
The suffering, of course, being an interview. Her job. The prison she was in that she couldn't escape. No amount of hiding worked. No amount of pretending to be sick. She couldn't even fake an injury enough to avoid this. It was inevitable: the interview with a wrestler. A curse, where she wondered what she did wrong to deserve such a fate. A fate to ask questions to people who were entertainers, in the loosest sense according to Casey herself.
She hoped that it would just go away. Her guest, just disappeared or quit that day in an outrage. It wouldn't be though, as the stage hand assigned to keep an eye on Casey walked up. "Casey, I'm sorry. It's time," said Izumi.
"Asumi," started Casey, her head rolling off to the side to look at her. "I fear I may not survive this one," said Kiernan morosely.
With a roll of her eyes, Izumi sighed. "Okay," was the simple response, barely giving it any sort of seriousness. "But come on, we need you to go," she said, attempting to help the interviewer off of the large case. Casey doesn't help her though, practically forcing her to drag her the whole way off.
"No, I will survive this one," said Casey, feeling more emboldened. "Because I am bound to suffer forevermore... And I must survive it to interview another day. To repeat this cycle of suffering."
Izumi stands Casey upright before fixing her outfit and flattening it. "You'll be fine," stated the stage hand, forcing a big smile. "You're just being dramatic, like usual."
"I'm not being dramatic!" exclaimed Kiernan, leaping up and stomping her feet once. "I'm being pragmatic!" declared the sour interviewer. "And that means I understand that my doomed cycle of neverending pain continues regardless of my actions, so I'm getting this done and over with now. No thanks to you, Asumi," said Casey in a huff, starting to storm down the hallway.
"It's Izumi," replied the exasperated stage hand. Then, she called out, "And the stage is the other way!"
Turning immediately on her heel, Casey would then start stomping back towards Izumi, passing her up and turning her noses with a "Hmph!" as she passed. And when she got to the entrance, she knew it was time. Beginning with that god damn song.
Get Over It by OK Go started to play, and Casey Kiernan stepped through the curtain to face the crowd. She smiled cheerfully, waving to the crowd, briefly dancing to the song with coffee in hand and blew kisses to the waiting crowd. The stage was loud, tacky, and had one cozy chair and a matching couch, a small table between them, with a giant sign hanging from the ceiling that glowed saying "WHAT'S HAPPENIN'! With Casey Kiernan" on it. She waited for the song to end before greeting the crowd with a big smile on her face, waving at them with her non-coffee-holding-hand. "Hello everyone! Thank you for joining me for Whaaaaaaaat's Happenin'! with Casey Kiernan. And I'm your loveable host, Casey Kiernan! Today, we've got ourselves... an interview." Casey paused, waiting for a reaction. Then, she looked at her note cards and gave another nod. "Her name is Snow. And she is... such a wrestler. To say more is to spoil this interview, probably."
Kiernan waved a hand with a sigh, "Just play her music so we can begin the fun and get it over with--get it started with!" The interviewer gestured to the stage entrance, Kiernan would take a long sip of coffee as she waited for her guests to arrive! Her only solace tonight as she took on another terrible challenge, of interviewing a wrestler.