Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Match Type: Hardcore
Winning condition: KO, Pin or Submission!


Samus was excided. She maybe dropped the wish for another great match, just like her match against Alison and it seemed like the management was giving her this wish. Tonight Samus would face another heavyweight like herself and one that got a name that was speaking for itself. "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov… this name alone was sounding like a hell of a fight. But samus know what monster was standing behind this name… A woman that has a history in armature wrestling, and build like a bear. She was strong enough to chock out opponent with ease or throw them around like a baseball. And all her moves were hard hitting meaning that she could break samus apart if the blonde wouldn´t watch out… And as tipping on the ice, the match was a hardcore match. Meaning no holds bare!!! Neither of the two woman had to hold back anything, and could hit the other girl with all they had, even using weapons. Samus couldn´t await the moment when the ring bell would finally start ringing and both could go at it with all they want!

Samus coulnd´t wait any longer trapped in this looker room. The big woman would slid into her heavy blue boots and tie them a tight as she could. She would jump up and down in them a few times to check that they were fitting her perfectly. In the next moment Samus would turn around grabbing her hoody and pull it over her shoulders. The tall woman would pull the hood over her head and started to walk through the hallway. The tall American woman would walk to the entrance area. There she would stay for a moment. One of the stuff workers would give her a bottle of water, she would thank her and take a bit swallow before giving the bottle back. Right after that the tall woman got a sign that she was good to go.

Outside in the arena all the lights would slowly go out until it was complete dark. Then some smoke would raise from the ground and the lights were suddenly turned on with the music: Shape of you (rock). The lights were al shining down on one point were samus was standing with her back to the ring and her hoody over her head. On the back of her hoody was standing: “I will start it and will end it!” The big woman would stand there for a moment not moving. Then she would turn around and throw the hood back down from her head. The blonde would scream out a war cry before, starting to open up the hoody and throw it into the crowed on her left.

The tall woman would keep walking down and would clap into the hands of some fans that were directly at the ramp side. The tall woman would even hug a few of them. When she reached the ring Samus would jump right up onto the apron and hold on to the top rope. After that the Blonde woman would jump over the top rope into the ring.

The big woman would walk into the center of the ring and start shadowboxing there before the Referee would start talking. “Introducing first!” Samuela would start to slowly lift her arms up flexing her arms to show off her muscles. ”standing tall with 6´3´´ foot and a fighting weight of 198lbs… “the destroyer of Worlds” Samuela healtway!” In the next moment Samus would jump forward pumping her fist up into the air. After that Samus was told to get into the corner and wait there.

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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While Samus was practically jumping out of her skin, excitedly waiting for the action to begin and barely able to sit still on her own locker room, Zarya Volkov was likewise waiting for word. She stalked back and forth like a caged animal, fists clenching and unclenching.

She was still working to make a name for herself in the LAW promotion, and when the book we approached her with the proposed hardcore match, the Iron Soldier readily agreed. It had been too long since she'd had a proper fight against a woman who'd size and strength was a match for her own. She'd heard some impressive things about this Samuela healtway. A third generation fighter, probably thinks she was born and bred to find success in the ring. People would take notice when Zarya was standing over her broken body. She glanced up from her musings and check the clock. It was time..

A few minutes later the LAW arena darkened until only the stage bore any illumination at all as the Russian Victory March began roared over the sound system.
The smoke machines sent pillars of smoke curling towards the ceiling, as if the figure who emerged was stepping out of a freshly bombed out war zone. The Iron Soldier stood on stage for a long moment, her ring jacket reminiscent of a Russian officers coat, except the missing sleeves revealed muscular, battle scarred arms.

She made her way down to the ring as the arena slowly brightened. The excitement that had surged through the crowd for Samus entrance was gone. Zarya stared straight at her opponent, dark eyes sullen, hateful, her walk to the ring as grim as a funeral dirge. Climbing into the ring, she shrugged out of her ring robe, revealing the crimson two piece she wore beneath and the well defined muscular of the body filling it out. Meanwhile the announcers voice sounded again. "And her opponent, also standing at 6'3 and weighing in at 195 lbs... The Iron Soldier, Zarya Volkov!"

