Win via Pinfall, Knockout, or Submission
Hakune was... nervous about this match. Not only because it had been a while since she had hopped back in the ring, but her opponent for this match was apparently a bit of a wildcard. An opponent who seemed to be most known for using a bat in the ring back in some amateur leagues and tournaments. And that had the samurai a little spooked. It wasn't that Hakune couldn't take a few hits, her previous matches would prove she was at least somewhat hardy. But... weapon usage was another matter entirely. Despite the fact that she appeared on stage with a sword at her waste, Hakune had never once used it. It was a prop, a plastic sword meant to capture the samurai feel, and she wouldn't sully her honor as a wrestler by using it in the ring. No, she was here to test her mettle against her opponent in a clash of wills and techniques. Not... metal.
"Yosh! I can do this!" She slapped her cheeks, looking herself over in the mirror before taking a breath. There was no time for hesitation. She had to steel her nerves and march forward to the battlefield!
and as her theme kicked on the the flute and drums started to settle in, a puff of white smoke and mist covered the stage entrance. The crowd in a murmur of a confusion. Then, just as the crescendo of her theme started to the guitars, a line flashed within the smoke. The white veil immediately faded, reveal the Red Samurai just as she sheathed her sword, a wave a cheers erupting for her. Hakune smiled, happy to see the crowd still with her despite her losses, still cheering her on to get a victory and prove her bushido.
She waved and smiled as she made her way down the ramp, stopping right at the edge of the ring before setting down her sword. With that done she entered the ring with little trouble, giving a bow to the audience as she reached the center before moving to her corner and waiting for her opponent.
Who knows, this might be a good match after all.