Tokiyo Takahashi VS Jun Saejima

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Tokiyo Takahashi VS Jun Saejima

Unread post by Pauliewog »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

the song Brutality start to play and the crowd star to cheer for Tokiyo. "The following concert is scheduled for hook fall!' he say as Tokiyo start to remove her hood from her coat. On the way to the ring from Tokyo Japan Weight 120 Pound Tokiyo Takahashi!!!!" he say as she walk up to the ring. "wow." Kai said. "this is her 1st match hope it go well." i dont know." said John. "her oppin look strong i dont know how long she will hold." Tokiyo got in the ring hold her pace sigh to the crowd and they cheer and got to the side of the ring getting ready for Jun Saejima to enter.
Tokiyo Love you :)

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Re: Tokiyo Takahashi VS Jun Saejima

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Jun Saejima was preparing herself for her match. She didn't have a good record here in LAW, with two losses over one win. She was determined to emerge victorious in this match, and she would make sure that she was facing, she would be able to defeat her. Clad in her white leotard with raven patterns, Jun would make her entrance as her music was played, and she strutted down the ramp, heading over to the ring where her opponent was at.
Jun Saejima
Once she arrived, Jun would climb up the apron, rolling under the ropes to enter the ring. Doing some light stretches, she would head over to her corner, keeping her eyes on her opponent for the night, Tokiyo. From what she had heard, this Tokiyo was making her debut tonight, and she would like to see what sort of wrestler she was. And she planned to defeat her in order to improve her standing in LAW.

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Re: Tokiyo Takahashi VS Jun Saejima

Unread post by Pauliewog »

As Jun was enter the ring the crowd cheer for both of them to see what they can do but they cheer for the newcomer Tokiyo Takahashi as she look at Jun eye for a monit and the bell ring and she start by hit her with her hard hard and fast then she got her down to the ring and go to the top rope ready to jump. as she was the crowd was cheer her onto let her win but it was not going to be easy for Tokiyo.
Tokiyo Love you :)

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