Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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All standard rules apply
Victory via verbal submission!

Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

Unread post by Albentes »

It seems Amèlie would have another chance to fight Louise... but it's not like the way she wanted.. also Lou was beated up already, so probably that would result in lot of aggression by her. So it would be no fun for Amèlie at all, in fact she was already bored to go there and fight a weakened Lou, maybe Lou could even best her but still she wasn't liking this already at all.

So Amèlie walked in the arena seeing Lou tired and just sighed while talking to her... "Tch.. no fun at all, you want to fight in that condition? Fine, no matter how it goes, you will need a good rest after. I want proper matches with you MINI melons."

After that Amèlie didn't spare any time and immidiately rushed Lou to bearhug her! "How about a good hug to celebrate our match? <3"

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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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Louise had just finished her match against Nuo and she managed to win this match... But the event was not over for her because her next match was going to start in a few seconds. She took advantage of her few seconds to talk to the camera, trying to attract the attention that Nuo had stolen from her during the last minutes of this match and did not notice that her opponent, Amelie, was already on stage.

She turned around at the last moment and met the gaze of the blonde who threw herself on the brunette, hugging Louise with a powerful bearhug that reminded the so-called Goddess how tired she was and that her body was injured because of her last fight.

"Nghhh!.. Fuck.. You!..."

Louise pushed Amelie away with both arms and leaning forward, it was a lot of effort but it showed one thing, that Louise was already at the limit of her endurance. She gasped and groaned slightly, clenching her fists as she stared into her opponent's eyes and thought, as best she could, of a plan to win this match.

"I don't want to win by disqualification... Wait until the match starts, bitch."
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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"Eheh.. <3 Fine :)" Amèlie asserted how tired Lou was... she got even more pissed off by this and almost thought of letting Lou win but... no. She still remembered what happened at the beach and wouldn't forget that so easly!

The bell finally rang and now Amèlie decided to kick Lou in the gut, if that went in she would punch Lou in the back to bring her down and just... sit on her back!
"Now i can attack right? :D" She said eager to fight Lou again hoping that even in her condition she could give her a good match even if she doubted it..

"MINI melon!" Of course she want to make Lou angrier so she could bring more force out and give her fun!

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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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Louise gritted her teeth and continued to stare at Amélie with a rather bored and still tired look. This fight was going to be difficult and there was little chance that she could win it... But that didn't discourage her. The Frenchwoman stood up and got into position to fight, she had a plan to defeat Amélie despite her condition and she didn't waste a single second to put her plan into action.


The bell rang to announce the start of this match and Louise took a kick to the stomach before she could take a step forward, finding herself forced to lean forward and take a blow to the back that laid her on the ground. The blonde took the opportunity to sit on the back of the brunette who was groaning in pain and raised her head slightly.

"Arghh.. Fuck!"

Louise knew she was tired and weakened not that slow! There was clearly a physical difference due to fatigue but that didn't mean Louise had no chance of winning, especially if Amélie didn't take full advantage of it.

"You.. Heavy bitch!.."

The Wildcat gritted her teeth and growled louder and louder while trying to straighten up to find herself on her knees, hoping to be able to carry her opponent with her current strength to be able to fall on her back and crush Amélie under her weight. If she succeeded, Louise would follow up by elbowing the blonde's stomach.
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Thu Oct 03, 2024 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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"Let me go! Argh!!! OOFFF!! Fucking bitch! And i tried to be nice!" Amèlie got a bit pissed off, she knew that Lou was tired and as she expected Lou became aggressive.. so she had to respond the same way.

"That's how you want to do? Fine." Amèlie grabbed Lou wrists to pull her closer to smother that bitch! "How about you rest a bit fucking whore? You seem too tired."
Knowing that Lou was tired a smother to put her out should be quite effective..

"Go to sleep so i can have fun with the MINI melons!"

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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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Despite the fatigue and her injuries on her nose and collarbone, Louise continued to fight aggressively by lifting Amélie, who was initially on her back, to pin her to the ground and crush her with her back before elbowing her in the stomach. This did not please the blonde much who grabbed the brunette's wrists, forcing her to turn around before being able to stick the face of the so-called Goddess against her breasts for a breast smother.


Louise sighed slightly between her opponent's breasts and tried to struggle by freeing her hands by force but it was completely useless, Amélie was much too strong at the moment! The brunette gritted her teeth and moved her head back slightly to be able to breathe again before headbutting her opponent's bust. Her hands were unusable so she preferred to use her head, literally.
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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"Ahaha <3 you like them so much you headbutting in?" Lou move was rather strange for Amèlie, she expected to begin bitten by her but instead she was butting in with her head into her soft breasts..it was rather good for her instead of painful..

That made Amèlie understand that Lou was that tired... and she was more bored now.. so she started to whispering to Lou: "You know what would be funny? Me just giving up right now so you will be clowned by everyone! How about i do that?

"After all Your MINI melons aren't so great right now to taste.." So Amèlie got off Lou but not without chopping her breasts with both of her hands!

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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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Louise headbutted Amélie's chest, hoping that her big chest would be sensitive enough for her blow to force the blonde to distance herself but not at all, Amélie sighed with pleasure and even mocked the Frenchwoman.

"Grrr... Don't dare give up, I'm still going to beat you!"

But Amélie still let Louise escape and get up, she couldn't win this way especially since Louise wasn't the kind of woman to give up. The so-called Goddess immediately got up and looked towards Amélie with a powerful glare before throwing herself on the blonde, her arms completely open and defenseless. She took a chop on the chest, rather pain that made her wince in pain but it wasn't enough to make her slow down.

After a few steps, Louise found herself in front of Amelie and she wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, hugging her with all her strength for a powerful bearhug.

"How about... You shut the fuck up... And you submit because of my bearhug... Like a pathetic slut!.."
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Amelie Dubois — Verbal Submission Match

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"Nghh you and your stupid bearhuhg! You like my tits so much that you want them to be closer to you? Fine!" Amèlie bearhugged Lou back squeezing as much as she could, knowing that Lou was way tired than her that should work.

"Now how about YOU shut up! Let this be over quick, i want to have fun with the MINI melons!" She said while taunting Lou and press her body against her! "Oh maybe i'm a slut but you liked last time didn't you? <3 can't wait to do that again BITCH <3"

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