Victory by KO only

Only for her to prove it wrong as she would beat Thunder Ryoku in the first round.While in the semi final had to deal with Melody as it took a lot of effort , but in the end she had won.All of this thinking was making her forget the time ,and when she saw what time it was she would run towards the backstage area. Not long after she made it their she would heard the voice of Christina Aquiliar , and quickly walked onto the entrance ramp as she would do some fake punches as she walks to the ring. Halfway down the ramp he would hear the announcer say ''now entering the ring from London , England.Weighing at 155 pounds , it's Anna Holmes'' as she stepped up the steel steps and climbed to the ring as she waited for her last opponent in the tournament to arrive
Sarah was ready, she had a smirk on her face as she sat in the back waiting for her moment to enter the arena. The Scourge of the British Isles had gone through two different women who each gave her a fight. But Sarah had been through many fights, this was going to be no different as she rose up, the hood of her black jacket covering her head as her theme began to play as she walked out to the entrance. Smoke rose up from the center as Sarah walked through it, standing in the middle of the haze as she stared out into the ring for her last opponent before being called the Queen of Knockouts as she strode to the ring with a purpose.
To annihilate the bitch standing in the ring waiting for her.
She would reach the ring before rolling in, stopping to rise on her knees as she glared with her yellow eyes at the woman across of her before rising to her feet. "And her opponent, from the British Isles, representing Rebellion. She stands in tonight at 130 pounds! She is, the Scourge of the British Isles, Sarah Luther!" Sarah tossed back her hood as she kept her fierce gaze on her opponent as she was showered with boos. The sadistic woman wouldn't take her glare off of her final opponent as she made her way to the center of the ring, daring her opponent to meet her there for a face off!
Anna would watch as her last opponent in this tournament appeared on the entrance stage.As with each second she felt the anticipation grow as she would watch as Sarah walked down to the ring.The sadistic look in her opponents eyes together with the introduction of the referee caused the redhead to worry for a second .Only to calm herself down as she would not back down from an fight , and it time this so called scourge just who was the best between them as she would step forward to meet Sarah in the middle of the ring without fear
Nerves were an afterthought for Sarah, she had been in much more violent fights that had made her used to this kind of high pressure match as she stood in teh center of the ring with her opponent, eyeing her down with malicious intent as she unzipped her black hoodie and tossed it off, leaving her in her tank top and black short shorts.
The referee would go over the rules of the Finals as Sarah paid little attention to them, she knew what she had to do and she was going to do whatever it took as she was sent back to her corner, eyes never leaving Anna as she rolled her neck, waiting for that bell to ring so she could claim her title as Queen of KOs!
Anna would circle around Sarah as she looked for an opening she could use. However as she moved around her opponent she could not see any openings as she just kept moving as soon as the bell rang.From their she would just have to hope that Sarah ends up making an mistake as she moves around as she yells ''well come and get me Sarah''
The bell rang, the atmosphere was heavy with anticipation as the two women who had made it all the way to the finals of a brutal affair were going to settle it in a spectacular fashion. Both women were on edge, the slightest mess up would shift the paradigm of momentum as Anna called out her opponent. Sarah was never one to pass up a chance for the first strike as she lunged in at Anna, giving her opponent no response verbally and attempted to drive her foot into the stomach of her opponent to keel her over.
Anna would keep her eye on her opponent as she did not have to wait for long until Sarah made the first move.As she would watch as the other wrestler lunged at her as she would attempt to leap backwards to avoid the incoming wrestler before lashing out with an kick to her opponent's head.
Sarah gritted her teeth as she threw herself forward but met nothing but air as Anna retreated, forcing her to catch herself by planting all of her weight into her attacking foot on the mat. Quickly recovering she saw the leg of Anna swinging upwards, trying to decapitate her with the head kick as the Scourge brought her arms up to try and block the kick, taking a step back to gain some distance and away from Anna's reach.
Anna leg was already in mid swing as she planned on kicking the other wrestler in the face.As she hoped to knock the other wrestler down for the count only to face as Sarah would block her attack.As the redhead's leg would make contact with the scourge's arms , and before she could try again she would watch as her opponent took a step back , and got out of her range as the Briton had to try to close the distance while hopefully force her to back up into a nearby corner
Sarah took a more subdued approach to this match, her body was not at a 100% after the two violent battles it took to get here, but she didn't need her opponent knowing that as she backed up into the corner. There was only one way out for the Scourge, a solution that she was all well used to at this point in her life as she was backed up against the corner, there was only one thing left for her to do. Instead of waiting for Anna to come at her, she would spring out of the corner and went in low to try and tackle her way into Anna, wrapping her arms around her legs as she attempted a double leg takedown!
