Real Name: Sonja Goldwasser
Nicknames: The Songbird, The Songstress, The Siren
Age: 50
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6'1
Weight: 200
Alignment: Heel
Nationality: German
Born In: Cologne, Germany
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Entrance Music:
Ring Attire

Imagine this, but red, and without the ears or tail.












Rear View












Gym Wear


Bunny Outfits



Fancy Wear

Promotional Shots

















"The good old days."
A Look At Past Matches

"I remember this joker. He challenged me to a sixty minute Ironperson match."

"I had him tapping out in ten minutes. He was decent for that: Had me stuffed real nice, and he had just the right amount of volume in his load. I love that full feeling."

"Sarah Connor. She had one of the sexiest pair of lips of anyone I've ever faced, and she knew how to use them."

"That was one wild morning." (Elvira giggles at the memory) "We broke the bed, flung each other around the place, fucked in the chair, fucked over the table, fucked on the floor...The hotel staff hated us." (She laughs)

"Artur Saraiva Barros. An older man that I actually enjoyed working with. I can only imagine how much of a beast he was when he was younger, because ooh!" (Elvira fans herself.)

"Joshua Jeselnik. I was surprised that such a handsome young man had managed to make it to twenty-four without someone coming along to take his virginity. And I was glad I got to him first instead of Alix. He was a perfect example of why I like 'em young. So much energy, so much stamina! Pop, pop, pop! One load right after the other, no long waits. And he had the sweetest reactions when I sucked his cock. I did a lot of that in our match.
He came to me for more the next day, and I was happy to oblige. We had some good times. And then he started talking about love and ruined the whole thing. I had to cut him off."

"Jeremy Valiant. He was a weird case. At first, I didn't expect much from him. Older men just don't keep up well in stamina or fitness. And then he got naked. I just had to deep throat that thing."

"For some reason, he wanted to take pictures. We already had a full camera crew, so I have no idea why."

"I hope that quick shot's happy with the pictures, because I wasn't happy when that match was over. What a disappointment that was."

"Bunny Mask." (Elvira has a look on her face that would speak her next sentence before she put it into words.) "I found this man's gimmick to be absolutely ridiculous. But he pounded me just right..."

"He really was like Superman. He could lift me like I was nothing, lasted the entire sixty minutes, and he knew how to please a woman. He didn't stick around for long, though. His wife found out that he was sexfighting and took him to the cleaners. Such is marriage: When you've got a leash on you, the fun stops. That's why he stepped out in the first place."

"Oh, I loved Tristan! That rascal was all about one thing: Fucking. I can get right behind that."

"Another virgin -- I love being the first time. And he fell in love with my girls. Can you blame him?"

"I love working with futanaris. They've got the best of both worlds: TnC."

"That was one fun night in the Erotic Combat Club. I'd just earned my title of "Endurance Queen" and these lovely ladies here wanted to test that out."

"I passed."

"Karla Evergreen. Oh, I loved working with her. She always let out the sweetest moans. Made the most adorable faces."

"That was a hard one to take, even with him going slow. Couldn't sit down right for a week afterwards."

"Ooh! Ricardo Caballero! Of all the men I've faced, he was the best. Easily. Ooh, the things he could do with those hands! Mmm!"

"Those lips!" (Elvira starts fanning herself)

"And he had the perfect dick."

