Ulti (Fake horns)
ProfileReal Name: Ulti
Nickname: The Battering Ram
Age: 22
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Blue with with thin, pink-colored streaks running through
Height: 5’8
Weight: 147 lbs
Nationality: Japan
Alignment: Heel with some Tweener mixed in(Depends on the opponent)
Difficulty: 8/10 (Anything lewd: 6/10)
Entrance Music:
Ulti is a young woman, relatively tall(5’8) with a light complexion. Her hair reaches her mid-back and forms rounded locks mainly blue but with thin, pink-colored streaks through. Blunt bangs falls on her forehead, split near the left. Her lower face up to the nose is covered by a pink mask with a scalloped edge, trimmed with a white stripe. She has large, Violet eyes.
Ulti wears a long-sleeved minidress with white pleats above the waist, with a blue bow. The dress is short, light blue and ends in a short skirt that has a slightly ruffled hem, leaving most of Ulti’s strong legs visible. Under her dress, she wears tight black shorts with black panties underneath the dress. For footwear, she has either red high heels, which she will kick off before a match or light blue wrestling boots.
Ulti is a bold, short-tempered young woman, not one to back down from a verbal quarrel and threatening violence against those that annoy her. Somewhat fickle, she can act friendly and refined, mature one moment, then yelling and blunt the next.
She is merciless towards enemies and willing to attack them without hesitation. She is headstrong but is a quick decision-maker and keeps her guard up continuously. Despite her childish bearings, Ulti is very smart with a somewhat vengeful steak mixed into those that she gets angry at.
She is shown to act friendly to those she deemed worthy of being her friend, which are few. Those that can earn her friendship are those that she will fight for and defend for.
She deeply cares for her young brother Page One, a wrestler/doctor that works in LAW. She will attack anyone for any reason if she hears them saying anything bad about her brother. She also thinks no one is good enough for him as well, which has lead her to attack other wrestlers that had dated him before.
Wrestling Information
Ulti is an aggressive person and uses moves that highlight it. Her entire style is to hit strong, fast and with no mercy. She uses a simple, strong style, hitting them hard and for great damage.
Her favorite move is a headbutt. Her head is said to be thicker than most people's own head, allowing her to deal great damage to other opponents while being relatively fine.
She has no preferences for who she fights, willing to wrestle just about anyone. Especially those that she calls a rival or enemy.
Ulti is pretty confident and usually dominant when she faces someone in a lewd type situation or match.
Aerial Moves: Counter High Flying Move With Big Boot, Crossbody, Diving double Foot stomp, Mushroom stomp, Diving closeline, Diving Chop, Diving double axe handle
Strikes: Headbutts(Any and all kinds of it.) Punches, Kicks, Knee to the gut, Forearm Smashes, Roundhouse Kick, Body Splash, Throw To The Corner + Running move, Superkick, Corner Back Elbows, Basement Kick, High Kick, Corner Closeline, Spinning Heel Kick, Kicks to the chest, Corner kick to the leg, Ripcord Lariat, Pump Kick
Throws: Fallaway Slam, German Suplex(Variants), Pressing Stomp On The Corner, Suplex(multiple variants), Throw outside the Arena, Atomic drop, Fisherman Neckbreaker, Spinebuster, Sidewalk Slam, Snapemare, Powerbomb, Running Neckbreaker, DDT(variants,) Rope hung neckbreaker, Samoan Drop, Reverse Scoop Slam Piledriver, Brainbuster
Submission: Boston Crab, Rope Hung Foot Choke, Bodyscissor, Stump Puller, Sleeper Hold, Tree of Woe(+Strikes), Ankle Lock, Camel Clutch, Foot Choke, Abdominal stretch, Stretch Muffler, Rings of Saturn, Surfboard, Triangle Stretch, Leg Trap Camel Clutch, Fujiwara Armbar, Reverse Triangle Choke, Dragon Backbreaker, Cross Armbar
Favorite moves: (Not finishers or Signatures but moves he usually uses in matches):
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Kangaroo kick
Reverse big swing
German suplex throw
Muscle Buster Stretch
Lawn Dart

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Simple Headbutt

Running headbutt into corner

Falling headbutt

Mutiple Headbutts

Elevated Headbutt

springboard headbutt

Preferred Matches: Ulti’s favorite matches are Standard Match, Best of 2 out of 3, Knockout Only, Last Woman Standing, Falls Count Anywhere
Attitude To Hentai: “UGH?!.....Ugh Fine I guess.”
Physical Statistics
General Statistics:
-Endurance: ★★★★ - Ulti has very strong endurance. She can take multiple strong blows and get right back up, only to dish out the same damage to opponents.
-Strength: ★★★★ - Ulti is pretty strong. Due to her style, she has trained to be able to pick most opponents up and deliver strong strikes.
-Speed: ★★★★ - Ulti is pretty fast, even in heels. Though prefers to take her time and only goes fast when it comes to her strikes.
-Defense: ★★ - Not very defensive, as she thinks the best defense is the best offense.
-Technique: ★★★ - Ulti has plenty of moves, though she isn't a master of most of the moves. She does whatever she feels like, sometimes involving a headbutt.
Wrestling Statistics:
-Aerials: ★★ - Prefers to stand on the ground but is willing to do some aerial moves more towards her headbutts or when she feels like it.
-Powerhouse: ★★★★ - One of her favorite ways to win is by loving to pick up her opponents to toss them or do whatever she wants to them.
-Submissions: ★★★★ - Loves putting her opponents in multiple different holds to twist and bend opponents, wanting to hear them submitting to her.
-Strikes: ★★★★★ - Her main way to win. Is very strong with them, especially her headbutts. It was said her strongest headbutt had even dentend the steel steps in a match.
-Counters: ★★ - Preferes to take the hits and try to takes them only to dish her own hits back.
-Hentai: ★★ - Is fine with hentai stuff, though isn’t very strong at them as she only knows the basics of it.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
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Half Nelson Package Piledriver
Extreme Bend Boston Crab
Top Rope Corner Trapped Single Leg Boston Crab
Running Corner Big Boot
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Headbutt into Dragon Suplex