Anna was going all out as she hoped to take down the other wrestler.As she feared that if she slowed down for one minute that her opponent would manage to take control.As the redhead doubted either was at 100% at this time.As the Briton took her licks in the first two rounds as she went forward to trap Sarah in the nearby corner only to be tackled down as the other wrestler managed to wrap her arms around her legs and succeed at pulling off a double leg takedown
Wrapping both of her opponent's legs, Sarah wasted little time in bringing her opponent down to the mat. She would quickly take advantage as there was little leeway for her in this high stakes match as she attempted to push her legs up into the air to easily move them to the side of Anna, attempting to move into side control where she would try to push herself up into a striking position to start throwing punches aimed at Anna's head, showing that she was going straight for the throat!
Anna would feel her opponent wrap her arms around her legs as she took her down with an double leg takedown. As the redhead would quickly be straddled as the other wrestler got into a side control position from when she would maneuver herself into striking position as the Briton had to try to get her guard up as quickly as she could to block those punches aimed at her head as she had to let some through at first.
Moving quickly past Anna's legs as she postured up onto her knees, Sarah began to throw down her fists as fast as she could to try and blitz down the defenses of Anna with her relentless attack. Some of her punches made it through but most of her attacks were being blocked. Gritting her teeth, she knew at this point she was just wasting stamina as she attempted to try and pin down the closest of Anna's arms, grabbing it and trying to push it to the ground where she would try and pin it down with her leg!
Anna would feel Sarah throw down some punches as the redhead was able to get her guard up.However she was unable to block all the blows as some made it through as she was however lucky that those who made it through did not seem to be the strong ones.However just as she was about to move forward , Sarah would grab her by the arms as she was forced down onto the ground as she struggled to free her arms as she yelled ''let me go''
Sarah smiled out as she pinned the arm underneath her leg, leaving one arm less defending Anna's face as she lifted up her arm, twisting into her opponent as she tried to slam her forearm into Anna's face for that big heavy blow. She would not stop there however as she would press harder into Anna's face with her forearm, trying to grind it into Anna's face as hard as she could. "You ain't being let go until you're dead!" she hissed into Anna's face as she attempted to slam her forearm into Anna's face again.
Anna would try to free her arm but was unable to get her arms free from beneath Sarah's leg as she was left with only one arm to defend herself. So when she saw her opponent lift her arm she would try to protect her face with it , but with only one arm she could only block part of her face as she got hit right in the face by Sarah as she cried out ''you fucking bitch!"
Smashing her forearm into Anna's face, Sarah dragged it back and forward across her face for that extra disdainful pain before pulling up, getting back to her feet as she attempted to lift her foot to try and plant it down into Anna's chest. If she was successful, she would press down with as much weight she had to try and keep her opponent there and rob her of her breath.
Anna would end up with her opponent's forearm into her face as she stumbled backwards.Still she did not have a lot of time to recover as she got hit in the chest as Sarah knocked her down as she groaned in responds as she tried to lift her opponent's foot off her
Sarah continued to growl out as she stomped down on Anna's chest, feeling the resistance from her opponent as she was forced to take her foot off. However, she was not going to let her opponent off so easily as she pulled her foot back and attempted to punt Anna in the side, to keep her down and allow her continue her beating.
Anna would cry out in pain as she tried to protect her chest as best she could.AS she would manage to force her opponent's foot off her just an little when Sarah pulled her foot back herself.Now this was odd for about 5 seconds until she got punt kicked in the side as she yelled ''you bitch''as she rolled onto her belly.
With a loud smack, Sarah’s foot buried itself into Anna’s side, launching her opponent onto her back. Sarah would begin to walk around the downed Anna, smiling out as she bide her time, stalking Anna as she would wait for Anna to try and rise before lunging in and attempting to kick Anna right in the chin with a big boot!
Anna would cry out as her opponent's foot buried itself into her side as she was forced onto her back.What followed after that was that the redhead would watch as Sarah would circle around her. As it was clear the other wrestler was stalking her as if the Briton was an deer while the other woman was an lioness as she would try to sit up only to end up down on her back as she got hit in the chin with an big boot
Stepping forward and burying her boot into Anna's face, Sarah watched and felt the attack drill her opponent back down into the mat as she sauntered off, the sadistic pride in bullying and beating down on Anna escaping from every pore of her body as she walked around the downed woman. She heard the hisses and boos from the fans as she was clearly in control. Turning her attention towards Anna, she would line up the downed woman's face taking a few steps back before moving forward to jump up into the air and try to drop a knee into her face!
Anna would cry out as she got hit right in the face as Sarah's boot drive itself into it.As it was clear her opponent took great pleasure in causing the redhead pain as she would hear the fans react negative in responds to what the other wrestler did.Still did this little to ease the pain she was feeling as she could only look up in horror as Sarah leaped into the air as she would descend down towards her for a knee drop as she tried to roll out of the way of the incoming danger
Sarah tried to smash down into Anna's face with her knee, to mess up that pretty looks of her opponent, but instead she met nothing but the hard surface that many people thought was springy enough to negate impacts such as this. She gritted her teeth as she let out a cry afterwards, grasping down at her knee as she hobbled up to her feet, shakily trying to keep her balance.