Dangerous Games - Eve Summers Vs Lei-tzu Sun

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Dangerous Games - Eve Summers Vs Lei-tzu Sun

Unread post by thesteedman »

Match Type: Submission Match
Victory Conditions: Tap Out, Verbal Submission or Knockout via Submission hold

It never got old.

How could it?

Eve was left beaming when she walked to the top of the entrance ramp to the cheers of watching fans the moment her name was announced and her theme music within the LAW hit the PA system at high volume. The energy that came from the live audience was something else, and Eve could not help but bask in the positivity that the watching LAW crowd emanated. She threw her arms upwards and cheered back to those that were here tonight to watch the wrestling show! Her music was pumping out the rhythm at increasing volume on the PA system, only helping to get the crowd going all the more. Full of energy as always, Eve began to make her way down the entrance ramp!

The British DJ turned professional wrestler was as always a sight to behold on the eyes with few equals in the federation. Her face and physical form were nothing shy of stunning. With her well tuned tone and her angelic features, DJ could have been a model if she so chose. Over her torso she wore little but a strap like top that crossed over her chest to conceal her well rounded breasts, leaving her midriff bare. She wore flashy trousers that matched the spark of her top, walking bare foot down the ramp as she began to tag the reaching hands of fans on either side of the entrance ramp.

Once at the ring, Eve deftly hopped up the canvas before stylishly leaping over the top rope to show off her movements and agility. She began to play to the crowd once in the ring, walking over the LAW sign within its center and giving each side of the ring some attention much to the delight of the watching audience and those at home. As a final showcase Eve climbed the turnbuckle and threw out her arms, shouting out in determination as if she was already victorious. In truth she felt like a winner already, win or lose the match, she was only here to entertain the crowds, and her presence alone was thus far entertaining them enough! She blew the crowd a big kiss before flipping back, forming an impressive arc on a summersault before landing gracefully some space away from the corner.

Slowly, her music slowly began to die down in volume before finally ceasing. This didn't stop the crowd however from chanting and cheering for Eve 'Dj' Summers. By now she had retreated to the far corner, leaning against it. She offered a few waves to those still screaming her name, never letting the smile leave her face. Soon enough however, her attention was taken towards the entrance ramp when the theme music of her opponent tonight began to hit the PA system at a near deafening volume. Eve was very eager to get a look upon Lei-tzu Sun! A newcomer to the LAW and a woman who was already making a name for herself!

When the card had been announced, Eve heard that Lei wanted to shift their standard match into a submission match. Though Eve was no submission specialist, she knew the ropes good enough... and she was never one to walk away from a potential challenge. She could use her speed and moves to tire out and weaken her opposition, then she only had to lock in a basic hold to seal the deal... or so that was how it was going to work in her minds eye at the very least.

With a beautiful smile, Eve watched as Lei finally began to make her entrance... getting a glimpse upon the woman she was about to face in the ring... the British wrestler was certainly not disappointed by what she was looking at...

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