KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

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KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

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Black Severin vs Karen Gale
Last edited by Monsy on Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

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Black Severin
Bella Pirata
Black Severin was pacing back and forth in gorilla. A little shadow boxing here. Crossing his arms in front of his chest and swinging them back there. Taking deep breaths.

He'd been chosen. This was his chance. Everything he's worked for was right there. Right there for the taking. Three matches. That was it. Three matches, and he's done it. He could be making history. He could be the first male champion that LAW has ever seen. Breaking through the ceiling that held him and the others back and giving one big fuck you to all the misandrists out there and at the top who kept it from happening for so long.

He just has to stay on the ball for these three matches. Then the real work begins, but for right now-

"You're doing it again."

Thinking himself into a state where he'd be either inactive or otherwise unable to be all he can be.

He stopped. "Doing what?"

"You're thinking too much."

How could he not have a million thoughts running through his head right now? A question that she saw on his face. The mask couldn't have helped to hide it if he'd tried. The lucha pirate stood right in front of him and looked him dead in the eye.

"I know. It's a lot. But think of it like this: Who took a chance at completely changing his life? Quitting a job at GameStop, no back-up plan, no real assurance that things were going to work out?"

"I did." And it sounds pretty stupid now that she's summed it up. That really was one hell of a gamble.

"Who tried out to compete in the top full-contact wrestling promotion in the world and made it in, having never wrestled a day in his life before? Having never even trained for it? No legacy, no name to rely on?"

He took another breath, releasing some tension with it. "I did."

"Who lost their first match, but came back big time, making one of LAW's top stars tap out in not even eight minutes? After she started the match with two cheap shots?"

He nodded and bounced on the balls of his feet. She's right. He did that. All of that.

"Who was afraid of doing Hentai matches, but ended up giving it to one of his first opponents so good, she fell in love?"

That got a shy little laugh out of him that got Beatriz's heart pounding, making those feelings of jealousy flare up again. She shut them up for now. There was something more important to focus on.


He looked so pleased with himself. But in a cute way.


"Me. I did."

"Damn right. Who is on a six match winning streak? Forget about that draw. We're not counting that."

You know what? Yeah. B is damned right. He can do this.

"I am!"

He can do this!

"Now you're getting it! Now who killed those Mongols?"

Cue a record skip. And a chuckle. "What?"

"Who stood against their siege? Who saved Yarikawa?"

She looked every last bit as serious as she was a moment ago. For a few seconds, they just stood there, looking at each other. And then they both cracked up into laughter that Terrell needed. At the end of it, Beatriz would lay a hand on one of his broad shoulders. Well, the pads, anyway.

"Seriously, though, this is no fluke. You're in this tournament because you earned it. You're here because you've been kicking ass and taking care of business all over the place." And by "taking care of business", she meant slinging pipe. Good, juicy, hot, passionate pipe. But "slinging pipe" would've been awkward to say on its own, so...

All of a sudden, a Grappl profile felt like it might be a good thing to make.

with okay timing. She was about done saying what she needed to. And this time, she was in pirate mode. "Now who is gonna dance out therr to that ring, kick some more arse, and be the first man to win himself a belt?"

Terrell was already starting on a groove. And so was Beatriz. This song was one of her favorites.

"I am!"

"So get yer arse out therr and do it, lad!" She wanted to point in the ring's direction for effect, but stuck to a rhythmic snapping of her fingers instead. It couldn't be helped.

"Aye aye, cap'n!"

Severin emerged from behind the curtain to...a pretty good amount of applause, he'd say. It wasn't thunderous -- nothing that would beat the reception he received in Milwaukee -- but he wasn't a star quite yet. But in three weeks' time, he would be. He's come too far to fail now.

"Family Affair" actually wasn't the song that he wanted to come out to. Nelly's "Heart of a Champion" was what he requested, but that was denied. And given the heated debates about this tournament's mere existence -- about whether or not the men in the roster were worthy of a belt that they could compete for -- from fans all the way to the higher ups, many of whom were women, he had a good idea why. And it just made him all the more motivated.