Headbutt into DDT

Twisting falling

Headbutt Into Spinning Elbow Into Lariat

Springboard torpedo moscow/ Springboard headbutt

Straightjacket headbutt

Body blows in corner into headbutt

Running Headbutt To Stomach

Middle Rope Headbutt

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Suplex Gutbuster
Back Suplex Toss Into Neckbreaker
Gutwrench bomb into boston crab
Inverted cloverleaf
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Diving Headbutt

Running Torpedo Headbutt

Leg drop, Running elbow drop and falling headbutt

Repeated Headbutts

Headbutt into Brainbuster

Headbutt into curb stomp

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Apron Powerbomb
Full Nelson toss FaceBuster
Headbutt into curb stomp
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Ulti was born in a good family, she had good parents, an amazing younger brother and a good childhood. Unfortunately her mother passed away when she was just a kid, a thing that destroyed her father and soon turned him into a drunk.
Ulti tried her best to ignore her father and hoped to be the best big sister towards her younger brother, taking care of him. Sadly their father only got worse and worse before he started to get abusive towards his children.
Ulti did her best to take care of her brother and made sure he was doing fine in school, being pretty much his parental figure at that point of his life. She started to train at a young age to protect her brother after one day she found someone accidentally tripped her brother down some stairs. A thing that she thought was on purpose.
After a few years later, she walked in one day on their father hitting her brother till he was bleeding. Something inside of her snapped that and she quickly destroyed their father with him at the end bleeding on the floor, unconscious after a vicious headbutt from her.
Their father went to jail and lost the privilege of seeing them. Luckily they had some kind, distant relatives and moved away to live with them. Ulti still took care of Page One(A nickname they came up with for the brother since he didn’t like his real name as he was named after his dad), not really trusting the relatives till later in life.
Wanting Page One to have a good life, she helped him study and he became a doctor at a young age. She on the other hand quickly turned into a wrestler, wanting a outlite to her anger and loving wrestling. Though after some convincing, Page One joined his sister at some wrestling leagues, making a tag team between them since Ulti trained Page One at a young age.
The two became a strong tag team and had actually won multiple tag team belts before Page One decided to focus more on being a doctor, a fact that while sadden Ulti, was extremely happy for him.
She joined multiple different wrestling companies, learning everything she could and becoming a very strong wrestler. Eventually she was stuck between picking LAW or another wrestling company but quickly joined LAW once she heard her brother was going to be a doctor for it.
Ulti tried her best to ignore her father and hoped to be the best big sister towards her younger brother, taking care of him. Sadly their father only got worse and worse before he started to get abusive towards his children.
Ulti did her best to take care of her brother and made sure he was doing fine in school, being pretty much his parental figure at that point of his life. She started to train at a young age to protect her brother after one day she found someone accidentally tripped her brother down some stairs. A thing that she thought was on purpose.
After a few years later, she walked in one day on their father hitting her brother till he was bleeding. Something inside of her snapped that and she quickly destroyed their father with him at the end bleeding on the floor, unconscious after a vicious headbutt from her.
Their father went to jail and lost the privilege of seeing them. Luckily they had some kind, distant relatives and moved away to live with them. Ulti still took care of Page One(A nickname they came up with for the brother since he didn’t like his real name as he was named after his dad), not really trusting the relatives till later in life.
Wanting Page One to have a good life, she helped him study and he became a doctor at a young age. She on the other hand quickly turned into a wrestler, wanting a outlite to her anger and loving wrestling. Though after some convincing, Page One joined his sister at some wrestling leagues, making a tag team between them since Ulti trained Page One at a young age.
The two became a strong tag team and had actually won multiple tag team belts before Page One decided to focus more on being a doctor, a fact that while sadden Ulti, was extremely happy for him.
She joined multiple different wrestling companies, learning everything she could and becoming a very strong wrestler. Eventually she was stuck between picking LAW or another wrestling company but quickly joined LAW once she heard her brother was going to be a doctor for it.
Family: Page One(Younger Brother)
Ulti wears her mask to help make her brother feel better when they were younger due to him gaining a scar after the accident with their dad. Has been wearing it ever since.
Ulti and Page One used to be a tag team.
Ulti is known to go into a rage of relentless attacks against those that bad mouthed her brother.
Ulti is bisexual. Only liking those that can handle her strong personality and has a good friendship with her brother.
(Ignore Horns)
Normal Wrestling attire

Unusual wrestling attire


Normal attire

Pumping herself up

Ulti and Page one at a theme park/mall

Winter attire

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