"And the way he'd...! Uh, excuse me." (Elvira rises from her chair and makes her way towards the exit with a hurried pace.)
If asked to describe Sonja Goldwesser in one word, many would use "sexpot", or something similar. She knows exactly how gorgeous she is, and isn't afraid to use that to get her way. And after a lifetime of doing just that, she's very well-versed in handling people. She presents the image of a bored divorcee with a penchant for younger partners (with a preference for men), but there's more to her than meets the eye. She can be quite shrewd, possessing a high street IQ and an eye for business and worthy investments. Qualities that helped her achieve the riches she enjoys today. She also has more grit than those who don't know of her past would expect.
And most don't. At least not the entirety of it: She doesn't like to speak of it much.
Sonja is a woman who expects the finest things in life; the term "gold digger" is very applicable to her. She also has a lack of morals when it comes to relationships, seeing no issue with cheating when she's dissatisfied or making moves on people who she knows have significant others.
In the ring, where she is Elvira Velour, she displays traits that are typical to Heels: Vanity, a queen bee attitude, a tendency to cheat in her matches, etc. But she also plays to the crowd a lot, having a knack for leaving crowds with mixed feelings: Half of them cheering in spite of her misdeeds, the other half booing.
And most don't. At least not the entirety of it: She doesn't like to speak of it much.
Sonja is a woman who expects the finest things in life; the term "gold digger" is very applicable to her. She also has a lack of morals when it comes to relationships, seeing no issue with cheating when she's dissatisfied or making moves on people who she knows have significant others.
In the ring, where she is Elvira Velour, she displays traits that are typical to Heels: Vanity, a queen bee attitude, a tendency to cheat in her matches, etc. But she also plays to the crowd a lot, having a knack for leaving crowds with mixed feelings: Half of them cheering in spite of her misdeeds, the other half booing.
Part 1
Sonja Goldwesser grew up in an impoverished neighborhood in Cologne, Germany, to a loving, hard working father and a mother who would eventually leave the two after catching the eye of a man from a wealthy part of town. Some time after she'd turned eighteen, her father would fall ill. With no one else around to help them, Sonja would look to the Pascha, the largest brothel in Germany, and apply to begin a career in the world's oldest profession in order to support him. She was a very rare sight, possessing her father's height and her mother's red hair, green eyes, and curves. It made her the most popular girl in school, and she was banking on that making it a lucrative job for her.
Her bets would turn out to be correctly placed. With her looks, the fact that she was German (most people who worked there had come from other countries) and the talent she displayed on the microphone during karaoke sessions in Pascha's nightclub, Sonja would easily stand out from one hundred and nineteen other prostitutes. And before long, she would have customers flocking to her to arrange appointments, with many offering extra for a session. This would make waves and bother some of the other women, but not many. Sonja had a reputation for looking out for the others, having intervened in a few violent incidents and even having shared some of her earnings with another girl who was in the business with the same motivation as her: Gathering money to buy treatments for her ailing mother.
With Sonja's help, that girl's mother would find her way back to good health. But her father would not be so lucky. With her pay, she was able to afford the care he needed, but after the last of his surgeries, his body would be left in too frail of a condition for him to live for much longer.
After his passing, she would continue to work as a prostitute, seeing no other options after having dropped out of school to look after him. Fortunately, the living would be comfortable enough, with some of the other workers coming together to support her during the time she lived in the brothel. She would eventually have enough money saved up to buy a place of her own, and a few years afterwards, she would be met with an affluent client with a special interest in her: He wanted her hand in marriage.
The catch? It was the same man her mother had abandoned Sonja and her father for. Apparently, things hadn't worked out between the two, and she was out of the picture. He'd come close to recognizing her, mentioning a resemblance, but would ultimately fail to put two and two together. And she wouldn't clue him in, intending to take all she could from him.
As his wife, she would enjoy a higher standard of living. Five star restaurants, tailor-made clothing, some of the most beautiful jewelry that one's eyes can gaze upon, trips to exotic locales...Gorgeous men and women to bring to bed while he worked through the day. It was a loveless marriage: He wanted a trophy. A world class beauty to show off at social events. In essence: Chuck the old model and upgrade to the new.
The two would settle in America, and it would be there that she would pull the plug on their marriage and get her half of his assets. It wouldn't be long before she found a means to maintain the lifestyle to which she had become accustomed: Her new home was in Las Vegas, where there were plenty of high rollers seeking the company of a woman like her. Men, women, those in between...She was sought out by all. A fine start to escorting.
Her bets would turn out to be correctly placed. With her looks, the fact that she was German (most people who worked there had come from other countries) and the talent she displayed on the microphone during karaoke sessions in Pascha's nightclub, Sonja would easily stand out from one hundred and nineteen other prostitutes. And before long, she would have customers flocking to her to arrange appointments, with many offering extra for a session. This would make waves and bother some of the other women, but not many. Sonja had a reputation for looking out for the others, having intervened in a few violent incidents and even having shared some of her earnings with another girl who was in the business with the same motivation as her: Gathering money to buy treatments for her ailing mother.
With Sonja's help, that girl's mother would find her way back to good health. But her father would not be so lucky. With her pay, she was able to afford the care he needed, but after the last of his surgeries, his body would be left in too frail of a condition for him to live for much longer.
