Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

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Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Hentai Submission POW Match
Verbal submission by calling opponent "Mommy"
The ring canvas is replaced by a large plush bed, with red sheets, blankets, and pillows
Loser is property of the winner for 12 hours

Maya Jones was nervous. This would be her first match in front of a real crowd, and she was suffering from a bit of stage fright. She took a deep breath. It was pretty much the same, really. She would have fun wrestling around on a bed with another woman, and if she won, she'd get her opponent's beautiful body as a prize. The only thing that wasn't a typical affair for her however, was the live audience. But her music was going, and it was time for the show to start.
"The following contest is a Hentai Submission Match! Coming first to the ring from Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 154 pounds, MAYAAAAA JOOOONES!"

Maya sheepishly came down the ramp, waving at the audience. Many recognized her as the mother of Skylar Jones, who had made quite the reputation for herself. Everyone was curious as to what her mother would be like. The woman crawled onto the bed occupying the ring, feeling the soft red sheets. She went to her corner, waiting on her knees for her bedmate tonight.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

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"And her opponent, weighing 187 pounds, Janice 'Sweet Mommy' Miller!"
Janice came down the ramp, wearing her skimpy wrestling outfit. Before her walk down the ramp, she'd turn around, twerking her sexy ass for the crowd, who loved it. She joined Maya in bed, licking her lips as she laid next to her. " you want Mommy's help when it comes to love making?" I can teach you a few things." Janice cooed, groping Maya's left breast.
Last edited by Jman2113 on Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

A perverse grin came to Maya's face as her opponent came down the ramp, wearing an outfit that matched the skimpiness of her own! As Janice crawled into the ring with her, Maya moved towards her to meet her in the center of the ring. "Oh, I know plenty about love making..." She teased, giving a faint gasp as the redhead groped her breast, before doing the same, squeezing Janice's own bosom. "Don't worry dear, I'll take good care of you~." She said before kissing Janice on the lips. The two mothers already getting into it, the official called for the bell.


Maya was on her knees in front of Janice as they kissed and groped each other. She was eager to become well acquainted with every inch of Janice's curvaceous body, and take her home to feast. Eventually, the black haired woman broke the kiss, and offered her hands for a test of strength,

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

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"I'm sure you think you do." Janice smirked, trying to tweak her foes nipple through her top. Janice let out a moan as Maya began to rub her breasts, her nipples hardening. When Maya kissed her, the sweet taste on her lips made her wet. The match began, and Janice accepted her test of strength, locking hands. "You got some nice girls on ya, honey...but they're nothing compared to Mommy's!" Janice said, then pressed her breasts into hers.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

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Maya smiled as she locked up with Janice, the two exchanging some teasing and taunts. "You're a cocky one, aren't you? Mommy's gonna make you moan like a slut~." She teased, pressing her breasts back into Janice's to meet her foe head on. Her nipples hardened, something Janice could certainly feel through the thin fabric separating their mature breasts.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

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Janice grunted as she struggled against Maya. "And you're a naughty girl in need of a good spanking!" She scolded, pushing hard against her chest. She tried to overpower Maya, using her muscle to try and push her arms back. If she could, she would thrust her big firm breasts into hers. "Time to lay down, honey. Mommy's gonna teach you so much..."

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

As the two mothers pushed into one another, Maya soon lost out, Janice pushing her onto her back. "Oomph-!" She gasped, her back hitting the mattress. She was open to whatever lewd things Janice may do to her now.

As she was on the bed, it was clear how wet her panties had already gotten.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

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Janice licked her lips as she forced down Maya. She even gave a teasing grind against Maya's covered crotch. "Oh're all wet, sweetie!" Janice said with a sweet false surprise in her voice. "Suppose this wouldn't help..."She broke her grip, stroking Maya's hair and pulling her face to hers, thier lips touching and the busty redheads tongue entering her mouth.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Maya had been taken to the cushiony ground by her opponent, who got comfy on top of her. "Mmmm..." She groaned, the other mom's weight pressing down against her, and her breasts flattening her own pair. She blushed a little from Janice's teasing, squirming around under her. She slowed however as Janice's tongue invaded her mouth. The sweet taste of the other mom's lips aroused her even more.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Janice Miller: Who's Your Mommy?

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Janice took her free hand, rubbing the crotch of her foe's panties as she tongue kissed Maya. She moaned into the brunette's mouth, loving her taste. The busty redhead MILF was treating her body like playground, her own panties getting moist from her own wetness. The crowd certainly didn't mind see the two mature women go at it either.

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