His bothers over the sexism still present in LAW didn't show up on his face, however. He was all smiles, doing a few overhead claps in time with the opening lyrics before letting loose and letting the music guide his movements as he boogied on down the ramp.

"Come on, everybody, get on down. 'Cause you know we gotta get it crunk."

He approached the fans on the left side of the stands, gesturing for them to get out of their seats and do just that. A little up close interaction wins more of them over, he's found. And true to that, a lot of them did, both there and when he grooved over to the right.

"Come on, baby, just party with me. Let loose and set your body free..."

Some of them danced. Or tried to. He didn't give those who didn't quite have that rhythm in them any shade. He's been there, and hey, it was brave to try in such a public space. Got to commend them for that. Others just clapped.

"This Kings and Queens Tournament match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, standing at five-foot-eight and weighing in at one hundred and sixty pounds, fighting out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin...! Blaaaaack Seeeveriiin!"

The masked man didn't enter the ring right away upon reaching it, keeping the party going a little longer with a single round, clapping hands and getting more of the fans off their feet. Still wasn't everyone, but he was getting more and more people up with him every week. He paced himself here, though. He wanted to, and would be entering the ring when the song picked up at the two minute mark, leaping over the ropes and transitioning into a breakdancer's windmill upon landing, eventually flipping back onto his feet and drawing a pop from the crowd.

That will never cease to be amazing to him: Having so many people on his team.

He turned to the stage and waited for his opponent to appear.
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:53 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

Unread post by Underdoggo »

To say that Karen Gale was excited was an understatement.

She had not been here in LAW that long; a few months, give or take, if anyone had been counting. But already, she had made an impression. Already, she had more than a few singles bouts under her belt, including quite a few wins. What’s more, she had been in her fair share of intergender bouts: she had already shown the management that she was not afraid to take on anyone, no matter what their size, gender, or experience level.

All the same, she was practically leaping for joy when she heard that she had been selected to participate in an intergender tournament. Only a few months in, and already, she could very well be on her way to winning a title!

In her locker room, she took a last few seconds to limber up and get ready for the match, as much to boost her own confidence as to get physically ready. Doing a final few stretches, and admiring her fit form in the mirror, she heard her music playing in the background, and confidently turned to stride out into the arena.
She was met by a chorus of cheers from the crowds as she stood on the walkway, wearing a New Zealand All Blacks t-shirt over her ring gear while Nagual’s signature haka trap remix blared around her. Hopping down the ring, she enthusiastically hi-fived her fans: though she had only had a few matches so far here in LAW, she was already accruing a not inconsiderable fanbase, and was overjoyed that people were this excited over her, especially at the beginning of a championship tournament like this.

“And his opponent, standing at five-foot-six and weighing one hundred and fifty pounds…from Dunedin, New Zealand…KAREN GAAAAALE!”

Striding into the ring, Karen eagerly hopped up onto the bottom rope and raised her hands to the crowd, basking in their cheers. Finally, she stepped off the bottom rope, and, peeling her shirt off, took note of her opponent. Tall, dark skinned, incredibly fit, wearing a pair of elaborately baggy trousers with a Japanese stormy steal/octopus motif on them; his brown hair had been wound back into dozens of tightly compressed braids, and his face was framed by a Zorro-esque mask. Fairly easy on the eyes, if she was honest with herself.

Casually, Karen strolled towards her opponent, flexing as she did so, as much for the benefit of the crowd (and possibly Severin’s) as to intimidate him. She gave him a good look over. “Well you certainly have style,” she quipped. “Do you really need that much armour over your arms, though, or are you scared of showing off your guns?”