After his passing, she would continue to work as a prostitute, seeing no other options after having dropped out of school to look after him. Fortunately, the living would be comfortable enough, with some of the other workers coming together to support her during the time she lived in the brothel. She would eventually have enough money saved up to buy a place of her own, and a few years afterwards, she would be met with an affluent client with a special interest in her: He wanted her hand in marriage.
The catch? It was the same man her mother had abandoned Sonja and her father for. Apparently, things hadn't worked out between the two, and she was out of the picture. He'd come close to recognizing her, mentioning a resemblance, but would ultimately fail to put two and two together. And she wouldn't clue him in, intending to take all she could from him.
As his wife, she would enjoy a higher standard of living. Five star restaurants, tailor-made clothing, some of the most beautiful jewelry that one's eyes can gaze upon, trips to exotic locales...Gorgeous men and women to bring to bed while he worked through the day. It was a loveless marriage: He wanted a trophy. A world class beauty to show off at social events. In essence: Chuck the old model and upgrade to the new.
The two would settle in America, and it would be there that she would pull the plug on their marriage and get her half of his assets. It wouldn't be long before she found a means to maintain the lifestyle to which she had become accustomed: Her new home was in Las Vegas, where there were plenty of high rollers seeking the company of a woman like her. Men, women, those in between...She was sought out by all. A fine start to escorting.
Part 2
One of her clients would be Jacqueline Mann, known in the world of professional wrestling as Jacqui "The Million Dollar" Mann. The daughter of a wealthy businessman. She competed in a promotion called United Full-Contact Wrestling, a fast rising brand that was making history, being the first in the UK to host unscripted intergender matches to accompany the Men's and Women's divisions.
Jacqui was a brave one, all but directly stating that she was a lesbian (although she was out to the locker room, the majority of whom were accepting of her sexuality); dressed in masculine clothing, kept her hair short, was never seen doing much fraternizing with men or heard talking about any relationships she had with them, having subtle, but flirtatious interactions with other women, and was often accompanied to the ring by absolute bombshells (which all came together to make a daring move in the 90's). Elvira would be one such bombshell, and the one who stuck around the longest. As a woman who didn't care for gender, it was something that she could get behind.
Theirs wasn't a romantic relationship. Like many wealthy people, she liked to play the field. That sat with Elvira just fine, as she'd taken an interest in the sexfighting gatherings that were being held between shows. She would be hesitant to join in at first, intimidated by the possibility of going up against Sinthia Lovelace. Another beautiful redhead, but one who was crazed, subjecting opponents to some hard, sometimes brutal play in service to some demonic entity. A sentiment that others would have as well. But after she was barred from participating, Elvira would join in.
It was through this that she would meet Bethany Susan Constantinou, a rising star in the Intergender division. Like her, Bethany had an appeal that made the men easy pickings, and during their bout, Elvira would have that same influence over Bethany. What she lacked in wrestling skill at the time, she more than made up for with sheer sexual power. The future champion would be like putty in her hands, making her grateful that UFCW was purely vanilla. The two would become good friends, and eventually neighbors following Bethany's forced retirement, a result of a broken neck that was sustained during a heated match with Angela Belti, who had been having an affair with her Oscar Kelly, the champion of the Men's division, and her fiancé.
Elvira would seek the help of other wrestlers in secret, wanting to improve her skills to the point where she could take revenge for her fallen friend. Oscar wasn't a worry: After Bethany was out of the hospital, she'd give him hell in court, attaining full custody of her children and taking steps to ensure that he'd never see them again. And then some big, burly Satanist who'd started calling himself Tholraath would slaughter him in the ring and take his title.
One of those who would teach her some tricks of the trade would be a young Monique Ambrosia, an accomplished karateka, amateur boxer, and another talent to look out for in the squared circle. It started with Elvira teaching her the finer points of sexfighting after a match they had. It was well-tempered, but Monique had an ego. She was the superior wrestler technically, but when it came to the sexual aspect, she had a lot to learn. Although unofficial, it was a loss that didn't sit well with her.
The two would take each other under their respective wings, teaching each other the finer points of the styles of wrestling they were weak at, and every so often they would test each other's striking skills; by this time, Elvira had picked up Muay Thai, starting out as a Muay Tae, but branching out and evolving into more of a Muay Femur with Monique's help.
And then Monique went and got involved with Angela, which brought an end to their friendship.
Elvira would eventually make the switch from manager to in-ring competitor to test herself, which many were excited to see, both in the locker room and out. She was already very popular due to her stunning beauty and hypnotic voice, the latter of which had earned her a few nicknames: "The Songstress", and within the sexfighting circle, "The Siren". But her favorite would be "The Songbird".
She would do well, steadily making her way up the ranks. But by the time she felt that she was ready to challenge the then Women's champion, she had retired to focus on being a mother. And with that, there would be nothing else to keep her in UFCW. Her time with Jacqui had run its course; she found herself a steady girlfriend. And while she'd made many friends in her time there, she was mainly in it for the sexfighting.
And so she would leave, going back to escorting. She would still keep her wrestling skills sharp, however, attending the gatherings or meeting up with her friends for private one-on-one matches every so often. And she would occasionally compete in various sexfighting leagues that were popping up around the globe, using them to promote her brand.
One such league would be the Erotic Combat Club, based in New Jersey. It would hold her interest for a good while.
Jacqui was a brave one, all but directly stating that she was a lesbian (although she was out to the locker room, the majority of whom were accepting of her sexuality); dressed in masculine clothing, kept her hair short, was never seen doing much fraternizing with men or heard talking about any relationships she had with them, having subtle, but flirtatious interactions with other women, and was often accompanied to the ring by absolute bombshells (which all came together to make a daring move in the 90's). Elvira would be one such bombshell, and the one who stuck around the longest. As a woman who didn't care for gender, it was something that she could get behind.