Zarya rolled her shoulders back, eyes never leaving her opponent as she backed into her corner to await the start of the match.

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Samus would see her opponent making her entrance. In reality the Russian woman was looking even more terrifying that on all the tapes Samus had seen from her. That was great. It was promising to be a pure straight up war between the two righter.
The tension right before the fight was fellable between the fighters, while both were staring at each other. But other than Zarya Samus was always keeping a happy smirk on her face, while she was looking over the ring to the other corner. The tall American couldn´t await the moment when the bell would finally ring.

And then it would come, the bell would ring and open up the match up. Normally Samus would start the match of with a test of strength or a technical look up, testing the opponent first before going all in. But This time Samus would start things off a bit different. The big woman would scream out loudly before starting to speed up and run out of her corner towards the Russian fighter. Samus would try to warp her arms around the waste of the other woman and lift her up from the mat before trying to take her for a ride back into the corner of Zarya, hopping being able to drive her back first into it. If successful Samus would grab the ropes to the left and the right of Zarya and use them to pull herself back forwards, after she backed away from her opponent a bit. Every time Samus would come forward she would drive her shoulder into the stomach of Zarya with all her weight and power behind this. And she didn´t had any reason to stop this because there was no Rope break.

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Tension hung thick in the air, the electric big fight feel that usually surged through the crowd when two heavy weights were about to collide for the first time. That it was a hardcore match only heightened the sense of spectacle. They were like two gladiators about to lock blades in the Roman colosseum, and Samus's opening gambit did not disappoint.

The woman charged forward, no feeling out process, no test of strength, no regard for her own safety. Zarya grinned fiercely, welcoming it, her muscular frame bracing for the impact. But Samus did more than merely storm into her. The American actually lifted Zarya clear off her feet, carrying her across the ring and finally slamming her back against the corner turnbuckle.

"Argh!" Zarya grunted out, unused to being thrown around, but the American wasnt done, lowering her shoulder and driving it into the Russians well defined abdominal muscles. "Oufff!" The force of it almost caused Zarya to double over on top of her rival, but then Samus repeated the action, drawing another animalistic sound of pain from the Iron Soldier.

On the third attempt, however, Zarya Volkov moved to catch Samus in a front headlock with an arm around her neck. With a roar of her own, the Russian brought her knee up, aiming for the Americans chest as she held her in that position. If the first connected, she would continue to smash knee strikes into her rival until the blonde countered or pulled free.

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Samus was busy smashing her shoulder right into the belly of her opponent. The midsection of the Russian fighter was even harder than she thought. It was like smashing her shoulder against a giant tree. This move was also inflicting pain to the tall blonde fighter. Luckily she heard that it was having a good effect on the Russian woman, what made her go on with that. But after the third attempt when Samus was about to pull her upper body back once again she felt how a strong arm was warped right around her neck holding her in place, not letting her go anywhere. The American woman knew that this wasn´t going to end well, so she would try to push her hand against the abs of Zarya to pull herself free, but without success.

Before the blond could do anything more suddenly a heavy knee strike went right against her chest, pressing all the air right out of her and lifting her up from the mat. Samus would fall right back to her feet, while her eyes were ripped wide open. And then another just as powerful knee strike against her chest, lifting her up once more… and another… and another. But after the last one Samus arms would shoot down trying to grab the leg and hock it in to hold it close. One of Samus arms would try to hold the Russian knee in place, while the other arm would wrap around the midsection of Zarya. In the next moment Samus would scream out another war cry, before trying to stand up tall and lift the Russian woman from her feet , before sending her flying with a fisherman suplex. Samus hopped that zarya would let go of her head in mid air otherwise if she doesn´t it would be pretty painful for her as well, because her head would be driven right into the mat.

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Zarya couldn't recall the last time she'd had to put all of her strength into her strikes, but such was the case if she wanted to do any real damage to her well built, american counterpart. She grit her teeth, a sound not unlike a growl of rage escaping the Russians throat as she tightened the front headlock to keep the big girl captive and ram knee after knee after knee into Samus well defined abdomen. It couldn't last long, she knew, and it was only a matter of time before her rival countered, and Samus did 'not' disappoint. Zarya felt an arm wrap around her waist while another caught her knee in mid-strike, to be clutched harmlessly to Samuela's body.

