What's Happenin'! with Snow

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What's Happenin'! with Snow

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What was fame, without suffering? And suffering, with fame? Questions that ran through Casey Kiernan's head as she laid down on top of a steel case, meant to house any manner of things backstage. The mysteries of life, fleeting through her mind, before suffering.

The suffering, of course, being an interview. Her job. The prison she was in that she couldn't escape. No amount of hiding worked. No amount of pretending to be sick. She couldn't even fake an injury enough to avoid this. It was inevitable: the interview with a wrestler. A curse, where she wondered what she did wrong to deserve such a fate. A fate to ask questions to people who were entertainers, in the loosest sense according to Casey herself.

She hoped that it would just go away. Her guest, just disappeared or quit that day in an outrage. It wouldn't be though, as the stage hand assigned to keep an eye on Casey walked up. "Casey, I'm sorry. It's time," said Izumi.

"Asumi," started Casey, her head rolling off to the side to look at her. "I fear I may not survive this one," said Kiernan morosely.

With a roll of her eyes, Izumi sighed. "Okay," was the simple response, barely giving it any sort of seriousness. "But come on, we need you to go," she said, attempting to help the interviewer off of the large case. Casey doesn't help her though, practically forcing her to drag her the whole way off.

"No, I will survive this one," said Casey, feeling more emboldened. "Because I am bound to suffer forevermore... And I must survive it to interview another day. To repeat this cycle of suffering."

Izumi stands Casey upright before fixing her outfit and flattening it. "You'll be fine," stated the stage hand, forcing a big smile. "You're just being dramatic, like usual."

"I'm not being dramatic!" exclaimed Kiernan, leaping up and stomping her feet once. "I'm being pragmatic!" declared the sour interviewer. "And that means I understand that my doomed cycle of neverending pain continues regardless of my actions, so I'm getting this done and over with now. No thanks to you, Asumi," said Casey in a huff, starting to storm down the hallway.

"It's Izumi," replied the exasperated stage hand. Then, she called out, "And the stage is the other way!"

Turning immediately on her heel, Casey would then start stomping back towards Izumi, passing her up and turning her noses with a "Hmph!" as she passed. And when she got to the entrance, she knew it was time. Beginning with that god damn song.

Get Over It by OK Go started to play, and Casey Kiernan stepped through the curtain to face the crowd. She smiled cheerfully, waving to the crowd, briefly dancing to the song with coffee in hand and blew kisses to the waiting crowd. The stage was loud, tacky, and had one cozy chair and a matching couch, a small table between them, with a giant sign hanging from the ceiling that glowed saying "WHAT'S HAPPENIN'! With Casey Kiernan" on it. She waited for the song to end before greeting the crowd with a big smile on her face, waving at them with her non-coffee-holding-hand. "Hello everyone! Thank you for joining me for Whaaaaaaaat's Happenin'! with Casey Kiernan. And I'm your loveable host, Casey Kiernan! Today, we've got ourselves... an interview." Casey paused, waiting for a reaction. Then, she looked at her note cards and gave another nod. "Her name is Snow. And she is... such a wrestler. To say more is to spoil this interview, probably."

Kiernan waved a hand with a sigh, "Just play her music so we can begin the fun and get it over with--get it started with!" The interviewer gestured to the stage entrance, Kiernan would take a long sip of coffee as she waited for her guests to arrive! Her only solace tonight as she took on another terrible challenge, of interviewing a wrestler.

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Snow

Unread post by APlaying »

This back-and-forth scheduling between careers was proving to be exhausting, with her latest film releases ranging from moderate success to complete box office flops. Which, while a bad omen, was something everyone had to go through, Snow remained optimistic, paradoxically her professional wrestling career was also on the downside. Her record so far had been 3 wins and 4 losses, an unfavorable mark not counting her wins prior to graduating from the Young Lioness program. Technically, since graduating, she had not been able to stand up to bigger and more experienced fighters than herself.

Snow clearly knew she had to be stronger if she wanted a chance to compete for the lightweight title. On the contrary, she would only be humiliated in the attempt, this instead of discouraging her, only encouraged her to face her rivals again, showing how much she had progressed and beat them in combat.