Theirs wasn't a romantic relationship. Like many wealthy people, she liked to play the field. That sat with Elvira just fine, as she'd taken an interest in the sexfighting gatherings that were being held between shows. She would be hesitant to join in at first, intimidated by the possibility of going up against Sinthia Lovelace. Another beautiful redhead, but one who was crazed, subjecting opponents to some hard, sometimes brutal play in service to some demonic entity. A sentiment that others would have as well. But after she was barred from participating, Elvira would join in.
It was through this that she would meet Bethany Susan Constantinou, a rising star in the Intergender division. Like her, Bethany had an appeal that made the men easy pickings, and during their bout, Elvira would have that same influence over Bethany. What she lacked in wrestling skill at the time, she more than made up for with sheer sexual power. The future champion would be like putty in her hands, making her grateful that UFCW was purely vanilla. The two would become good friends, and eventually neighbors following Bethany's forced retirement, a result of a broken neck that was sustained during a heated match with Angela Belti, who had been having an affair with her Oscar Kelly, the champion of the Men's division, and her fiancé.
Elvira would seek the help of other wrestlers in secret, wanting to improve her skills to the point where she could take revenge for her fallen friend. Oscar wasn't a worry: After Bethany was out of the hospital, she'd give him hell in court, attaining full custody of her children and taking steps to ensure that he'd never see them again. And then some big, burly Satanist who'd started calling himself Tholraath would slaughter him in the ring and take his title.
One of those who would teach her some tricks of the trade would be a young Monique Ambrosia, an accomplished karateka, amateur boxer, and another talent to look out for in the squared circle. It started with Elvira teaching her the finer points of sexfighting after a match they had. It was well-tempered, but Monique had an ego. She was the superior wrestler technically, but when it came to the sexual aspect, she had a lot to learn. Although unofficial, it was a loss that didn't sit well with her.
The two would take each other under their respective wings, teaching each other the finer points of the styles of wrestling they were weak at, and every so often they would test each other's striking skills; by this time, Elvira had picked up Muay Thai, starting out as a Muay Tae, but branching out and evolving into more of a Muay Femur with Monique's help.
And then Monique went and got involved with Angela, which brought an end to their friendship.
Elvira would eventually make the switch from manager to in-ring competitor to test herself, which many were excited to see, both in the locker room and out. She was already very popular due to her stunning beauty and hypnotic voice, the latter of which had earned her a few nicknames: "The Songstress", and within the sexfighting circle, "The Siren". But her favorite would be "The Songbird".
She would do well, steadily making her way up the ranks. But by the time she felt that she was ready to challenge the then Women's champion, she had retired to focus on being a mother. And with that, there would be nothing else to keep her in UFCW. Her time with Jacqui had run its course; she found herself a steady girlfriend. And while she'd made many friends in her time there, she was mainly in it for the sexfighting.
And so she would leave, going back to escorting. She would still keep her wrestling skills sharp, however, attending the gatherings or meeting up with her friends for private one-on-one matches every so often. And she would occasionally compete in various sexfighting leagues that were popping up around the globe, using them to promote her brand.
One such league would be the Erotic Combat Club, based in New Jersey. It would hold her interest for a good while.
Part 3
It had apparently undergone a renovation, and was a host to a variety of match types. Oil, vocal submission, self-satisfaction, sexual endurance...
Sexual endurance was what really caught her eye. It was a large part of what contributed to her success in this form of competition. Wringing an orgasm or two out of her was one thing. But no one had ever managed to really wear her out. And in the ECC, that would remain true, for a time.
Elvira noticed the niches that the top competitors were carving out for themselves: Ionia, who had left some time before she'd come around, would wrestle her opponents to exhaustion before getting to the sexy bits. She didn't care to make it very sexy, but she was effective. Dalia Nadeen Mahmoud had oil wrestling, sliding around with the utmost of ease and eating her opponents alive. "Black Widow". "Mistress of the Oil". She'd earned those nicknames. Raven was infamous for her penchant for ruining her opponent's orgasms and forcing them to please her afterwards in regular matches, and those with self-satisfaction rules were pretty much her wheelhouse. Alix was known for the sheer sensuality she brought into her matches, a fellow master of breaking down her opponent's defenses in order to toss the fight out of the window and put the full focus on the sex.
Elvira would specialize in sexual endurance matches, making fighter after fighter tap out or go to sleep before the time limit would expire, eventually earning herself a new nickname: "The Endurance Queen". She wanted to test the champion in this arena, having taken an interest in her right away. But it would be some time before she got to challenge her, as she was in the middle of an increasingly heated feud with Raven, with whom she would have her own troubles, as brief as they were. Raven was a bully who was keen on establishing a pecking order, of which she stand at the very top, or so she'd try to convey. Elvira would not be intimidated, and the two would be separated before a fight broke out. After that, the belligerent goth would return her focus to the champion.
Their beef would end with Raven being arrested when she beat Alix with a chair after a vicious vocal submission match that she lost in spectacular fashion.
After Alix had recovered from the assault, Elvira would come forward to establish another rivalry. One that wasn't nearly as hostile, although very competitive, still. The two highlights of their series of matches would be a sixty minute endurance match that would end in a draw. To settle the matter, Elvira suggested meeting up at her place to participate in what she called an Ironwoman One Night Stand match. There would be cameras present throughout her home to capture all the action.
