Upon reading the text however, she'd realize it wasn't some random spam texter but her agent. Checking the messages, grinning as she'd been informed by her agent she had a match tonight, wanting to relax but another chance to build on her momentum was something she couldn't pass up. Finishing her smoothie, paying, and leaving a tip before going on her morning jog a lot on her mind as she'd be thinking of her next opponent.
"Eleanor Moonlight huhh? Hope you're ready for me.."
The day passed quickly as after E'isa spent it running errands and resting. She'd get to the arena before the match to prep and scout her opponent. Sending a text to her girls that she wouldn't be able to go out tonight as she was booked for a match. Telling them she'd be free to celebrate her win the following night, confident, maybe even overly confident, feeling untouchable due to her current streak. Making her way into the arena, feeling like she had done it a thousand times over, though it was still early in her career. Coming in to see familiar faces, she'd pace to the locker room, heading to the back to do her usual prep. Stretching and working up a mini sweat to get her blood flowing before she'd sat her legs crossed on the floor to scout her current opponent. Taking note of her build, strong, well-toned, amazing physique, she looked to be in amazing condition. A dangerous woman with a dangerous set of moves. She had the tools to put away most with the right situation and timing. E'isa took note before seeing something that had begun to be a trend.
"She's a middleweight.. hmmm interesting.."
Wanting to get frustrated but realized it was just another chance to showcase herself as the one to watch regardless of weight class. A grin came along her face again as she sat up, changed, and looked in the mirror before slamming her locker and heading out. Hitting some jumping jacks on the ramp before her theme would sound off, popping out from the back to a roar from the crowd, boos and cheers yet nothing out of the ordinary.