Mitsuki Kimura. The sadist milf

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Mitsuki Kimura. The sadist milf

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Name: Mitsuki Kimura
Age: 43
Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: green
Height: 5,11
Weight: 200lbs
Sexuality: bisexual
Birthday: April 16th

Boob size: H cups

Quotes: "Bring it, whore."

Appearance: Tall and toned woman with spiky blonde hair and gigantic breasts. Mitsuki is naturally very imposing. With a small purple bikini and orange sash.

naked (and with bigger tits than Janice!)

Alignment: heel
Nationality: Japanese

Fighting style: mainly a brawler that often focuses on humiliation moves but enjoys a good submission now and again.

Finishing moves: airtight, her trusty breastsmother. MILF's throne, a reverse facesit. Tight grip, a camel clutch.

Signature moves: none right now.

Likes: her daughter, kicking bitches' asses, proving her body is best, doting on young women, Hana Tanaka (ironically enough), sex, anime villains, the beach.

Dislikes: losing titfights, losing to other milfs, her breasts being insulted.

Personality: like her daughter Mitsuki is a raging monster but she's a lot more personal and sexual than Ayana. Targeting points she perceives as sensitive or personal topics. Rather than just sticking to petty insults. While she's a catty bitch (and not the playful type!) She covers it up with some sexual charm. It's not long before Mitsuki's true nature reveals itself though. The second things aren't going completely her way she will explode.

Attitude towards hentai: "You wish, you fucking losers."

History: when Mitsuki was in high school she developed a crush on a boy and tried to get his attention with her developing assets, however soon enough a new girl showed up with comparable breasts who also attempted to get the boy's attention. Mitsuki and the girl got in arguments many times before they decided to privately catfight to sort things out. Mitsuki won and began dating the boy. Something awakened in her. Mitsuki loved the thrill of defeating another girl. The pure feeling of victory exhilarated her and she fought off any girl that looked in her man's direction. Years later Mitsuki and her boyfriend got married with a child on the way. Not long after the birth of her daughter Mitsuki and her husband split. Mitsuki now found herself on the other end of things. Challenging various wives, trying to steal their men. Mitsuki and her daughter moved and she set her sights on many neighbourhood women. Mitsuki challenged plenty of women including Inko Tanaka. The 2 developed a rivalry and while never really friends Mitsuki matured to a degree and somewhat regretted her past actions towards other women although she greatly enjoyed their fights. Mitsuki learned that her rival had joined LAW from her daughter. So wanting stronger opponents and to compete with Inko once again she joined, herself. Seeking to be seen as the strongest MILF in the company. Eventually after meeting with Inko the two are now friendly despite some nasty actions towards one and other in the past.

Preferred matches: humiliation matches, smother matches, beach matches (her favourite), deathmatches, no DQ matches, smother matches

Endurance: 4/5. Quite durable but not as much as her rival.
Speed: 5/5. Her greatest advantage
Strength: 4/5. One of her most impressive attributes.
Defence: 3/5. Fairly average
Technique: 2/5. She knows a thing or two at least
Aerials: 1/5. Not her forte
Counters: 3/5. Decent enough.
Grappling: 5/5. Rarely comes out on bottom in this regard
Submissions: 3/5. Not bad.

Friends: none
Rivals: Janice Miller

Fun facts: Mitsuki loves the beach and even prefers being there to winning a fight. (Now winning a fight on the beach on the other hand!)
Despite being a total bitch Mitsuki actually has a fondness for children and teens. As Mitsuki is quite the caring mother and even developed something of a soft spot for her own rival's shy daughter.
Mitsuki loves yu yu hakusho and often quotes toguro.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:08 pm, edited 29 times in total.
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

Thread request!

I only do hentai at my own discretion. Don't ask me for matches expecting one. I only do them for storylines or rivalries when I feel up to it.

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Re: Mitsuki Kimura. The sadist milf

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Match history:

Debut in a beach smother match against Janice Miller.
result: Mitsuki defeated Janice with a breast smother.

Second fight on the beach against Treena Skylar.
Result: ongoing

Mitsuki encounters a little freak backstage but is somewhat entertained by her.

Mitsuki enters Janice's home and fucks her husband in front of her. Getting a new hubby and tormenting Janice in the process.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

Thread request!

I only do hentai at my own discretion. Don't ask me for matches expecting one. I only do them for storylines or rivalries when I feel up to it.

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