The rules were simple: The match was set to go all night long, with the means of victory being sexual knockout or having the most orgasms scored by the time the sun came up. Alix happily agreed.
It was easily the hardest, most competitive match she'd ever had. The former pornstar was relentless, matching her kiss for kiss, touch for touch, lick for lick, thrust for thrust. She could hardly believe it -- that there was someone who could actually keep up with her, and that sex could be so. Damn. Good.
The battle would leave the two of them utterly exhausted and sore beyond belief, even with the help of an aphrodisiac provided by famed chemist Silvia Dimir. But when the sun finally rose, it would be Alix who walked away with the victory.
This would be among the last of her matches for a time, as she'd catch the eye of an older gentleman named Jonathan Butler, an accountant for some large company. He was different from the others who approached her, simply wanting to get to know Sonja Goldwesser as she really was. Wanting to test his resolve, she'd reject him at first. When he offered himself up as a client, she would give him more of her time.
Like her ex-husband, he had the intention of making her his, and his alone. But unlike him, Jonathan cared about her as a person. His inquiries were genuine; he wanted to know every little detail about her, and spilled all of his own secrets. He wined and dined her. Gave her lots of heartfelt presents and made lots of romantic gestures. Smiled so brightly every time he talked about her with his friends and associates. He loved her to pieces.
The problem? He was boring. An introvert who preferred a quiet day at home to a night at the club or someplace out in the town. She would almost always have to take the initiative in doing something outdoorsy. His exploratory nature in the bedroom earned him some brownie points, but he still couldn't quite satisfy her, no matter how hard he tried. He lacked that youthful vigor that she needed. And most importantly, he wanted children.
But the positives would outweigh the cons: He made big bucks and would bend over backwards to give her the world if she asked for it, so she would retire from the competition and escorting and marry him, keeping that "little tidbit" about having gotten her tubes tied years ago to herself.
Sexual endurance was what really caught her eye. It was a large part of what contributed to her success in this form of competition. Wringing an orgasm or two out of her was one thing. But no one had ever managed to really wear her out. And in the ECC, that would remain true, for a time.
Elvira noticed the niches that the top competitors were carving out for themselves: Ionia, who had left some time before she'd come around, would wrestle her opponents to exhaustion before getting to the sexy bits. She didn't care to make it very sexy, but she was effective. Dalia Nadeen Mahmoud had oil wrestling, sliding around with the utmost of ease and eating her opponents alive. "Black Widow". "Mistress of the Oil". She'd earned those nicknames. Raven was infamous for her penchant for ruining her opponent's orgasms and forcing them to please her afterwards in regular matches, and those with self-satisfaction rules were pretty much her wheelhouse. Alix was known for the sheer sensuality she brought into her matches, a fellow master of breaking down her opponent's defenses in order to toss the fight out of the window and put the full focus on the sex.
Elvira would specialize in sexual endurance matches, making fighter after fighter tap out or go to sleep before the time limit would expire, eventually earning herself a new nickname: "The Endurance Queen". She wanted to test the champion in this arena, having taken an interest in her right away. But it would be some time before she got to challenge her, as she was in the middle of an increasingly heated feud with Raven, with whom she would have her own troubles, as brief as they were. Raven was a bully who was keen on establishing a pecking order, of which she stand at the very top, or so she'd try to convey. Elvira would not be intimidated, and the two would be separated before a fight broke out. After that, the belligerent goth would return her focus to the champion.
Their beef would end with Raven being arrested when she beat Alix with a chair after a vicious vocal submission match that she lost in spectacular fashion.
After Alix had recovered from the assault, Elvira would come forward to establish another rivalry. One that wasn't nearly as hostile, although very competitive, still. The two highlights of their series of matches would be a sixty minute endurance match that would end in a draw. To settle the matter, Elvira suggested meeting up at her place to participate in what she called an Ironwoman One Night Stand match. There would be cameras present throughout her home to capture all the action.
The rules were simple: The match was set to go all night long, with the means of victory being sexual knockout or having the most orgasms scored by the time the sun came up. Alix happily agreed.
It was easily the hardest, most competitive match she'd ever had. The former pornstar was relentless, matching her kiss for kiss, touch for touch, lick for lick, thrust for thrust. She could hardly believe it -- that there was someone who could actually keep up with her, and that sex could be so. Damn. Good.
The battle would leave the two of them utterly exhausted and sore beyond belief, even with the help of an aphrodisiac provided by famed chemist Silvia Dimir. But when the sun finally rose, it would be Alix who walked away with the victory.
This would be among the last of her matches for a time, as she'd catch the eye of an older gentleman named Jonathan Butler, an accountant for some large company. He was different from the others who approached her, simply wanting to get to know Sonja Goldwesser as she really was. Wanting to test his resolve, she'd reject him at first. When he offered himself up as a client, she would give him more of her time.
Like her ex-husband, he had the intention of making her his, and his alone. But unlike him, Jonathan cared about her as a person. His inquiries were genuine; he wanted to know every little detail about her, and spilled all of his own secrets. He wined and dined her. Gave her lots of heartfelt presents and made lots of romantic gestures. Smiled so brightly every time he talked about her with his friends and associates. He loved her to pieces.
The problem? He was boring. An introvert who preferred a quiet day at home to a night at the club or someplace out in the town. She would almost always have to take the initiative in doing something outdoorsy. His exploratory nature in the bedroom earned him some brownie points, but he still couldn't quite satisfy her, no matter how hard he tried. He lacked that youthful vigor that she needed. And most importantly, he wanted children.
