But when something else appeared under it, the whole crowd in the arena and at home knew who was behind this.
In a stylish letters the words "Heart Connection" appeared under the crossbones of the skull and after a few seconds something could be heard.
"Test, test, test, this thing on?", a familiar voice asked and suddenly the face of Veronika Noir came into frame. But it wasn't the face the people were used to, nor was her hair or her outfit. Veronika Noir had changed quite significantly, not just showing more muscle then she had before but also her hair, which she always had been most proud of, was cut shorter and in a different style and one of her eyes had a heart painted on it while the other one was hidden behind streaks of her blonde hair. This was definetly not the stuck up, exotic dancer type that had debuted at LAW. This was something entirely else and as much as people wanted to hate her, the arena still cheered.
Veronika grinned, the only thing she didn't had changed was her pitch lack lipstick as she put the camera in place. She seemed to be outside as the night sky could be seen and the wind blowing was heard throughout the arena.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the new kind of badass!", she grinned and grabbed for someone, pulling a person in and when the people saw Sachiko appearing next to Veronika, looking cocky and hot as always, the crowd cheered even louder!

Veronika and Sachiko pressed against each other before the camera, their big chests squeezing against each other's showing of their cleavages to the crowd.
"Six months ago, both Sachi and I were forced to work together. Six months ago some suit thought he could break and humiliate us. Six months ago Sachi and I made a pact. And six months ago we played you idiots like a fiddle!", she said with a laugh and gave Sachiko a kiss on the cheek, leaving a glistening, black lipstickmark.
"Guess what...tick tock...tick tock...this six months are over right...now!", she said while looking at her cellphone.
"Now, the show is over. Now the fucking cutesy, lovey-dovey angels have fallen! We are Heart Connection, baby, the real Heart Connection. Veronika Noir and Sachiko Koizumi! And better believe that things around this boring company will be very different from now on. You thought the Heart Breakers were something to be afraid of? Think again, we will fuck you up so bad, you never ever will feel safe again. We will fucking rule this place, cause let's face it, we are the hottest babes around here!", she said and flashed her breasts to the camera, delighting the crowd.
"Hey Sachi, you remember this fat ball of shit that tried to fuck with us? Wouldn't it be nice to have him here and tell him what we think of him?", she said with an evil smirk while something, not very loud but definetly there could be heard behind the two sexy delinquents.
"eeelp....Heeeeeeeelp! They will kill meeee!"
Veronika wasn't the only one lurking in the shadows. Sachiko Koizumi, the other half of the Heart Connection, was here too. She had played just as much a part in ensuring things would be perfect for the triumphant return of the Heart Connection - no, the birth of a new, better Heart Connection, one that wouldn't be tied down with silly gimmicks and forced to fit the whims of the higher-ups. As soon as she and Veronika had made amends, Sachiko was awaiting the day the two of them would be ready to storm back into LAW and make their presence known as the force to be reckoned with they were always meant to be. She had put just as much work into devising their moves, designing their new outfits, and blocking out each step of their grand reveal to the world. She was practically trembling with excitement just thinking of all the work that was going into it all, and she couldn't wait to show everyone the fruits of their labor. Now, the time had finally arrived - and she couldn't wait!
Even before it was her cue to go on, Sachiko was giggling softly to herself in the darkness - she couldn't help herself. But when the time did come for the blue-haired sukeban to make her entrance, she certainly wasn't going to wait around! As soon as Veronika pulled her over, she threw her arms around her side, hugging herself up against the dancer's body close enough to grind up against her form - and when she gave her a kiss on the cheek, Sachiko purred softly, leaning into it.