However, she would have to resolve other commitments in the meantime, so as not to neglect both careers. Today she was told that she would have an interview in LAW, she always loved to talk with enthusiasm about her projects, topics, controversies and so on. In fact she had already lost count of how many interviews she had done to promote her projects, she had been on local news in her country, she had been interviewed in galas and much more. This would be the first time she would be interviewed in her career as a professional wrestler, she couldn't hold her enthusiasm for this opportunity, she was very curious to know what kind of topics would be discussed in this interview.

However, before arriving to the interview stage, there was a... Inconvenience. As she parked and got out of her car, a guy arriving in a pickup truck accidentally hit the rear of her car. The impact caused the trunk to cave in and the bumper to shatter. Although she had arrived early for the interview, she was involved for a while in an argument with the owner of the truck that had hit her, a matter that became ridiculous from one moment to the next with various threats and so on. In the end it turned out that this was all part of a local prank show, Snow was certainly dismayed by this as the matter almost came to blows.

The hosts of the show, after exposing the hidden camera and explaining the situation, told him that they would pay for all the damages. So Snow decided to take it for good, although she was not at all happy with all this (“I hope they cancel this show”) she said to herself. After the cut she just warned them that as soon as she got back to the parking lot she wanted to see her car fixed, to which the hosts said that everything was covered, which relaxed her for a moment before she realized that she was about to be late for the interview!

Snow immediately ran to the backstage set, she didn't have time to get ready for the interview and some people in the hallway told her she was running late. She quickly took a glass of water and relaxed as soon as she realized that her song was still playing... Although from where the song was, it seemed she was about a minute late. This calmed her down because at least she had arrived.
Her fans exploded with excitement when suddenly Snow appeared on stage, it seems that her fans were already impatient to see her. A very similar feeling to how everything felt on stage, she raised her hands to greet her fans with a big smile on her face. Although there was a little sweat on her forehead from all the running she had done to get here, she looked pretty good even so. As soon as she turned to see the host of the show, she immediately recognized her, she was known as one of the worst reporters at LAW. Although she didn't particularly agree with that, Snow always enjoyed watching her shows and live broadcasts from Twitch, in fact Snow was one of her network followers, so it was with great excitement that she approached the main stage where Casey was to greet her amidst the cheers of her fans.

She approached Casey for a handshake and a kiss on the cheek, before taking a seat (“GOD I GET AN INTERVIEW WITH CASEY! THANK HEAVEN!”) Snow would be thrilled for this opportunity, especially after the intermission with the prank show she had just had in the parking lot.
Last edited by APlaying on Wed May 01, 2024 8:46 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Snow

Unread post by Dubski »

Casey Kiernan waited for Snow to come out, sipping her coffee. Her sweet, sweet coffee. Nothing could make her feel better than the wonderful liquid was the only thing that could keep her going in the face of something as awful as an interview. It seemed like Snow has happy to be there. At least one of them was. And then Snow took Casey's hand, shaking it. It was an extremely noodley handshake. She didn't need to have any contact with her. And then a kiss on the cheek that nearly made Casey recoil, making a face at her as her guest sat down. She hated the affectionate ones.

Collecting herself, the interviewer took a deep breath as the music died down. She closed her eyes, preparing herself for it. But then Casey Kiernan smiled, saying, "Well, everyone, this is my guest today: Snow! Apparently only one name was needed or necessary. If she has another name, I did not find it," stated Kiernan simply, looking over her notecards. "But as always, we start this with probably the most important question here: Whaaaaaaat's Happenin'!?" She then gave Snow the floor to speak.

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Snow

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Snow was excited for this moment, though she didn't think Casey in real life would be a girl nearly her height. She could probably buy her a coffee one of these days to talk about her work life, she looked happily at her fans as the background music faded out, however she was a bit thrown off by the fact that Casey apparently didn't know her real name. "Snow" is simply an alias she went by at the end of her debut, since then she has used that pseudonym as a wrestler, but it was more surprising because she is such a popular actress, it was a piece of cake just to do a simple Google search to find out her real name, but this didn't bother her at all, in fact she was eager to explain this to Casey.

