Entering The Lions Den

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Entering The Lions Den

Unread post by Aqua »

It was a very good day, the weather was good, the roads were clear and Hinata's workout was going smoothly. Hinata not up for any current matches decided to do some working out on her day off. After all it would benefit Hinata to keep her current physique. First she would work on some classic cardio to get herself warmed up. Better to be warmed up so that she doesn't injure anything. Following that would be some calisthenics to gain some better movement. Whew that was a good start, it might be best for me to move on to the more arduous part of the workout Hinata told herself wiping her forehead and looking to get some water. Though on her little trip to get water, Hinata would be bombarded by those assigned to protect her. Stating the obvious danger the gym possesses, much to Hinata's boredom. Not that she would show it though, Hinata would kindly tell her bodyguards to leave. When they declined, insisting she leave. Hinata met them in the middle and told them they could watch.

That debacle aside, Hinata would move to a punching bag. This allowing herself to practice her own strikes. Blow after blow the punching bag shook, the bodyguards wouldn't say it, but watching Hinata made their job feel redundant. After a few moments Hinata would take it up a notch HA...GAH...AHH Hinata would let out with some powerful strikes. Those being the final ones for now until Hinata decided to take a break. My My what a workout, surely working myself to the bone here Hinata speaking to herself. Now finding a place to sit and obviously bodyguards on hand to give water.
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Re: Entering The Lions Den

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”Agh! Ugh! Grah!” These sounds of effort were released by none other than the blonde Finlay Zeffer in tbe gym. He had take a tough loss to Blair recently, and in the process he learned that he had a glaring weakness to strike based offense. Something he was determined to rectify. But short of beating the crap out of a punching bag he wasn’t sure how else he could build on this weak area of his.

Taking a small break he looked up from the punch bag upon hearing the tell tale signs of someone else unloading. Looking past the one he was using he saw the one doing the hitting and saw a a pale, dark haired woman unleashing a flurry of blows that emenated a thunderous impact with each blow. Watching her with curioisty he couldn’t help but compare the technique of the woman to Blair’s own. ‘Impressive...’ He thought to himself finding her ability to be rather impressive.

Eventually the show came to an end as the woman stepped back and took a rest on a bench, having a water bottle bottle delivered to her by two burly men that refused to leave the woman’s side. Raising a eyebrow the blonde male walked over, undeterred by the men on either side of her. Habing built up a light degree of sweat already from his work out, the blonde was in a state similar to the woman. Wearing red knee length gym shorts with white stripes near the knees along with black and red sneakers and a black sleevless shirt he would stop before the woman.

“Excuse me.” He said down to her, ignoring the looks from the men that appeared to be the woman’s body guards, though he hardly could understand why she’d need them. “I saw you’re work on the body bag there, you’re technique is rather impressive.” He said to her opening with both a observation and a compliment in one. “Perhaps you can show me first hand how skilled you are in hand to hand?” He suggested to her, a slightly challenging tone in his voice as he challenged the woman to a spar.

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Re: Entering The Lions Den

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Hinata-Sama that was workout was incredible, I could you feel you energy being poured into that bag
Agreed, Hinata-Sama that display would put even the most seasoned veterans to shame
Were the words of the bodyguards that accompanied Hinata witnessing her workout from so close. Despite their praise and feeling a sense of uselessness they still stood over her, 'protecting' her.
That's kind of you both to say, I can't skip out on it otherwise my skills would rust. Hinata would kindly say to the men before taking a sip of water. Hinata made it a business to stay in shape, only natural for someone in her position having her life. Taking a few more moments to speak to her guards. Which would be interrupted by a young blonde man. Something about this boy was already interesting Hinata. For starters when most see Hinata's bodyguards they refrain from moving near her. Yet this man did it so casually. Now while the boy was courageous indeed the bodyguards were looking to stomp him out. Luckily Hinata with a simple gesture was able to stop them, allowing the man to talk.

Why thank you, I appreciate the compliment. Though I must say you are quite brazen to come here and challenge me to a match, without so much as giving me your name? Hinata would say now leaning forward placing her arms on her knees. While Hinata is a very kind soul, there is still a specific etiquette she expects people to follow. Naturally those who don't are a certain type of people who dislike Hinata.

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Re: Entering The Lions Den

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Finlay completely ignored the guards, he wasn’t converned of the men in the slightest, and if it came down too it, he’d fight both with no fear. But credit to the woman before him she got both to back off relatively easily. Keeping his attention on her he watched as she sat up and responded to his request, commenting on his brazeness in the process causing him to nod. ”Hm fair enough my apologies.” He said to her, he wasn’t one for formalities but it appeared she was, and he was willing to play along. “My name is Finlay. Finlay Zeffer.” He said now giving his name to her before waiting expectantly, after all if he gave his name than etiquette this woman seemed to favor would dictate she do the same.

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Re: Entering The Lions Den

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Hinata would be somewhat intrigued by this individual, he spoke rather plainly, but not without tact. Noted by his quick apology to Hinata, as to which she would nod it off. Thats a fine apology Hinata would tell Finlay, as if she was grading him on the spot. But upon giving his name Hinata would do the same. With a smile that only exuded kindness Finlay, thats quite the name, my name is Hinata Hyuga said with a proper tone all the way through. But something else was bothering Hinata, surely she wasn't the only person in the gym. Other men with the size of her bodyguards. Even some boxers in here, both women and men. So why Hinata. Well before I consider a bout with you, if I may ask, why me? Surely you can find someone else here better than I Hinata would say plainly, though still confident in her ability.

