「 焔 」
「 焔 」
Name: Homura Koga
Nickname: "Renegade Ninja", "Shinobi Show-off"
Age: 22
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Music: "Break out of your Shell!"
Wrestling Information
Style: As her name indicates, Homura doesn't just fight to win - she fights to show off. She stays up close and personal with a flurry of aggressive grapples, ending in either a flashy submission hold or a suggestive pin. On occasion, she even copies enemy finishers to literally steal the limelight! Unlike typical ninjas, she doesn't rely much on straight evasion, but rather on risky counters, placing every match on a knife's edge.
Type: High-profile grappler
Attitude towards hentai: "I'm game! Time to put my seduction training to good use."
Preferred Attacks: Judo throws, suplexes, smothers, body grinds, abdominal stretches, romeros, complex submissions, stinkfaces, erotic pins.
Preferred Matches: Submission, humiliation, smother, strip, hogtie, anything that puts both wrestlers on display.
Endurance: ★★★
Strength: ★★★
Speed: ★★★★
Defense: ★★★
Technique: ★★★★★
Strikes: ★★
Submissions: ★★★★★
Powerhouse: ★★★
Aerial: ★★★
Counters: ★★★★
Ninja Seal
North-south smother pin 

Powerbomb counter 

Entangled sleeper hold 

Forbidden Seal (NSFW)

Personality: Homura is, simply speaking, one hell of an exhibitionist. Her stated goal is to expose the glory of her ninja martial arts to the world, and she does it with such gusto that it's almost as if she gets a kick out of it. There is no subtlety when it comes to this shinobi - she's hot-blooded, assertive, and wears her emotions on her sleeve. In the ring, she eggs her opponents on with smack talk and sultry taunts, and does not hesitate to dominate them with humiliating or sexual positions; all is fair in the name of looking good! But despite this competitive streak, she's a remarkably good sport, who's quick to make friends even after a defeat. Her priority is putting on a show, after all, so there's no need to take any negative emotions outside the ring.
Past/History: Homura was born in the Koga clan, a highly traditional Japanese family who has trained ninjas since who-knows-when. She was trained in the ways of the shinobi ever since she was little: stealth, espionage, disguise, martial arts and so on. She was actually quite talented and enjoyed her training, especially all the martial arts; what she didn't like, however, was all the secrecy around it. "You cannot reveal to anyone that you're a ninja. That is also part of your training," her grandfather always said. "Our family has many enemies, but we have always survived by staying in the shadows." What a load of pooch! Thanks to this situation, Homura constantly had trouble making friends at school; how are you supposed to relate to others if you can't reveal who you really are? She couldn't join any clubs or groups, as she always had to come home for her intensive training. And in her teenage years, this escalated to the point where she couldn't even get a boyfriend or girlfriend... how lame! She vented this frustration in her practice fights, which became more and more elaborate as her need for release increased.
When she finally came of age, Homura decided she'd had enough of all of this. Screw stealth! Screw secrets! She was going to show the world that ninjas are the coolest, and no one would stop her self-revealing rampage. That was when she had a stroke of genius and signed up for LAW. By becoming a high-profile wrestler, the public would first take her ninja identity as just a gimmick; but if her clan sent anyone to stop her, then everyone would see it and realize that she was, in fact, a real shinobi. A surefire protection from the family, who loathed exposing themselves above anything else! Now that she was a living taunt to her clan's traditions, she could enjoy herself to her heart's content. And if they did hunt her down? "Bring it on! I'll show you how we fight in the open ring."
Ring attire

Alt attire



[*] Shamelessly plagiarized her finisher from a more famous ninja-wrestler. "So what? I didn't see your name on it!"
[*] Never travels anywhere without her katana collection.
[*] Wants to get into social media, but keeps getting her accounts banned.
[*] Proudly calls herself a renegade, even though she hasn't been exiled from the clan. She's just the relative no one mentions in family meetings.
[*] Favorite quote: "Hiding in plain sight!"
LAW Information