But the positives would outweigh the cons: He made big bucks and would bend over backwards to give her the world if she asked for it, so she would retire from the competition and escorting and marry him, keeping that "little tidbit" about having gotten her tubes tied years ago to herself.
Part 4
The truth of her inability to give him a family would eventually come out, but on her terms. She would have a doctor's report faked, stating that she was merely infertile, rather than having undergone surgery. It was a hard blow to him, but Jonathan loved her too much to let it ruin their marriage. He would attempt to get accustomed to a life without children; adoption wasn't enough for him.
Sonja would live a comfortable life in their Vegas home, joining Bethany on her tours for her gig as a magician to sing for her audiences (and providing vocals to the intro to her show on television), enjoying the nightlife with her and many a boy toy, Pretty Young Thing, and a few old friends from their UFCW days: She would lie to Bethany as well, painting Jonathan as a man who simply wanted a trophy, just like her first husband. With her seeing him as a user, she would keep her illicit trysts a secret.
Sonja would do plenty to keep fit as well, including sparring sessions with Bethany and those aforementioned friends, which would include Monique. The two would rekindle their friendship after things had fallen apart with her and Angela, and Monique, feeling a need to repay the kindness Sonja had shown her when she was getting started in UFCW, would teach her the new skills she'd developed, all brought together to form what she called Ambrosia Style.
At home, things would eventually come to a head after Matthaious, one of Bethany's two sons, had turned eighteen. Puberty, along with all of the hard work he put into his various athletic endeavors, had gifted him with the body of a god. She'd had her eye on him through his teens, and once he'd become a man in the eyes of the law, she made her move. Matthaious had regularly volunteered to help out with various tasks, like mowing the lawn and whatnot. And one day, after he'd finished up, she would invite him into her home to sit down to a nice bottle of wine, a birthday gift that was to be kept hush-hush. Seeing no reason not to trust his mother's closest friend, and curious about alcohol, he'd accept it and indulge.
Both of them would overdo it as Sonja fed him that classic tale: "There's no love in our marriage. When he gets home, he ignores me. I'm so lonely, and it hurts so much." Matthaious believed every word and offered his sympathies, intending to leave it at that until Sonja started turning up the heat. Subtly at first, making those little inquiries into his love life at school. He'd had a couple of relationships. A girlfriend and then a boyfriend. Neither worked out, as he was looking for someone more mature.
She'd tell him that college would be a whole new world (not that she knew anything about it), that he would certainly find that special someone who was on his level, who would appreciate him for the amazing person he's growing up to be. After expressing her wishes that Jonathan was at least half the man he was, she'd go for it. Starting with a kiss on the cheek.
Matthaious got all red in the face and started stuttering. She could tell that he liked it, but his rational mind was fighting to prevail over the wine. Before he could think too hard about it, she'd plant her lips on his.
And then it was on.
It was a tale as old as time: Sonja would take his hand, the two drunken soon-to-be lovers heading straight for the bedroom. Jonathan would come home early and catch the two in the throes of passion, leaving him heartbroken. Furious, he would command Matthaious to stay right where he was. And the young man, still minding his manners even through inebriation, would comply and wait for the axe to fall. His mother had been called.
And when she got there, everything would unravel and Sonja's lies would be exposed. Her manipulations and betrayal would earn her a black eye and a broken nose. And had Jonathan not held her back, Bethany would have done worse.
Sonja was finished. A nineteen year friendship had been destroyed. Her marriage was over. And the story quickly spread through the neighborhood, ruining her reputation. She'd pack up and find another place to live.
Five years later, a client would bring her along to an LAW event that would revive that competitive fire she had in her. She would decide to try out for one last hoorah, being one of the top two performers. The other was a woman named Airmed, a chemist who had never wrestled before, but had somehow managed to handle herself like a pro regardless. She'd make rookie mistakes every so often, but her sheer athleticism would carry her through. The young lady did most things well. Power moves, technical maneuvers, high flying, sex...
Airmed was bold, challenging her to a sixty minute Ironwoman Hentai match. Her fellow redhead would do quite well in the fight aspect, even managing to challenge her with her own style every now and again. She was called things like "The Mimic" and "Mega Woman" for a reason. She would also show remarkable stamina when things inevitably moved towards the sex. But in terms of the psychology, particularly resistance against seduction...She just couldn't hang with a seasoned pro like herself.
Airmed would approach her after the match, initiating a conversation that took her back. It was well-tempered, but she had an ego, and that loss hadn't sat well with her...
Sonja would live a comfortable life in their Vegas home, joining Bethany on her tours for her gig as a magician to sing for her audiences (and providing vocals to the intro to her show on television), enjoying the nightlife with her and many a boy toy, Pretty Young Thing, and a few old friends from their UFCW days: She would lie to Bethany as well, painting Jonathan as a man who simply wanted a trophy, just like her first husband. With her seeing him as a user, she would keep her illicit trysts a secret.
Sonja would do plenty to keep fit as well, including sparring sessions with Bethany and those aforementioned friends, which would include Monique. The two would rekindle their friendship after things had fallen apart with her and Angela, and Monique, feeling a need to repay the kindness Sonja had shown her when she was getting started in UFCW, would teach her the new skills she'd developed, all brought together to form what she called Ambrosia Style.
At home, things would eventually come to a head after Matthaious, one of Bethany's two sons, had turned eighteen. Puberty, along with all of the hard work he put into his various athletic endeavors, had gifted him with the body of a god. She'd had her eye on him through his teens, and once he'd become a man in the eyes of the law, she made her move. Matthaious had regularly volunteered to help out with various tasks, like mowing the lawn and whatnot. And one day, after he'd finished up, she would invite him into her home to sit down to a nice bottle of wine, a birthday gift that was to be kept hush-hush. Seeing no reason not to trust his mother's closest friend, and curious about alcohol, he'd accept it and indulge.
