW, it seemed as if she was being thrown into a lot of matches as of late and it was only helping her cause here. The more matches she could fight in, the more screen time and them more pay she got. All of that was what she wanted to she could send the cash off towards her parents. She still didn't really feel like wrestling was entierly her thing....but it was starting to grow on her! Still her ambitions of becoming a top MMA fighter had not dwindled at all! That was still the plan, no matter how you look at it. It was just that Wrestling was a better option right now for quick and steady pay that was actually decently lucrative as long as you got the chance to compete. Which Alyssa did.

Tonight she was to face off against some Brazilian chick, she'd just had a single match so far but it looked as if her opponent had some skill and was more of a wrestler than Alyssa. The question though, was if she was a better fighter?! Hah, no way.

Alyssa was confident in that she would be able to pick up a win here tonight. After her opponent for the night had made her way down towards the ring, Alyssa would shake her head, stepping up towards the Gorilla Position and as her heavy rock theme started to play out of the speakers, the blonde would step out onto the ramp and start to march down. Her red jacket slung over her right shoulder as she wasn't actually wearing it, just carrying it along with her. White tube-top like top, and a pair of jeans shorts was all that adorned the brawling wonder from the British Isles, that and some heavy black boots.

Alyssa walked her way down towards the ring and climbed in, dropping her jacket over her corner turnbuckle and then rolling her shoulders and shaking out her arms. She then started to walk towards the center of the ring and there she would look on at Diana. Her opponent for the evening had a far more traditional looking wrestling attire than Alyssa did, though most fighters here did. They were very similar in build, size and weight from a glancing look...but they couldn't look more opposite, black to blonde hair, pale skin tone to a bronzed skin tone.

The cocky Brit would shrug her shoulders and then shake her head. " Let's get this beatdown on the road already!" Alyssa impatiently said as she flashed a cocky grin towards her opponent.

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Diana watched her opponent’s entrance with increasing unease. The blond exuded power and confidence as she marched toward the ring with a red jacket slung over her shoulder. Diana couldn’t help but notice the girl’s less orthodox attire, consisting of jean shorts, a regular white tube top, and combat boots, all of which made the young Brazilian feel slightly out of place in her more traditional outfit. The rookie shook her head and let out a sigh to put her worries aside. There was no reason for her to be intimidated solely by ones appearance. Diana had just recently won her first match and she planned on winning her second tonight.

Diana heard the blond urge for the match to start in her rough English accent and flash a somewhat wicked grin in her direction. The gesture caused Diana to frown disapprovingly but there really was no reason to keep the audience waiting so she would take up Her traditional wresstance with her knees bent and her arms outstretched, ready to meet her opponent.

“Ding Ding!”

The bell would ring signaling the start. Of the match. Diana would move cautiously to meet her opponent. Despite being a rookie, the Brazilian was not one to rush headlong into danger, she preferred to test the waters and see what she was dealing with first. Diana would offer her hands for a lock up without taking her eyes off her opponent, ready to evade any underhanded attack the scrappy looking Englishwoman might attempt.

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Alyssa smirked a bit as she saw that frown on her opponents face, she would see her drop into her wrestling stance and with it the blond would do the same, dropping down into a traditional fighting stance with her left hand open and her right hand clenched into a fist, a slight bend to her knees as she would watch Diana Rial.

The British wrestler would watch Diana move cautiously forward towards her and see her offer those hands up. Alyssa tilted her head to the side and then let out a slight chuckle. " Hah, alright. I'll play along." Alyssa spoke out, usually she liked to start a match by slugging out but watching traditionally clad wrestling girl move in a bit closer. Alyssa would bring her hands up and start to try and wrap them around Diana, looking to go for a normal collar and elbow tie-up with the Brazilian.

Instantly upon locking up, she would try and push herself into Diana, trying to bully the raven haired looker backwards, and attempting to force Dianna to back up towards the corner from whence she came!

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Diana watched her opponent carfully as the rough looking Brit assumed a wrestling stance. The Brazilian girl kept her eye on Alyssa’s one clenched fist, prepared to counter any incoming punches as she moved forward. To her surprise, the blond happily accepted the lock up.

After a slow build up as the two inched closer together there was an explosion of energy as the two wrapped their arms around each other’s necks. Diana grit her teeth and leaned hard into her opponent. The two girls battled for dominance as they pushed each other. Diana’s leg muscles began to burn as she tried to hold her ground but the British girl’s raw power was too much to handle and the Brazilian took one step back, then another. Soon she was staggering back towards the corner until her back collided with the turnbuckle.

”Gah—Haaa!” She cried out as she slammed into the corner. Her opponent was incredibly strong. Diana now knew She could not win in grappling match with this opponent, She would need to change her strategy if she hoped to win.

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Alyssa and Diana circled and inched closer for a moment, the tension was racking up for those moments as they were in the feeling out process...all before there was a boom, a pop and a lout of noise erupted all around them! The crowd shouted, the commentators started to talk and the two women's boots squeaked as they were slipping and sliding against the canvas.

