Nickname: Junior Broncobuster
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty blonde
Height: 5’ 0”
Weight: 117 lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: face
Wrestling Information
Strategy: As a young, inexperienced wrestler still ‘learning the ropes’, Riley tends to stick to basic fighting moves and, if she can get a decent hold on, will try to use hentai type attacks in an effort to weaken her opponent. Often followed up by - or used in combination with - smother attacks where she will deploy her nicely curvaceous ass and breasts to great effect.
Style: Sexy, uninhibited. Not afraid to indulge in any sort of hentai brawl.
Preferred Matches: Riley is game enough to fight any sort of match against any lightweight opponents.
Endurance: 5
Hentai 5
Favored moves: Groping, breast smother and face sitting.
Finishing moves: Breast smother and face sitting.
Riley is a headstrong, uninhibited and competitive young woman who enjoys a good mental and physical challenge. Although not especially vindictive, she would love to enjoy dominating an opponent if she ever had the chance.
Past / history:
Broncobuster Cathy Jefferson’s younger sister, Riley also grew up on a ranch on the great plains of Montana. However, after growing up in her older sister’s shadow both literally and metaphorically, Riley left home as soon as she could and made her way to LA where she flunked art school and lived in a squat and before deciding to take a chance and head across the world to join Cathy at LAW.
Despite her slightly short stature, Riley soon realised that there was a lightweight weight class she could hope to thrive in; and she decided to become a hentai specialist as this seemed to fit best with her own personality and interests as well as making up for a certain lack of required wrestling experience.
When Riley arrived on the LAW scene, some were quick to comment on the younger sibling’s similar physical appearance to her older sister, but then again Cathy is 7 inches taller while Riley’s shortness makes her look even curvier and more buxom than her admittedly very attractively leggy sibling.
LAW Information
Record: no matches completed to date