Both of them would overdo it as Sonja fed him that classic tale: "There's no love in our marriage. When he gets home, he ignores me. I'm so lonely, and it hurts so much." Matthaious believed every word and offered his sympathies, intending to leave it at that until Sonja started turning up the heat. Subtly at first, making those little inquiries into his love life at school. He'd had a couple of relationships. A girlfriend and then a boyfriend. Neither worked out, as he was looking for someone more mature.
She'd tell him that college would be a whole new world (not that she knew anything about it), that he would certainly find that special someone who was on his level, who would appreciate him for the amazing person he's growing up to be. After expressing her wishes that Jonathan was at least half the man he was, she'd go for it. Starting with a kiss on the cheek.
Matthaious got all red in the face and started stuttering. She could tell that he liked it, but his rational mind was fighting to prevail over the wine. Before he could think too hard about it, she'd plant her lips on his.
And then it was on.
It was a tale as old as time: Sonja would take his hand, the two drunken soon-to-be lovers heading straight for the bedroom. Jonathan would come home early and catch the two in the throes of passion, leaving him heartbroken. Furious, he would command Matthaious to stay right where he was. And the young man, still minding his manners even through inebriation, would comply and wait for the axe to fall. His mother had been called.
And when she got there, everything would unravel and Sonja's lies would be exposed. Her manipulations and betrayal would earn her a black eye and a broken nose. And had Jonathan not held her back, Bethany would have done worse.
Sonja was finished. A nineteen year friendship had been destroyed. Her marriage was over. And the story quickly spread through the neighborhood, ruining her reputation. She'd pack up and find another place to live.
Five years later, a client would bring her along to an LAW event that would revive that competitive fire she had in her. She would decide to try out for one last hoorah, being one of the top two performers. The other was a woman named Airmed, a chemist who had never wrestled before, but had somehow managed to handle herself like a pro regardless. She'd make rookie mistakes every so often, but her sheer athleticism would carry her through. The young lady did most things well. Power moves, technical maneuvers, high flying, sex...
Airmed was bold, challenging her to a sixty minute Ironwoman Hentai match. Her fellow redhead would do quite well in the fight aspect, even managing to challenge her with her own style every now and again. She was called things like "The Mimic" and "Mega Woman" for a reason. She would also show remarkable stamina when things inevitably moved towards the sex. But in terms of the psychology, particularly resistance against seduction...She just couldn't hang with a seasoned pro like herself.
Airmed would approach her after the match, initiating a conversation that took her back. It was well-tempered, but she had an ego, and that loss hadn't sat well with her...
Elvira returns to the ring with the tools inherent in former mentee Monique Ambrosia's "Ambrosia Style" wrestling, a mixture of Karate, Boxing, technical, and power wrestling thrown in with a specialization in pinfalls and counters. Elvira adds her own touch to the style, making more use of the Muay Thai she already knew prior to being taught, though the Karate and Boxing influences pop up every now and again in what she calls "Ambrosia-Velour Style". When standing, she likes to do more striking. Particularly with those long, gorgeous legs, which have a good deal of power within them. Most grappling here will be done through the clinch.
Elvira likes to do most of her grappling either in the corner, on the ropes, or on the ground, where she can get nice and cozy with her opponent. Her sexuality is a weapon that she'll utilize even in standard matches: Smothers, grinding, tender embraces, mind-melting kisses, and what have you. She'll often try to break her opponent's will with this, promising sex if they give up the match. And if that doesn't work, then she at least wants them hot and bothered. Hot and bothered leads to mistakes that she can capitalize on.
Elvira likes to do most of her grappling either in the corner, on the ropes, or on the ground, where she can get nice and cozy with her opponent. Her sexuality is a weapon that she'll utilize even in standard matches: Smothers, grinding, tender embraces, mind-melting kisses, and what have you. She'll often try to break her opponent's will with this, promising sex if they give up the match. And if that doesn't work, then she at least wants them hot and bothered. Hot and bothered leads to mistakes that she can capitalize on.
Ironperson One Night Stand Match
An Ironperson One Night Stand Match takes place inside of a spacious, homey venue, most likely an LAW-provided apartment. The competitors will be locked inside for the night. Victory is to be obtained through either Sexual KO or having scored the most orgasms by sunrise.
Breaks are allowed, but may last no longer than one hour at a time. Aphrodisiacs will also be provided, should the competitors feel the need for a boost.
Breaks are allowed, but may last no longer than one hour at a time. Aphrodisiacs will also be provided, should the competitors feel the need for a boost.
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves
Booty Slap Abdominal Stretch
Armbar Stinkface
Elvira keeps this up for longer, turning the opponent's head until their face is right up against her plump booty.
Cross Counter/Sok Counter
Becomes the Sok Counter, a Finishing Move, when performed with an elbow instead of a fist.
Ambrosia Style Combo
AV (Ambrosia-Velour) Style Combo
Red Cyclone
Has a second variant.
Wind Hook Uppercut
Ambrosia Parry
May lead into the Shun Ren Dan combination.
Gatling Kicks/Multi-Vengeance
Becomes Multi-Vengeance when performed as a counter.
Shotgun Teep
Predator Elbow
Brickhouse Uppercut
Can be used against a multitude of strikes, rather than just uppercuts.
Signature Moves (Pinning Maneuvers)
Seatbelt Pin
Buona Notte Bacio
Ambrosia Wrap
Downward Spiral Cradle
Finishing Moves
Fall of Heaven/Heavenly Split
Aims to land her crotch or ass right on the opponent's face. A Hentai alternative, called the Heavenly Split involves Elvira utilizing the splits without the jump to initiate cowgirl/tribbing. Another, in which Fall of Heaven retains its name, sees the move being performed normally, but Elvira will follow up with fingering/a handjob.
Shun Ren Dan
Elvira's performance of the Shun Ren Dan ends with a Red Cyclone kick to the head. Becomes a Critical Finishing Move when coupled with the Ambrosia Parry.
Cuddle Session