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

Unread post by DSX93 »

Yep, she was a powerhouse, alright. Her audition video alone was enough to tell one to expect that, but so was the music. Nobody goes with something that heavy without being able to carry it somehow; it was either powerhouse, some upper echelon MMA star, crazy hardcore wrestler, or some other variety of "bad motherfucker".

And she's a Maori? Severin hasn't seen many of them wrestle, but he imagines that they're somewhere up there with the Samoans.

He'd seen her first two matches and formulated a general plan -- as Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." Improvisation was something that he was expecting to have to do, but he knew to avoid letting her get too grabby. And judging from what he's seen, he has the speed advantage to avoid taking too many of her hard hits.

Fight from the outside the best he could. Rattle her. Make her try to rush into range and capitalize. Wear her down. Put some work in on those arms. Two of her main tools.

Watching Karen flex those muscles as she approached made Severin feel a little let down that this wasn't a Hentai match. But it was a good thing, really. If he wants to be a champion, he's gotta be good at and ready for all forms of competition. Standard, hardcore, cages, ladders, cells, whatever. He's gotta be able to do it all.

So now he has to take another step out of his comfort zone. His match with Daeva was an eye opener: Unless he put something like a "no strikes" clause into his contract, Hentai matches weren't going to be an escape from the rougher physicality with women. He knew this, but to actually experience it...

He was lucky there. Some of that roughness was the sort that he could get into, at least in the heat of the moment. But as for next time...Well, he had no time to think about that now.

Karen looked him over as she closed the distance between the two. And from the look of her, she liked what she saw.

“Well, you certainly have style. Do you really need that much armour over your arms, though, or are you scared of showing off your guns?”

To that, he said, with a shake of his head and smile, "Nah." And without any hesitation, he started removing those pads. Then the beads. And finally, he stripped off the long sleeves, baring arms that rivaled hers in hard-earned musculature. All of the gear would be tossed to the side and out of the ring so they wouldn't become obstacles, and he got some noise from some appreciative ladies in the crowd when all of it was shed. Especially when he met Karen's challenge with a
"The sleeves and the pads were just something I thought would look cool."
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

Unread post by Underdoggo »

Well damn. Severin had responded to Karen's small bit of trash talk better than she had expected: stripping off the armour on his arms, her handsome male opponent was quick to do some flexing of his own, showing off his well developed upper arm muscles to Karen and to the crowd. The ladies in the crowd, quite understandably, showed their appreciation with whistles and catcalls, and Karen honestly couldn't blame them.

Focus on the match, Karen, she told herself, as she quietly took the measure of her male foe. He looked powerful, and skilled. Definitely not an easy first opponent for the tournament. That wasn't to say she couldn't beat him, though-- of that, she was more than confident.

"It sounds to me that the audience is way more impressed by you without the armour on," Karen quipped with a smile. Edging closer to Severin, she put an arm behind her back and leaned forward, extending a hand for a pre-match handshake. "No hard feelings for the ass kicking you're about to receive, yeah?" she quipped as she waited for the bell.

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

Unread post by DSX93 »

Black Severin couldn't keep a smile off of his face -- a bashful one -- as the women voiced their appreciation and his opponent gave him a look over, though Karen's was a lot more subtle. Having so many in unmistakable agreement on his sexiness at one time...Comments on the website were one thing. Hearing it straight up from the audience was quite another. His ego was eating good right now.

It was just nice to feel like a heartthrob.

"It sounds to me that the audience is way more impressed by you without the armour on."

"Seems that way."

And at this point, they've seen him with it off more often than they have with it on.

Karen drew closer with a hand extended. Severin didn't hesitate to shake her hand, but he readied himself for any sudden moves. Selket had taught him well.

"No hard feelings for the ass kicking you're about to receive, yeah?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, I'm not about to let that happen. Came way too far to be going out in the first round."

After the handshake, he stood ready in a bladed stance, waiting for the...


