Author's Note
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Participants cannot be disqualified for any reason. The ring ropes are replaced by barbed wire.
It was far from the first time she'd said that, of course. There was her match against then-Lightweight Champion Aoi Fukiwara, where Yuki faced some of the greatest stakes ever before faced in her career. There was her mercy match against Rose Gold at We Are LAW that year, where Yuki had made her first appearance on a LAW pay-per-view event, let alone their flagship show. But even though those matches might have been defining moments in her career, the emotions Yuki felt in the leadup to them didn't come close to what she was dealing with now.
Her initial victory against Amano Jaku, the self-proclaimed Rascal Demon, had gone well enough, ending in a pinfall victory without much trouble from Yuki. She thought things would end there - but little did she know they were just beginning. After the dust had cleared, Amano challenged Yuki to a humiliation match - a match type that Yuki had less than a perfect track record with, and even more hesitations when it came to starting another. Nevertheless, she had to agree. The alternative was backing down and admitting her surrender, and that was something Yuki wouldn't dare. After her crushing defeat against Rose, she had been building herself back up as a capable contender - and a capable contender did not run away from such a challenge.
But then, the two had ran into each other at a LAW gym, and though Yuki had only been minding her own business, she managed to attract her rival's ire regardless. The tensions between them escalated more and more, and in Yuki's refusal to back down, she had insisted on proving herself through whatever means necessary. Reiko had decided that a humiliation match wasn't good enough. If she was to truly test the limits of Yuki's resolve, she would need to put her through hell itself, facing off against the Rascal Demon in a hardcore barbed wire match.
It was a challenge like none other Yuki had faced before. She was always one to uphold good conduct and stand by the code of honor that defined her as a sportswoman, keeping a cool head both in the ring and out and always following the rules; even in desperation the thought of cheating never came to her. While she had gone after the Lightweight Championship, she did so more to prove her own potential and to show her convictions in rising to the challenge; the status of champion came secondary to her personal goals. To Yuki, wrestling was about rising to the challenge, and proving you could be the best.
But this match? This wasn't an athletic contest. This was a fight. By the end of it, Yuki knew, she would hurt, she would bleed, and she would have experienced sensations she never envisioned in her worst nightmares.
And yet, she was still determined to do it. If she said no, that would already be conceding defeat. It would prove to Amano that she couldn't live up to the proud image she'd set for herself, and that when push came to shove she would crumble. Yuki couldn't let that happen - not for her, and not for what she believed in.
Yuki had looked at her cell phone just before she stashed it away in her bag. She'd received a text from her closest friend, Haruka, urging her to call the match off; that it wasn't worth the danger. It wasn't the first of such messages Haruka had sent her over the last few days. But the response, as always, was the same. Yuki wasn't doing this because she wanted to. She was doing this because she had to.
At last, a LAW employee walked into the locker room, her soft voice telling Yuki that it was time to go on. She held herself straight, her arms folded. Her body was tense; she knew that she was sending Yuki into the most dangerous challenge she'd faced yet. But she knew just as much as Yuki herself that there was no stopping her - and Yuki responded with nothing more than a nod of her head, proceeding to the ramp.

Yuki made her strides to the ring with purpose, her head down and her fists balled at her sides. Every second sent her heart pounding with the thought of the challenge that awaited her, but she had long since accepted its inevitability. She stopped as she reached the ring, looking up at the wicked-looking barbed wire that had replaced the ropes. Yuki winced at the thought of meeting it, but, sucking in a breath, she at last crawled in underneath, picking herself up to her feet. Brushing her hair out of her eyes, she came to her corner, watching and waiting for when her opponent would arrive.