Reiko Shishigou - The Lionheart

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Reiko Shishigou - The Lionheart

Unread post by Devastated »

Name: Reiko Shishigou
Age: 25
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Nationality: Japan
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Takanori Nishikawa - Crescent Cutlass

Wrestling Style:

Reiko is an up-close fighter, preferring to stay in the thick of things and slug it out, grapple, overpower and then smackdown the opposition. She's not easy to back off, stays aggressive and generally continues her assault as often as she can. In terms of actual attitude, she treats most opponents as formidable foes, as long as she can sense "hunger" from them. In the ring, everyone is a predator, it's only a matter of who's the apex predator. Being a Powerhouse Brawler, Reiko focuses on powerful slams and showing dominance in the ring through brute force. Coupled that with her brawling skills from her younger days, is what makes her such a fearsome opponent in the ring.

Preferred Attacks:
- Power Slam
- Belly to Belly Suplex
- German Suplex
- Spinebuster
- Spear
- Gutwrench suplex
- Headbutt
- European Uppercut
- Big Boot
- Lariat
- Full Nelson
- Bearhug
- Surfboard Submission
- Lion(Tiger) Suplex

Preferred Matches: Standard, Cage, Ironwoman, Street Fight.

Signature Move/s:

Lion's Sin - with her great strength Reiko hauls her opponent up onto one shoulder and in a display of strength runs with them before leaping up and slamming them down backfirst onto the canvas with a Running Powerslam.

Lion's Roar - Releasing a mighty roar, Reiko dives forward in a run with full force and momentum behind her powerful right arm as she drives her arm across her opponents shoulders and neck, putting all her might into a nasty Clothesline from Hell.

Finishing move/s:

Lion's Den - Reiko's submission finisher, a modified backbreaker rack, which sees her looking her opponents arms and legs up while draping them across her shoulder blades, bending and torturing their backs while leaving little room for struggle.

Shishi shindō (Lion Quake) - Hauling her opponent up onto her shoulders on their front, Reiko tosses them over her head and down towards the canvas to slam them down with an unforgiving Samoan Driver.

Lion Bomb - Pulling a downed opponent up into a wheel-barrow position, Reiko wraps her arms around their waist and swings them up as far as she can, all before she swings them downward while dropping onto her own rear, slamming them shoulder first into the canvas with a Muscle Bomb, which she has renamed into the Lion Bomb.


A stoic tough as nails powerhouse who stays true to her heart and ideals no matter what. A woman with a never give up spirit who holds the favor of the crowd. It's easy to consider her a rather crude version of a Face wrestler. Ever prideful, as fitting of a woman with the nickname of Lion or Lionheart. She holds herself in quite high esteem while not overtly talking down to others. She is instead the kind who accepts attempts at coming at her or testing themselves against her. Even if she sees herself as one of, if not the best that there is.

She's a powerful woman, with high respects for the wrestling profession. A woman who has....a bit of a checkered past. Yet, it only adds a bit to who she is. She tried at a time to stick just to her wrestling persona which had been shaped with her help of her teacher, which was just that stoic hero, but she let her old self slip through too much and it formed a bit of a different attitude. She's been called the Lion of pride because of it, but despite her prideful nature and her rather brash attitude at times, she is generally considered a good person and is looked up to by quite a lot of fans.

When it comes to friends and enemies, they are relevant. An enemy of today can be a friend of tomorrow and vice versa. She knows that well, but that doesn't mean that she isn't serious about both. Foes are to be crushed and allies are to be aided, despite that, both are to be respected. Everyone who steps into the ring is just a different type of predator after all, but it's Reiko's goal to be the apex predator in the ring.


Reiko Shishigou grew up in Tokyo, her father left before she could even remember and her mother was left to take care of her and her younger brother, all alone. It was from him they inherited their blond hair and light features. Something which earned them quite a bit of teasing when they were kids. Their mother never talked too much about their father, but whenever she spoke of him, she did so with love in her tone.

When she finally started to enter her actual school years, following daycare and the like, she felt the continued mean spiritedness to her foreign blood from her fellow students. Became of her different features and "broken" home she was an easy target. Teachers and the like where never much help, as she was usually thought of as more of a delinquent just because of her blond hair. During middle school, she actually started to fight back, it wasn't easy. There were quite a few times when she was taken down and beaten up by the groups of bullies. Yet, every time she came back swinging and did better, until finally she messed them all up. That was her first taste of being a true delinquent, which gave her a role....a role she didn't mind too much.

Her life continued, as she had become the big delinquent queen on campus. It had gotten to the point where people had rallied behind Reiko and gotten behind her. Putting her forth as the badass leader of their school. When highschool rolled around much of it continued, she stayed as the delinquent queen but now of a new school, and ended up in much more feuds and confrontations, this time around it was with other gangs from other schools.

At one point during her first year, Reiko found herself alone against a whole rival gang. Having been tricked into an impossible situation she was cornered and fought like a wild animal. Yet, there was no way this undisciplined rough fighter could fight off a whole bunch of the same kind of people. Instead she found aid in an "old woman" (Age 46), the unknown woman actually fought off the rabble and helped Reiko into her gym. She tended to Reiko's wounds, gave her some tea and helped her out.

She also gave Reiko a choice, to continue down this path....or for her to choose a new one in life. Reiko at the time had no idea what she was talking about, she took it with her usual angry attitude and simply chewed the "old woman" out, before leaving. It wasn't long after that though that she needed the help of the "old woman" again though. A few days later, her crew abandoned her as she found herself in a tough spot, losing out in a battle with another schools leader. Hurting quite a bit, with a foggy head and covered in bruises and wounds from head to toe, she had limped her way towards the "old woman's" gym. Passing out in her arms, she later awoke as she was given the same option as before, this time she took it under consideration....up until she was the one who was chewed out by this tough as nail lady.

The "Old Woman's" name was Kaoru Sagamoto, a well accomplished female wrestler who ran an old gym. She offered Reiko to take up wrestling, to come to the gym after school and focus on that instead of running around picking random fights. Reiko accepted, the idea of learning to be as tough as Kaoru was interesting enough....but after being defeated and abandoned she was kind of done with things. She just wanted to do two things, get stronger and mess up the gang leader who kicked her ass.

It took some time, but Reiko started to become a rather good wrestler at the tail end of her first year in High school, constantly improving. She was booked to local competitions here and there. She was starting to gain traction and for the early parts of her "career" Reiko's managed and trainer Kaoru helped her shape her new style. Gone was the brawling delinquent queen Reiko Sishigou, instead there was Reiko Shishigou - The Lionheart, the tough as nails wrestler who fought with honor and respect. Trying to be more like Kaoru wanted day by day, she became known as a strong up and coming face wrestler.

When she turned 18, she had her first big break in the big leagues, and who did she end up fighting? The same gang leader she'd been defeated by nearly three years earlier. With an intense back and forth match, Reiko overcame her old obstacle and even her old self. On Kaoru's recommendation she set off away from Japan a year after that faithful battle, traveling to America to fight overseas, where she continued to build herself up into an icon. Lionheart, the stoic and mighty wrestler. She became to face of a prominent wrestling organization on the west coast and became their main champion, a belt she held until her departure from the league....having gained the desire to return to Japan and meet up with her old mentor and test out the competition in LAW, with the ever growing supply of competitors from all over the felt like a good choice. Besides, it was time for the Lion to return to her Serengeti.


Ring Attire
Ring Attire #2
Normal Attire
Workout attire


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