"Hehe, well Casey it's a great pleasure for me to be in your segment, answering the question of what my name is. The truth is it's no secret that my real name is Anna Sigrid, Snow is just my alias as a professional wrestler. The idea came simply because I have a co-worker, who is a former professional wrestler." I stare at Casey as she finished settling into her seat. "It was because of him that I was able to get my start in pro wrestling, I started in independent circuits, ones that were just simple gyms, in fact I remember one of them almost went bankrupt. One called Rampage Pro Wrestling or RRP for short, I remember that its director said he needed a face like me but they couldn't pay me for the promotion. So I told him not to worry about it because I was willing to invest in the circuit, they are currently financially stable and a growing company." Snow would explain with some emotion and nostalgia, in retrospect she started from the bottom.

"That's when, after some series of events, I got to debut in LAW on the Young Lioness roster. My first fight was against Molly Forster, who was accompanied by her girlfriend Harmonia Edelstein. It was a show where we both had ideas and twists, but actually we are very good friends, in fact they attended a party that they organized for my graduation from the Young Lioness program. Molly, Harmonia, if either of you are watching this, I love you girls" Snow said with a big smile on his face, I could tell she thought highly of both girls.

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Snow

Unread post by Dubski »

Casey Kiernan was content to get the first question out of the way. Easy. Simple. Little effort of anyone's part. Except instead, Snow took it upon herself to talk... and talk... and talk. Slowly, she picked her head up from reviewing her notecards and furrowed her brow. And Snow kept talking. She glanced over to the camera, a concerned and confused expression on her face, and then she looked over at Snow again... and she was speaking still. Furrowing her brow, she just opted to wait until she was done and then Casey sat there in silence for a few moments.

"Um. So I just meant What's Happenin' like... how are you? What's up?" Casey frowned, looking down uncomfortably. She shook her head and sighed. "...Yeah, I don't really know what to do with most of that, and I have to be honest, I just kind of zoned out after a while. I think you talked about being a lion or something and I don't know what that was about, but... yeah," said the interviewer, heaving a big sigh.

She let a few more uncomfortable moments pass and then said, "And I don't even think a Molly or Harmonia works here, so... that was kind of out of left field too." Pursing her lips, Casey sucked in a deep breath, looking at her notecards. "...So, I have here that your real name is Anna Sigrid. Not snow." She addressed a point brought up almost immediately by the interviewee. "Don't you think that's deceptive? Why can we trust anything you say if you're willing to lie about your name? And why Snow? I don't know if you're aware, but Snow happens to be relatively powdery, trampled on, and easily melts under the slightest bit of heat. So... maybe consider being called a glacier instead. Or an Antarctic Cap? Something sturdy?" Casey then leaned back in her seat, sipping her coffee again.

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Snow

Unread post by APlaying »

The fact that Casey had barely paid any attention to what Snow was saying to him was at the very least.... Absurd? All interviewers are always anxious to know facts about their questions and more, it helps them a lot to make profiles, have more questions, get personal data and much more with which to give a good direction to the conversation, so that everything comes so naturally. But in this case Casey was the opposite, he seemed to just ask exclusively what was in his notes, instead of just improvising and letting himself go to make the conversation more natural and give a better show.... Is this even an interview? Many questions were going through Snow's head at this very moment, she was already aware of Casey's aptitude, but to the point where she didn't even seem to know where she was standing at least...?

The moment became extremely awkward due to Casey's complete indifference, something that was already beginning to wear on Snow's little patience after their altercation in the parking lot. But Snow knew she was no one to tell Casey how to do her job.... But hell, this girl didn't have the slightest shred of interest in this whole subject, any minimally competent interviewer knows how to play along and play with the issues that apply, while Casey was just harping on the subject of her real name, something that had to be clear by now and that she could just Google to corroborate, this was so absurd.... "Did the prank show finish recording?" she said to herself, referring to the prank show she had just had the altercation with.

Snow was trying to clear her thoughts before continuing the conversation, if Casey was even the slightest bit interested in listening to her. "Actually, Snow is because that's what my comrades usually call me, it's like a nickname I use as a nickname as a fighter. It's a long story in fact, but in short it's just that, although since then I'm almost always referred to as Snow." Simple and straightforward, Snow briefly explained something that she was supposed to have already made clear with her characteristic enthusiasm. Something inside her, though, told her that Casey could misinterpret the whole thing and it would really suck.

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