Winning condition: KO, Pin or Submission!
Samus was excided. She maybe dropped the wish for another great match, just like her match against Alison and it seemed like the management was giving her this wish. Tonight Samus would face another heavyweight like herself and one that got a name that was speaking for itself. "The Iron Soldier" Zarya Volkov… this name alone was sounding like a hell of a fight. But samus know what monster was standing behind this name… A woman that has a history in armature wrestling, and build like a bear. She was strong enough to chock out opponent with ease or throw them around like a baseball. And all her moves were hard hitting meaning that she could break samus apart if the blonde wouldn´t watch out… And as tipping on the ice, the match was a hardcore match. Meaning no holds bare!!! Neither of the two woman had to hold back anything, and could hit the other girl with all they had, even using weapons. Samus couldn´t await the moment when the ring bell would finally start ringing and both could go at it with all they want!
Samus coulnd´t wait any longer trapped in this looker room. The big woman would slid into her heavy blue boots and tie them a tight as she could. She would jump up and down in them a few times to check that they were fitting her perfectly. In the next moment Samus would turn around grabbing her hoody and pull it over her shoulders. The tall woman would pull the hood over her head and started to walk through the hallway. The tall American woman would walk to the entrance area. There she would stay for a moment. One of the stuff workers would give her a bottle of water, she would thank her and take a bit swallow before giving the bottle back. Right after that the tall woman got a sign that she was good to go.
Outside in the arena all the lights would slowly go out until it was complete dark. Then some smoke would raise from the ground and the lights were suddenly turned on with the music: Shape of you (rock). The lights were al shining down on one point were samus was standing with her back to the ring and her hoody over her head. On the back of her hoody was standing: “I will start it and will end it!” The big woman would stand there for a moment not moving. Then she would turn around and throw the hood back down from her head. The blonde would scream out a war cry before, starting to open up the hoody and throw it into the crowed on her left.
The tall woman would keep walking down and would clap into the hands of some fans that were directly at the ramp side. The tall woman would even hug a few of them. When she reached the ring Samus would jump right up onto the apron and hold on to the top rope. After that the Blonde woman would jump over the top rope into the ring.
The big woman would walk into the center of the ring and start shadowboxing there before the Referee would start talking. “Introducing first!” Samuela would start to slowly lift her arms up flexing her arms to show off her muscles. ”standing tall with 6´3´´ foot and a fighting weight of 198lbs… “the destroyer of Worlds” Samuela healtway!” In the next moment Samus would jump forward pumping her fist up into the air. After that Samus was told to get into the corner and wait there.