skip-stop's requests

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skip-stop's requests

Unread post by skip-stop »


Here you can find information about my requests at the moment.

If you want to see more info about my characters, you should visit another page.
It may also be useful for you to know some information.
1. My Discord tag is skip_stop. This is the best and easiest way to contact me

2. I'm open to conversations and discussions. Therefore, if you haven't found something suitable on this page, but you have something interesting on your mind, then feel free to contact me

3. Some of my characters are available for mixed matches. Matches can be competitive, but I fundamentally do not accept the defeat of my girls in mixed matches

4. I don't do im rp, not now, not ever

5. You can count on dedication, attention to details and as regular as possible replies on my part

6. I usually write according to the scheme first come first served. The exceptions are my ppv and similar important threads, there my partners get replies first

7. The volume of posts and the level of English. I ask you to treat this point with understanding. If most of your posts are 3-4 lines, then we're unlikely to be able to work well together. I never ask my partners to write poems, but I want to work with those who know how to write meaningful posts. Approximately the same applies to the level of English. English is not my native language, but I'm sincerely sure that most of what I write will definitely be understandable to any of my partners. If you are sincerely not sure about the same thing, then it's unlikely that our partnership is possible. Sorry if this point is rude, but in any case, the most important goal of rping is to have fun, and I can't have fun reading short posts in gibberish
And, of course, the requests themselves.







Last edited by skip-stop on Sat May 11, 2024 10:24 am, edited 50 times in total.

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Re: skip-stop's requests

Unread post by skip-stop »

Updated on 02/20/2022
    Cards for characters have been updated: Nerissa Labong, Lunara Ashmore

Updated on 02/21/2022
    Cards for characters have been added: Lily Menage, Sintharia Ashmore, Margarita Jorgensen
    Cards for characters have been updated: Nerissa Labong

Updated on 03/01/2022
    Cards for characters have been updated: Nerissa Labong

Updated on 03/20/2022
    Cards for characters have been updated: Charlotte Ravel'

Updated on 04/04/2022
    Cards for characters have been updated: Charlotte Ravel'

Updated on 05/02/2022
    Cards for characters have been updated: Nerissa Labong, Lunara Ashmore, Karen Aoki-Justice

Updated on 05/13/2022
    Cards for characters have been updated: Nerissa Labong

Updated on 08/28/2022
    General info has been upadated
    Cards for characters have been added: Hidesato Yaone, Hidesato Itone, Frost Birds
    Cards for characters have been updated: Astrid Arvidsson, Charlotte Ravel', Lunara Ashmore, Karen Aoki-Justice, Lily Menage, Sintharia Ashmore, Nerissa Labong, Margarita Jorgensen

Updated on 12/11/2022
    Cards for characters have been updated: Lunara Ashmore, Karen Aoki-Justice

Updated on 02/06/2023
    Cards for characters have been updated: Astrid Arvidsson, Lunara Ashmore, Nerissa Labong

Updated on 03/23/2023
    Cards for characters have been updated: Nerissa Labong

Updated on 05/14/2023
    Cards for characters have been updated: Charlotte Ravel'

Updated on 11/19/2023
    All character cards have been updated

Updated on 11/23/2023
    Cards for characters have been updated: Nerissa Labong

Updated on 05/11/2024
    Full roster image has been added

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