Not a bad way to be put to sleep, don't you think?
Cowgirl Bridge

The Executioner
Predator Knee
Tainted Love (Bomb)
Is called the Tainted Love Bomb in full when performed with the proper pin...
Finishing Moves (Pinning Maneuvers)
Figure Four Jackknife Pin
Ambrosia Package
The IPDI (Il Ponte Degli Innamorati)

In a Hentai match, Elvira will seize only one leg in order to leave a hand available to finger/jerk off the opponent.
Critical Finishing Moves
The Bootigree

Bodyscissor Cowgirl

Against women, a double-ended dildo is used.
AV (Ambrosia-Velour) Skull Cracker
Pincer Lock Roll-Up
Songbird's Flight
Alison Goldfrapp
- Monique Ambrosia
- Matthaious Constantine ("Damn! I thought that boy was hot before! Now...! What a man he has become!)
- Alix Jacques ("She's a highly honored individual; the only one to ever outsex me at my own game.")
- Angela Belti ("Twenty-three years later, and that fire's still burning. I hope Beth gives her hell.")
- Raven ("That girl has issues.")
- Airmed ("Her seduction game needs work, but she is so much fun in bed, still. So pliable. Ready to soak up knowledge like a sponge. A shining example of why I like 'em young.") (Friend with benefits)
- Airmed
- Lady Constantine ("Nineteen years of friendship, thrown right out the window after one afternoon of fun; sex is all it was and ever would've been. And besides, Matt was an adult! I really don't see how it's that serious.")
- Monique Ambrosia
- Matthaious Constantine ("Damn! I thought that boy was hot before! Now...! What a man he has become!)
- Alix Jacques ("She's a highly honored individual; the only one to ever outsex me at my own game.")
- Angela Belti ("Twenty-three years later, and that fire's still burning. I hope Beth gives her hell.")
- Raven ("That girl has issues.")
- Airmed ("Her seduction game needs work, but she is so much fun in bed, still. So pliable. Ready to soak up knowledge like a sponge. A shining example of why I like 'em young.") (Friend with benefits)
- Airmed
- Lady Constantine ("Nineteen years of friendship, thrown right out the window after one afternoon of fun; sex is all it was and ever would've been. And besides, Matt was an adult! I really don't see how it's that serious.")