George Fortunato - The Cockney Flame

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George Fortunato - The Cockney Flame

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Name: George (Giorgio) Fortunato
Managername: The Cockney Flame
Age: 25
Nationality: England/Italy
Hair: brown (natural), pastell
Eyes: Maroon with sprinkles of silvergrey
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Hometown: East End, London & Tokyo, Japan
Twitter: wolfandthebunny
sexual orientation: bisexual
Alignement: Heel

Welcome, 'o 'he wolf an' 'he bunny pub! do i 'ave 'he drink faw you!
The Walrus - The Beatles

pornographic priestess,Boy, you've been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down (did I mention I love this sleazy song!)


Usual Getup:

The Wolf and the Bunny:
(British Pub in Tokyo)
Lookin faw a cozy place 'o drink your pin', lookin faw unbea'able en'er'ainmen'. lookin faw 'he be' ov your life'ime? da wolf an' 'he bunny 'as you covered!


Geoge is the ingenious mix of italian Gigolo and Cockney Gentleman, flamboyant, hedonistic and just looking for fun, this circusthemed Pub Owner is quite the appearance! Searching for a cozy place to drink your pint? Looking or unbeatable entertainment? Looking for the bet of your life? Search no further dear customer, the Wolf and the Bunny awaits you!

The flamboyant Cockney Boy was born to Emilio Fortunato, an italian Carney and to Mary Oldman, the daughter of a Pub Owner.
Sounding like the recipe for drama, the childhood and familylife of young George was a peaceful one, the boy inspired by his father and his colleagues of a traveling Circus. The times his father was on tour he would help out in the pub of his grandfather, serving drinks, preparing the pool tables and..taking illegal bets, as his Granddaddys Pub was known as a notorious paradise for bets and gambling.
From young age the little Fortunato was shown the art of gambling and bets by his Grandfather.
Showing immensive talent in the process and became somewhat of a little legend in the eastend as the highly intelligent boy always had the right nose for a good bet.
And of course there were the Pitfights.
Every second saturday a big Pitfight was held between everyone who felt capable enough to participate, being a big success every time they were held. This was the the third strike for George so to speak, as the Brawlers who were going after each other fascinated him.
When George turned 17 he started to take over the business of his Grandfather more and more, spicing up the Pit Fights wih mud and oilwrestling events, going for the big money and satisfying Georges need to see scantly clad Ladies rolling around in the dirt.
By now the flamboyant young men had made a name for himself as "The Cockney Flame", given to him because of his eccentric, circusinspired outfits, his neverending lust for people of both sex and his relentless talent for making money and one hell of a big show!
Usually on good terms with the local mafia, mostly eastern europe, George used every connection, legal and illegal to make money and his life a neverending party!

One day he heard of a big promotion in Japan that presented all kinds of professional and kinky wrestling. Seeing the chance for a whole new adventure in a whole new arena, George Fortunato opened "The Wolf and the Bunny Pub in Tokyo, using the connections of his eastern europe "Friends" to establishe himself and getting the ball rolling for the East Ender in the far East, because:
Eastend, yes! is 'here ano'her end?!
- prefers the italian over the english kitchen
- as he is half Italian he drenches everything in garlic
- is an Arsenal London Fan
-has a sweettooth, especially Cantuccini
- prefers english beer over italian
-given his lifelong connections to various mafia organisations he speaks, next to englisch and italian, russian, serbian,a little polish and japanese
- his favourite movie of all time is "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence"
- japanese was the hardest thing for him to learn and he still struggles here and there
- rarely speaks italian as he considers himself a pure eastend bred boy
- his favourite band are "The Pet Shop Boys" which he tries to watch every concert of
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:41 am, edited 13 times in total.

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