The russian didn't go easily, however, using her free hand to pound clubbing hammer-like blows into the American's back, trying to halt the suplex she knew was coming. Despite it all, with another furious roar, Samus managed to lifted the Iron Soldier off her feet with a massive suplex, her powerful frame hitting the mat with ring shuddering force. "Arghh!!"

Thankfully for Samus, Zarya lost her grip on the womans head and neck during the move, leaving the russian momentarily stunned on the mat, groaning in pain from the impact.

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Samus needed a moment to catch herself and recover. These knees and punches to her side… it almost felt like someone was hitting her with a hammer. For a moment she was scared that the Russian fighter would break a few of her rips… But luckily for the American it wasn´t so. Samus would slowly roll onto her front and looked over to her opponent before getting up to her knees. “Respect Zarya… that were some damn good punches…” would samus say while rubbing her side. “it seems like both of us deled out a lot of damage in a short time… let´s just find out who can keep this up longer!”

After this samus would put her boot against the mat and would try to push herself back up into a standing position. Samus would shake her head before starting talking over to her opponent. The big American woman wouldn´t waste any time as soon as she reached the Russian woman Samus would bend forwards trying to grab the arm of Zarya and pull her right back up into a standing position. After a short moment Samus would bend backwards trying to whip her opponent into the next corner with all she got. As soon as Zarya was on the way Samus wouldn´t waste any time and would start running after her. When Zarya would crash into the corner Samus would jump up and spin around halfway trying to perform a European uppercut against her opponents chin.

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Zarya was somewhat less gracious then her American opponent. While Samus was more then willing to be an honorable competitor and grant her foe respect, openly, the Russian fighter snarled from where she lay on the mat, letting loose with a guttural strong of insults in her mother tongue that probably cursed Samus and her entire family lineage! Zarya rolled onto her hands and knees with a groan, but her newest rival got to her feet first, seizing her by the arm and hauling the heel to her feet. Before she could get her bearings, Zarya Volkov found herself whipped across the ring, the momentum sending her spinning, back first, into the corner turnbuckle. That was bad enough, but Samus was *right* behind her, landing a European uppercut that slammed the Russian back even more forcefully into the corner!

"Uuhh!" Zarya exclaimed, her face an angry, pained grimace as she slumped dazed back into the corner, held up only by her arms hooked over the top ropes. "Urgh... OK... maybe you're not so bad yourself."

For a second, it seemed Zarya was actually showing her fellow warrior some well earned respect... right until her right foot lashed up, aiming to catch Samus hard in the stomach. She needed to put some distance between them and keep the American from following up the assault.

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Samus would smile when she heard the words of her opponent. She would slowly push her body away from the massive frame of her foe. She would try to create some separation between the two so that she could hit her with another attack. But before she was able to do anything she would suddenly feel a big pain in her stomach and a force that was almost big enough to lift her up from the mat. She would open her eyes wide open while leaning forwards as good as possible. She would hold her stomach and cough before Zarya had even pulled her leg back. The blond woman would try her very best to stay on her feet but in the end her knees would give in under her body making her fall down onto said knees. She would hold her stomach for a few more moment while leaning forwards…
“Fuck…” would she swear during her coughing…

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Re: Good and brutal: "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov vs Samuela Healtway

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Zarya Volkov felt the impact from her kick all the way up the length of her leg. She'd put all the force she could muster into that blow, knowing nothing less would stop Samus momentum. The woman was tough, and despite her own pain, the Iron Soldier smiled. It felt good to clash with someone who was her equal physically, appealing to a long dormant hunger for true competition. That was how you got stronger, after all, by conquering the worthy.

Seeing Samus fall to her knees, gripping her stomach, the Russian went on the attack like a lioness who'd just spotted a limping gazelle. She shoved herself out of the corner and charged, her right knee rising as she aimed to slam into her rivals head with a running knee strike!

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