...And then he'd start the match off with a few jabs. A quick "get to know you" move. See how she reacts.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

Unread post by Underdoggo »

Severin seemed to tense a little as Karen offered a hand. Understandable, she knew: there were more than enough heels in this federation who would take advantage of a friendly gesture to launch a vicious sneak attack on their foe. Thankfully, he seemed to realize she wasn't one of them, and shook her hand firmly. And with that last bit of banter out of the way, the two backed away a few paces...and then the bell rang.

No sooner had it rung when Karen's American opponent exploded into action, shooting some jabs at her face. Karen wasn't a boxer, but reacted on instinct, bringing her arm up to deflect the probing attacks and backing away, circling him. She flashed him a sly grin. "Oh, nice try," she said as she circled him.

She quickly repaid aggression with aggression, suddenly darting in, aiming with an easily telegraphed lariat. She was expecting him to duck low to avoid it: the moment she did so, she would be ready to spin around, use her arms to counter whatever counter-attack he had planned, before driving a knee up into his midsection!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

Unread post by DSX93 »

Alright, she's got some quickness to her. Severin would keep pace with her as she attempted to circle him, taking a few steps to pursue her, but staying right at that border in range. He was surprised to be the one doing that, being the aggressor. He wouldn't be for long.

Karen had backed up for a reason. She needed space to come forward with a lariat that he'd duck under. Severin would clap back the moment she turned around. Bring a leg up, chamber it, and thrust his boot right into her gut. Or right into her hands. Shit. The Maori powerhouse yanked him towards her, but nope! He wasn't gonna go that easy.

Since he wasn't hopping along to her tune, he ended up with his legs split. This was expected, him putting those secret ballet sessions with Beatriz and all those hours of yoga to use. He used his hands to keep his balance as she dragged him along, waiting to build up just enough momentum for a sufficient counter.

One hand would grab hold of his pants as he propelled himself up, cutting that off. Shit! Shit! Shit!

He would be reeled in closer and closer, until it was close enough for her to bring a powerful knee that slammed into his guts hard enough for it to have shown through his back if this were a cartoon or an anime. The one leg he stood on folded like laundry as the air left his body, and he'd be left prone on the mat, gasping to get it back into his lungs.
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

Unread post by Underdoggo »

Karen was experienced enough not to fall for an easy trick like that, right off the bat. In any other match, she would have been content to go for a quick test of strength with Severin, or an exchange of jabs. But this was a tournament match, and she was in it to win it. And that meant that she absolutely had to defeat Severin in the first round.

She felt Severin's body fold from the impact of her knee, and a second later, her handsome American opponent crumpled to the mat, no doubt having discovered firsthand just how strong his female opponent was. Grinning Karen circled him as he tried to recover. "Oh, is that all you've got big guy?" she taunted. "Come on, we're just getting warmed up!"

Without waiting for him any further, Karen would grab onto Severin by the head and yank him up to his feet; unless he tried something to interrupt her, she would use her grip to swing to the side, flinging him sideways by his head to bring him smacking down hard onto his front again!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Black Severin vs Karen Gale

Unread post by DSX93 »

Severin knew that he should've spent more time with that medicine ball during training. He just had that nagging feeling that he hadn't taken quite enough knocks from it. It was doubtful that it would've kept that knee from dropping him, but this cemented a truth that he was onto in his short time as a wrestler: Every little bit helps.

Karen was confident. A little too confident, circling around him like this was already in the bag. But that's okay: This gave him time to get the air back in his lungs. He rose to one knee and stayed there, even after those few seconds he needed to get enough back to be able to act. This was an opportunity. He just needed the right moment. To do what, he wasn't entirely sure, but he had a few ideas.

And when he was being lifted up by his dreads, he knew exactly which one to go with. With hers occupied, his hands reached for her head, gripping near the crown on either side as he brought his underneath her chin and held on for dear life when she swung him about, spreading his legs apart with the aim of bringing her down into a jawbreaker, Jeff Hardy style.
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