Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

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Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

Unread post by Lederface »

Type of fight: Tag team Match
Win Condition: Pin, Surrender or Descalification

For Botan, this would finally be their trial by fire, after having done their best to help get Kurumi out of there, now they had to fight and break the face of these girls, so after having decided among all, Botan, Nadia and Susumaru would be ready, so starting to play the song that announced their entrance, they would appear, greeting with a smile to the public
Once they were all in the ring, Botan would decide to place herself first, being her who should face Hinata, as a way to try to avenge Kurumi and make her promise with Sachiko come true.

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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

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Hinata,hanabi and samui wwith their music entrance music on walked out the ring with a muxed reaction but they didnt care,only thing they want to to cause suffering to the three women in the ring,entering the ring,hinata started firat as the three showed smirks on their lips.

[media] [/media]


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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

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Hinata smiled at the her first opponent of this matchshowing no remosre for what happen."Ready?"

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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

Unread post by Lederface »

Botan clearly looked at Hinata, knowing that it was her who did all that to Kurumi, and now, knowing that they must avenge her, they would prepare themselves, Botan knowing that he must defeat Hinata, would only tell her
"maybe Kurumi, our cute little cow, you managed to defeat her using your weapons.... but not here, not while the leader of this faction, Shishiro Botan, the Great White lion, is standing!"
throwing then a pretty bad roar, laughing at that, as it had ruined all the excitement and seriousness she had given, signaling the referee to let him know that she was more than ready.

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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

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"Less talk more admiring myself while beating you to death."hinata said as she signaled the ref to start the match.

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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

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"You can't kill me!"
then looking at Hinata, the bell would ring and start the fight, making Botan forcefully run and throw his elbow to go for Hinata's face, while Nadia and Susumaru started to look at their opponents, trying to plan the best strategy for each opponent.

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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

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Himiko hissed as she staggered back,trying to move away after the big elbow,she turned to smirk at the angry feline like women,hoping to get her to snap.

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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

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Botan knew well what Hinata had done, noting how that blow had worked, so showing annoyance, she would throw more blow against her, looking really upset at that.

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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

Unread post by Ovrlrdalex »

Hinata hisses in pain as her opponent's punches rammed at her belly she caught the last hand and pushed botan away like a child, she stretched herself before raising a hand up for a test of strength."i admit i felt the punches,better then your cow, lets see if your more of a challenge then her."hinata said as she walked closed to botan and signalled her for a Greeco roman knuckle lock."or are you just weak as her?"

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Re: Beauty and Deadly vs Animal Kingdom

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Botan would see how her blows managed to do damage, something that was of joy, and seeing how in a moment she seemed to want to intimidate her with a duel of forces at her sight, but Botan knew what intimidating was, so approaching Hinata, she would take her with strength for the grip, telling her with a great confidence "she is our pretty little cow, and you just want the money.... which is something that I do not say it is bado.... but it is not acceptable!"

so then she would start to stand still, she didn't know what she could predict what that girl was going to do, giving care to every single thing she did

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