Age: Unknown
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 144lbs
Entrance music:
Nationality: The Nameless City
Fighting Style: Unknown
Finishing move/s: Unknown
Personality: Little to barely any personality about this shadowy figure. Is extremely compulsive about his wretched, blasted book he carries on him at all times. There is a inhuman aura about him, something not of this Earth, but something primal yet indeed. Wants nothing more than to see the world burn and minds cease to be normal. Madness is a disease he wants to spread.
History: Once a normal person like everyone else at some point in history, but corruption takes its form in different ways. Something tempted him to go out searching for a mythic book of untold destruction and chaos, the Necronomicon, bound in human leather and only something tainted and foul would ever dare open such blasphemy. Learning of the books author was driven to know more and more of the foul teachings and sorceries that exist within the book. Whatever was known about this person before temptation and corruption is completely lost, what he is now is barely anything left of being human. Something wicked and twisted and blasted and malformed, whatever lay beneath his rags is something unfathomable.