The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

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The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

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Match Tipe:Mercy Match
Victory Condition: The fight will end when one of the two fighters accepts the surrender of her opponent.
Pekora had already seen her mother do her first fight in LAW, and although she felt a little sorry that she had not gotten anything for a while, it was finally time, so getting ready and having everything ready, Yukari would arrive, telling her
Well Pekora, your first fight is against Serray Ferez..... I'm not going to lie to you, this fight will be very hard and possibly you will lose, but I will help you as much as possible, she is weak in defending herself and her technique is quite poor, but in exchange she has great strength and endurance, keep in mind the latter.

So then Pekora after listening to all the report, she would just smile, before walking towards the Arena and finally appear, greeting everyone, noticing that her mom was there, blushing with embarrassment, but she wouldn't mind, climbing up to the Ring, and looking around happily while she waits for her opponent to arrive.
Whitout the carrots

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

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Serray Feliz
Today was a very happy day for Serray. Today she gets a match where she can beat up another girl to a bloody pulp. This was a dream come true for the girl in the Blue and Pink Top and briefs, which really show her figure quite well. Whoever this Pekora girl is, Serray was about to enjoy her suffering.

Her music played, and Serray walked out to the stage, the crowd giving minor boos over her beating up their favorites. She joyfully skipped to the ring, before walking up the steel steps, and under the middle ropes, before striking a pose in her corner that would be considered cute.

Serray took a look at her opponent, and noticed she had a perfect hair color for her. "I can't wait to turn your blue hair red!" Serray said in a childish but vaguely threatening tone. Hopefully Pekora knew what she was in for.

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

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Pekora finally saw her opponent, she was kind of cute in appearance, that could not be denied, but something told her that Yukari's words really meant the truth, so when finally that girl was in the ring and her words were basically a message and threat, Pekora was not afraid, although some worry inside her, but knowing that she couldn't back out, she would just smile, knowing that saying something would give more fuel to this weird girl, so then she would be ready, placing her arms in position and waiting for the worst from that girl if she is honest.

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

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Serray knew she was gonna have fun tearing down Pekora limb from bloody limb. Violence and bloodshed were the main things that satisfied her, and she hoped that Pekora would learn that the hard way.

So the bell rang, And Serray ran right towards Pekora head first, hoping to nail Pekora right in the chest with her head. A bit creative, but right in the nutjob's territory.

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

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Pekora heard the sound of the bell ringing, it meant that now is the time to fight and do the best she can give, although when Serray went for her at full speed, Pekora was startled, although by lowering her body completely at the last second, she hoped to trip Serray and give a good way to introduce her to the public.

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Serray was hoping for head to connect with the rabbit looking girl's chest, but all she got was a face full of mat as Pekora tripped her.

Serray layed face first on the mat, slamming her fist. "NO YOU DUM DUM, YOU WERE POST TO GET HURT!" Serray angrily yelled in a temper tantrum.

This left her open to an attack from Pekora

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

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Pekora saw the opportunity after seeing what Serray fell on the canvas, so Pekora ran at full speed against the ropes and jumped to make a direct fall against the back of Serray's head, wanting to send the girl's face against the canvas.

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

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Serray had fallen on her face, being frustrated that her attack failed against Pekora. Her childlike mind caused her to throw a temper tantrum, and she never noticed what Pekora was gonna do next.

"AAGH!" Serray yelled as her face was crushed between Pekora's body and the canvas of the ring. She laid on her stomach in pain, holding the back of her head.

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

Unread post by Lederface »

The public seemed to see how they saw like Serray, as well as Pekora got up after that attack, she would not see the serrion's hair, taking it and stirring it would say this cotton of sugar is terrible !!! she would say fucking more and more to serray

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Re: The "Birth" of "Evil". Serray vs Pekora (D)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Hearing this smack talk from Pekora, and not being able to land a hit on Pekora really caused Serray to get irritated. So while Pekora was trash talking, Serray was slowly getting up.

And with an angered look in her face, Serray came charging in at Pekora, looking to spear her to the mat.

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