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Re: Entering The Lions Den

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Finlay raised his eyebrow a bit as she accepted his apology, almost in the same way as a teacher would from a student when they were trying to gauge if they had listened or how well they did it. He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that but for right now he ignored it in favor of listening to the now named Hinata as she asked him why he picked her to spar with. ”If you define better as bigger or more muscular you’d be right. But just take a look around.” He said gesturing with his head around the gym, specifically at the various boxers, a majority of which were large and muscular even the women that were just wailing on tbe bags with no real technique.

“If I wanted to get in a fist fight I could just go to a bar. But when I saw you practicing on that bag, even for just a few seconds, I could tell... He said pausing to refocus on her. “You’re alteration between punches, kicks, elbows, knees was seamless, you’re speed and the power you hit the bag with, without a doubt to me you’re the best striker in this gym. Honestly probably tied with one other person as the best I’ve ever seen if thats how you normally perform.” He said with his hands in his pocket tone even, but a slightest hint of admiration coming from him as he explained to her his interpretation of what he saw.

“I’ve recently come to understand I have a weak area in this field. So I want to improve in it. Hence I want to fight the best I can find in it. So you.” He finished finally, waiting for a response for the woman to see what she had to say in regards to his reasons.

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Re: Entering The Lions Den

Unread post by Aqua »

Hinata would listen to Finlay give his reason as to why she chose Hinata over everyone else here. From the way he was describing it, Finlay had been watching Hinata for a good while, not only that he was making notes of the moves she was doing. A smile forming on her face from Finlay Hinata would respond That was a lovely dissertation Finlay, if I didn't know any better I would say that I was being watched when I was on the punching bag Hinata said tilting her head, maybe trying to embarrass the young man. You seem to know enough, being able to analyze me like that. So believing you to be weak in that area is quite hard. Hinata said standing up, raising her arms and stretching. That being said, I will accept this challenge of yours. Though I don't want the blame for what happens next Hinata told Finlay rather plainly, in the same tone he did.
BUT HINATA-SAMA PLEASE RECONSIDER... You would just be wasting your time with someone like him
That is true, this boy simply came up to you can asked for a fight, the gall he must have. No respect
While that may be true, it is still my decision. If it makes the both of you feel any better I could just toss him around for you Hinata said, trying to calm the minds of her bodyguards.
Erm...I guess that is okay...bu-
Lovely, if thats the case. Finlay since you are the challenger here, I assume you had something in mind for the bout

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Re: Entering The Lions Den

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Finlay listened to Hinata’s response to his challenge carefully, and admittedly blushed a little when she pointed out him staring. He normally wasn’t one too react like that for anything, but admittedly she had caught him. But in his defense it felt like much shorter in the moment, but even then that wasn’t here or now. Besides it was her style he was watching, not her body.... mostly.

”Ahem yeah.. unintentional.” He said a bit bashfully, a rare sight for him which he quickly tried to banish once Hinata officially accepted his challenge making him smirk. “Believe me. Contrary to what the apes here think I won’t be an easy workout.” He said directly calling the bodyguards out as he kept his gaze on her. “Likewise given I’m the one that wants this. Beleige me when I say I’m ready and willing for whatever ends up happening.” He said confidently with that same even tone and stoic expression.

As Hinata asked him if he had anything in mind to which he nodded too. “I do. Strikes and basic grappling like lock ups and clinches only. We go until one either submits or can’t get back up.” He said laying the rules out rather simply before pointing at a practice ring. “We can use that space over there. Any requests you’ll want to make?” He asked her, wanting to make sure any conditions or reuqests were taken care of well before hand.

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Re: Entering The Lions Den

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Hinata now craning her neck and doing some preliminary stretches in front of Finlay. Listening to the man of course, Hinata noticing the change in his dialogue when he brought up watching Hinata. Though the comment on the bodyguards would get them riled up, neither of them acted on it. Since now Hinata was already matched up with him. Well as long as you are sure then it is okay Hinata told Finlay about any possible 'mishaps' in the match.

Hmm, well the rules sound simple enough. I think it would be best if we implement a ten count rule like in boxing. Since you are so fond of strikes. Obviously ending sooner if there is no response. Hinata said plainly, following that Finlay would point out where they would be fighting now asking her about any requests. Requests? Only one comes to mind really, please but on some protective head gear at least Hinata would say, though this was honestly worrying for Finlay's saftey.

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Re: Entering The Lions Den

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Finlay ignored the bristling of Hinata’s bodyguards in favor of focusing on the woman herself and mentally preparing himself for the match ahead. As they made their way to the ring he listened to what she said nodding in response at her suggestion for a ten count. ”Works for me, it’ll make things simple enough at least.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders. However he did bristle slightly at her request for him to wear head gear. “Sorry but I don’t fight with training wheels. Unless you’re planning on doing the same I’ll be fighting like normal.” He said respectfully turning down her request.

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