Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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Normal Match
Victory via Submission, ko or pinfall
Going on from here:

Bomb King would start to play from all the speakers from the arena and the titantron would turn into a dark red color. The blond boy would step out form the back into the open, only wearing a pair of shorts. He would look around with a smile and get welcomed warmly form the fans. Seems like his first tag team debut left a rather welcomed bad boy impression with the ladies. The boy would smirk for a moment before he would slowly lift his arms up into the air and started to pose for the fans, this only made the female part cheer louder for him. When he suddenly threw his arms back down some firework would go off behind him. He would smirk and start to walk down to the ring. He would walk slow taking his time on the way. When he reached the ring he would walk up the stairs before jumping over the top rope to get into the ring. He would land back on his feet and turned around arms spread out a bit. He would walk backwards a few steps and waited for his opponent to enter after him.

"introducing first in his single match debut... standing tall at 6’0”and weighing 210lbs... he is the explosive devil. Bekugou Katsuki!"

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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Ty lee was making her way to the backstage area after having changed into her wrestling outfit which consists of pink and red tank top which allowed people to see her belly and a see through pink pants while wearing a white bra and panties underneath. After that the Indian native would fix her hair so it was in a top knot hairstyle and place two pink cuffs on her arms as she checked herself on in the mirror.As she wanted to put that blond jerk in his place.

So as she was walking back and forth near the entrance arena she got a signal from one of the crew members as Circus by Britney Spears started coming out of the speakers as the crowd started cheering as she waved to her fans while walking out onto the ramp. So as Ty lee reached the runway towards the ring and started doing cart wheels until she reached the ring while the Announcer voice would be heard while her entrance theme was playing as he said ''Now entering from Bangalore,India weighing in at around 120 ibs, Its Ty Lee''. So as Ty lee stopped with the cart wheels and gave one last wave to the fans before she climbed into the ring as she would look to the entrance ramp and glared at the asshole across the ring.
Ty Lee

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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Baku would look at her with a smirk, showing that he was actually looking forward to this match. “what no good luck wishes or nice words? Suddenly you’re so quiet and before backstage you couldn´t keep your mouth shut?” He would joke a bit trying to annoy her. When the bell would ring he would shove himself out of the corner and would start to walk forwards.
The match would start and baku wouldn´t really see it as necessary to go into a fighting position. Instead he would stand tall and walk right up to her. He would smile the whole way up to her and when he was close enough he would raise one of his fists and threw it towards her body trying to punch her into the shoulder. Or at least test her out a bit how she would react to this incoming punch. HE would pull his hand back to himself after the punch and stand tall in front of her with a smirk.

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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''Will you shut up as I am only here to kick your ass''screamed Ty lee as she was not here to be wish the blond good luck or have nice words with him. As she saw Baku take an fighting stance as she circled around him. Since she would not let him get away with what he had said as she would have to duck under his punch as she would cartwheel out of the way , and with some luck kick the blond into the face when she avoided his punch.

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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The small girl was really fast. Baku´s punch wouldn´t even get close to her, instead the punch would just get right pass her as she ducked down and showed off by doing a catwheel right next to him. The boy tried to turn around and face her but would only get foot to his face for his efforts, as she was able to kick his face.
Baku´s face would snap to the side and he would stumble away from her, holding his chin after this kick. He would be unstable for a few moments.

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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Ty lee had avoided the punch , and at the same time showed off how athletic she was by cartwheeling backwards as she kicked him right in his smug face.As the end result was that once the former acrobat was back on her feet the blond had stumbled backwards , and was holding his chin as the Indian wrestler rushed forward to dropkick him in the chest.

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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Baku would suddenly see that little fly right in front of her in the air. He would look in shock as she performed a drop kick against him, smashing her feet into his chest and throwing him backwards. She was too small to get enough power to take him off his feet just yet but the male wrestler would stumble backwards until he would fall into the closest corner. He would hang there with his arms over the top rope and grown out loudly in pain. Okay this was starting to get on his nerves.

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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Ty lee would kick her opponent in the chest as she would do an backroll as she fell to the ground as she would end up on her feet.This allowed her to stand up as she would look at the loud mouth as she smirked at him as he ended up in the corner as she rushed towards him for an stinger splash while he was still their.

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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The big guy would suddenly see the girl jump at him and he would be shocked that th small girl would try something like that. The boy was trying to act fast though and when she was in the highest point of her jump he would step forwards and warp his arms just above her waste, catching all her momentum and holding her up in the air… “did you just try to smash these things into my face?” would he ask upset. He would then start to pull his arms tighter together to squeeze the little girl in his arms. He would try to compress her as much as she could while these huge breasts where still in front of his face.

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Re: Bakugou vs Ty Lee: Explosive Debut

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Ty lee had just leaped towards the blond male as she hoped to slam herself into him , but too her surprise she would be caught in midair as Bakugou would show off his strength. As the former acrobat was feeling him squeeze her in an bearhug as her breasts rubbed against his face as she cried out in pain as she tried to shove his face away from her breasts.

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