Tanned and pale skin made contact as blonde and black hair meshed, eyes meeting in a glare as a grin was met with a worried expression. As the Brazilian bean to be bullied backwards by the Brit, who slowly but surely exerted her dominance in this lock up, bullying Diana backwards until her back hit the corner.

"HAh!!!" Alyssa boisterously let out, with Diana trapped she sought to take advantage of course. Quickly shifting her stance a bit so she could try and drive her right knee up into that taut tummy! Looking to work int over with knee after knee, bordering on the point where the referee saw that she was needed and would step in next to them to start to call for a rope break. " One!"

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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”Hrnggg...” Diana growled through clenched teeth as she tried to push up on Alyssa’s chin with the base of her palm, trying to force the blond back so that she could escape from her dangerous predicament in the corner.
Before her defensive move could have any effect, a sharp knee would slam into the Brazilian’s flat tanned stomach. ”Hugghhh!” Diana gasped, her eyes bulging and spit spewing. Another hard knee would cut into her bare belly, followed by another and another. With each knee to the abs, Diana’s feet would be completely lifted off the mat. Diana’s arms would drop to her stomach trying her best to cover her midsection.

The Referee’s count couldn’t come soon enough for the battered Brazilian. Her legs quivered and she prayed that her attacker would quit her savage attack soon, but she had little faith in the brutal British street fighter. All Diana could do was endure.
Last edited by Dokki on Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Alyssa could feel that hand upon her chin, pushing her heard backwards a little, but it was too late to stop the first knee! After the first one things started to continue more smoothly, as she didn't have to contest with Diana pushing against her chin and trying to get her away. Now the Brazilian was more concerned with just keeping it together as the blonde's brutal knees hit that taut tummy over and over again.

If it wasn't tanned, then Alyssa would have been sure it would be reddened after the third knee, when the fourth knee came the referee had already gotten up to a three count. She shouted out once more as Alyssa fourth knee drove into that gut and with it Alyssa stepped away. " I've got it! Okay! I've got it! I ain't gonna get DQ' geeze." Alyssa spoke out as she would step away from Diana, as the referee started to chastise here for the corner attacks.

Trying to slip past the referee who had now gotten in her face, Alyssa tried to snake her arm forward and take a handful of black hair, aiming to yank Diana out of the corner and towards her. Quickly trying to yank the Brazilian babe in close as she turned to the side and aimed to wrap her arm around that head, trying to pull Diana into a side headlock and start to stomp her way towards the center of the ring. " There! She'd out of the corner now! HahA!" Alyssa cackled out to the referee.

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Three seconds felt like three hours to Diana as her belly was tenderized, each hit knocking the air out of the small Brazilian. At last the Referee stepped in and Alyssa was forced to move away if she didn’t want to be disqualified. Diana, who was only able to remain standing because she was being held up in the corner by the violent Blond, would now fall to her knees with her legs splaying ot under her like a W.

”Heh... heh...” The Brazilian girl would wheeze, holding onto the middle rope with one shaky arm as she tried to remember how to breath.

She wouldn’t be afforded much time to recover as her dark hair was grabbed and she was yanked to her feet, causing her to emit a sharp cry as the roots of her hair were tugged. Diana found her head tucked under her opponent’s arm and squeezed tightly. Still in pain, she would stagger forward as her neck was jerked about. Diana bit her lip and fought back angry tears as her rude opponent lashed out at the referee with a smug laugh.

Diana couldn’t allow herself to made a whipping girl for this bully! She couldn’t let her friends and family, who were surly watching, down! The defiant South American would plant her boots causing her neck to be jerked painfully as Alyssa tried to tug Diana to the center of the ring. She would stay steadfast through the sharp pain, refusing to move another inch before turning perpendicular to her attack and placing one hand on the arm that held her head and the other on the British Woman’s leg, attempt to deftly twist her head free.

If she managed to escape, Diana would be ready to follow up with a round house kick to the brutal blonds back.

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Re: Diana Rial VS Alyssa Monroe

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Alyssa was feeling pretty darn confident, she usually was but right now she was overwhelming and woman-handling the Brazilian in the first few seconds of the match, having bullied her opponent back towards the corner with her pure advantage in physical aspects, and then laying into her with knee after knee and now! Now she had her in a tight side headlock, pushing the side of Diana's face up against the rather modest chest of the blonde brute. Alyssa was going to clomp and stomp around the ring and parade around with Diana, but first was the task of getting the woman to the center of the ring.

What came to surprise Alyssa though was when she was met with resistance as Diana's feet had dug into the canvas, unwilling to move further, Alyssa yanked harder and strained that neck of her Brazilian opponent. Yet, Diana was defiant and steadfast, even grabbing Alyssa by her bare thigh and arm and shoving her head free, causing Alyssa to stumble a step forward from the surprise of that head plopping out of her grip.

"Hah?!" Alyssa gasped out in surprise, before then a slim yet well toned leg smacked into her back, " Guuh!" Alyssa cried out as that roundhouse kick dug into her back muscles and caused Alyssa to stagger away a few step, trying to turn herself around so she was facing Diana, arching her back and putting her left arm against it. " D-dammit."

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