Lindsay "Forest Fire" Norwood

General Info
Real Name: Lindsay Norwood
Ring Name: "Forest Fire"
Age: 22
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Red
Height: 5'7
Weight: 149lbs
Sexuality: Bi
Nationality: American
Alignment: Tweener (Can be face or heel, depending on the opponent or match style and opponent)
Entrance Theme
Personality: Lindsay is highly competitive, and will always be looking for a fight, no matter how skilled or not her opponent is, no matter their status, no matter their size. She is always ultra energetic, but also kind abd warm once she cools off. She has a hatred for mean people though, and will stop at nothing to pound them to tge ground, even if the rulebook is burned.
Wrestling Info
Fighting Style: Uses submission holds and her strength to outmuscle her opponent.Preferred matches: Any. Includes both speciality matches.
Strengths:Lindsay has immense physical strength, able to lift up anybody from the ground without much effort. She also possesses strength that allows her to maintain many holds for a lengthy amount of time.
Weaknesses: Tends to abandon defense to go all out offense when in a pinch, meaning she can tire herself out easily.
Finishing move:None
Attitude towards hentai: "I aint just all muscle!"
Picture Gallery
Wrestling Attire

Bikini Attire



LAW Match Record
Won: 0
Lost: 0
Draw: 0