Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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Alaina sat in the locker room, wearing her form fitting one piece swimsuit with tiger stripe pattern. Her come back had been far from a triumphant return. She looked like a rusty, aged dinosaur trying to wrestle and doing so poorly.

Tonight she was up against a muscular bodybuilder. A woman younger, lighter but hopefully not leaner than the 42 year old amazon whom did her best in the gym as well as the ring.

As her music played Alaina came out and heard the fans cheer.... but not as loudly as they used to. She high fived fans all g the ramp as she strut out and flexed at the bottom of the ramp, showing off her body before climbing up into the ring. She stood in a corner and leaned back, waiting for this Haha woman to show up. She was wary of rookies, her tag team devastated by a rookie team, and Alaina being rocked solo by a rookie. Tonight was going to be her at her best, trying to prove herself once more.

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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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Hana shook her head, as the management staff told her to get out onto the entrance ramp. This was it, her debut. The big fight that would introduce her to the world of professional wrestling. Hana took a deep breath, held it, and then stepped out onto the entrance ramp.

The cheers of the fans washed over her body. The young woman greeted the fans with a smile, though her face blushed a deep red. There at the entrance ramp, Hana flexed as powerfully as she could. Pulling every muscle in her young body taut, Hana gave the fans quite a show, and drew a solid cheer. She was drawing on her bodybuilding experience now, wanting to give the fans the view she thought they wanted to see. Her skimpy ring attire, the scant bikini she wore to show off her impressive tone, left almost nothing to the imagination. The wrestling fans were welcoming Hana to the ring; she only hoped she wouldn't disappoint them when she stepped into the ring …

Hana ducked through the ropes, ready to face off with her opponent. She knew almost nothing about Alaina, only that she was a respected veteran of the ring. Hana bit her lip, feeling the warmth in her cheeks as she blushed. Hana tried to muster up her toughest glare, shooting Alaina a dirty look before the opening bell sounded.
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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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Alaina saw Hana enter and the woman had an impressive figure no doubt. Alaina was 42 but also weighted in at 167lbs. She was eager to see if she could overpower this younger but smaller woman. She grinned at the thought of it. As Hana entered the ring and gave Alaina a look, the amazon returned it in kind as the bell rang. Alaina circled and holder hands out, stepping in to engage Hana in a grapple!

"Lets see if your gym muscles are strong enough to hang with an actual wrestler!" Alaina said through grit teeth as she tensed up her whole body, engaging all her muscles to bring all her power to bear in the grapple!

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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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Hana held her hard glare at Alaina, hoping she could impose her will after the opening bell sounded. Hana flexed every muscle in her slender body, waiting to see how things might go. She reached out, hoping to test her strength against Alaina. Before she could hook the veteran, however, Hana saw the veteran step in to lock up with her!

"W-wait!" Hana said, as the two women locked up. Alaina was older, sure, but she wrestler seemed to have no fear of Hana, no matter how tough and glaring she tried to appear!

The two young women's fingers locked up, and Hana's body tensed as she tried to push back against Alaina! Hana's back muscles, from her shoulders down to her toned glutes, tensed as she pushed back against the brunette. "RRrrghh!" Hana grunted, pushing back against Alaina for all she was worth.
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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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Alaina howled as Hana stepped up and stonewalled her! The old amazon cried out even louder as she stepped back a step before stopping. The audience was in shock as Alaina lost ground!

She dig down and tried her best to push back, determined not to keep looking bad in the ring!

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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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"Hnngh!" Hana grunted, as she pushed back against Alaina's impressive force! The young bodybuilder's entire body clenched, her muscular figure going taut as she pushed back against the Amazon's oncoming push. Hana began to tremble, her curvy body jiggling as she pushed back against the veteran wrestler. Biting her lip, Hana let out a tiny groan of effort, only knowing that she couldn't let herself back down if she was going to earn her opponent's respect!

The awed tone of the fans let Hana know she was doing something right! The young bodybuilder doubled down, then. She pushed her trembling body forward, her quivering flesh pressing up against Alaina's powerful figure as Hana tried to push herself forward. "Nnngh," Hana grunted, as she advanced on her opponent, "pleeease ... go ... back ..." Hana said, through clenched teeth, as she put everything she had into shoving Alaina backward, trying to topple the Amazon in this early contest of strength!
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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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Alaina heard Haha as her ability to make progress was stifled! Alaina let out one last war cry heard loud and clear as her body trembled. Her backside and thighs quaked a bit as she gave a last ditch effort to force her foe back and avoid humiliation at the start of the match!

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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

Hana's face flushed red, her body trembling as she struggled against the Amazon Alaina Saunders. She coulnd't help but groan with effort, as Alaina held her at bay- sweat beginning to form on her brow, droplets running down her toned curves, Hana couldn't believe how difficult it was to simply push someone over!

What Hana didn't realize was how impressed the fans were. Alaina's power was well known, the Amazon being an established veteran. If Hana had known what they knew, she might not have been so embarrassed about what happened next!

Body starting to give out, Hana's bare feet slid back across the mat, as Alaina gave her a powerful push back! "Aah! Noo~" she squealed, as Alaina managed to gain the upper hand. Hana was powerful, but she didn't have the experience or skill to unseat an opponent like the Amazon! Looking at Alaina with shock and dismay, Hana took a couple of steps backward, giving ground to the Amazon!
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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

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Alaina huffed and groaned as she slowly pushed Hana back. If it weren't for her pride being on the line fiving her the extra push, she had no idea if she would have been able to force Hana back!

Alaina made her progress but was still short of the corner. She wanted Hana's back up against the turnbuckle to send a message. "Y-you can't stop the amazon...." Alaina said as she struggled against Hana's might.

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Re: Amazon vs. Bodybuilder Showdown!

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

"Nnngh," Hana groaned, as she found herself falling backward, "nnngh-nooo~!" Despite her best efforts, Hana stumbled and staggered backward. Her body gave out, unable to get the leverage she needed to resist the Amazon barreling down on her. Hana blushed, ashamed that her opponent had gotten the upper hand. While Hana could have hefted weights well above Alaina's mass if she really wanted to, it was a totally different thing compared to struggling against another real, actual human being!

Hana's feet skidded across the mat, as Alaina pushed against her. Hana did her best to resist, desperately pushing her body against Alaina's, grinding against the other woman even as she found herself backing up. In only a few scant moments, Hana could feel the corner turnbuckle digging into her back, Hana's body trapped between Alaina and the unyielding ring corner!
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