Through Veronika's monologue, Sachiko remained close at hand, stroking her hands over Veronika's body. Her fingers drummed along her side, running down to her thigh and giving it a squeeze. But when Veronika announced that the six months were over, that was the cue Sachiko needed to say her part, letting out a cheer as she thrust a fist in the air. "You'd better believe it!" she called out. "To all of you out there who thought we couldn't last, that we were just gonna tear each other apart if we were forced into the same team...you thought wrong, ya bastards! You've seen it in the ring before that Veri and I can make magic happen when we come together. That we're taking on anyone in our path - and we'll make 'em sorry for thinking they ever stood a chance! If ya thought all those matches we won and all those bitches we dominated was all an act...well, ya thought dead wrong! You're pretty fuckin' stupid if ya thought we could lead you along that long anyway....buuut when we look like this, I don't blame ya!" When Veronika lifted her top, Sachiko did too, and even if she wasn't in the same room as the fans, she knew they were cheering even louder!
"What you saw back there? The taste you got of the Heart Connection? That's just the beginning, and you ain't seen nothing yet! You might've thought you were punishing us, but you just made Veri and I realize what a beautiful friendship we have going on - and we're ready to take it to the next level! The mayhem is just getting started, and you have no one but yourselves to blame! You made the Heart Connection - but we're your problem now!"
Sachiko heard the muffled cries coming from behind her - and they only made a wicked grin spread wider across her face as she turned back to Veronika. "'ey, Veri...I think we've been standin' around talking long enough. What do ya say we show our fans here what the new Heart Connection is really capable of?"
Veronika grinned wide. It was just too perfect. Not just did she stand side to side with the person she loved the most on this earth but also her best friend. Sachiko had became so much for Veronika this last six months but what she appreciated most was surely that the sukeban saved her. Saved her from her own dark thoughts and past. Now Veronika had found a place in life, thanks to her friends at the Eagles Nest, Chris Yukine and Sachiko Koizumi.
They did all that they were known for, they bragged, they flashed the camera and they had absolutely no respect for anything.
Then she heard the muffled screams behind her and rolled her eyes, looking to Sachiko.
"How about we show the people what happens when you mess with us, eh?",, she smiled and turned away, leaving the camera to pan at a man, the higher up of LAW who had wanted to destroy the career of Sachi and Veri, being tied with a cable that was the only thing holding him as he sat on an office chair that was tipped over the edge of...
"...mhhhh aaaaah! Don't you love the fresh air at the roof of the LAW arena?", Veronika said and took in a deep breath, pushing out her enormous chest in the process.
"Help, please heeeelp!"
Sachiko and Veronika closed in to their victim, like two predators at their victim, their usual style.
Veronika leaned over and put one arm around the man's shoulder, looking at the cable which she gave a soft tug with one finger, making the poor guy scream.
"So, now you see what happens when you fuck with us.", she said and looked to Sachiko.
"Babe would you be so kind?", she said and pulled out a knife, the blade snapping out with a kicking sound as she gave it to Sachiko.
"Let this be a warning to you." she said and put one of her boots on the chest of the suit, looking back into the camera as Sachiko went for the cable.
"Don't ever fucking mess with us...", she said and as the cable was cut, she gave the man a shove and with a blood curling scream he fell...
The whole Arena screamed!
Did Heart Connection just threw a man from the roof? Did they really just do what people believe they saw? Veronika tough went for the edge and pulled Sachiko in again.
"Masterful babe. I have to say all this red and pink...it's glorious.", she said and some stomachs turned in the arena, seeing these two delinquents seemingly being proud of manslaughter. But then the camera, who appearantly was attached to a drone, turned around the building, right to the front of LAW arena where the man was laying in a safety net right atop the building.
But what was much, much more intresting was the other thing that appeared at the front of the arena as the camera panned away more and more. The whole front of LAWs holy halls had been painted...with a pink skull and crossbones. The crowd now just could cheer this massive effort that those two girls had undertook to make a welcome no one would ever forget!
The drone then came closer again, right onto the couple which stood atop the roof, right in the middle of their own logo,laughing at the expense of all the people they had fooled now.
It was truly an epic scene and Suddenly the recording stopped only to be replaced with a sign that said:
"We are having technical difficulties...please stay tuned!"
, only to appear again in a much more inviting environment with Sachiko and Veronika sharing some tender time at a heart shaped bed, but not alone as a girl, some did not recognize her right away, was with them, their naked bodies writhing and pressing against each other."Mhhh...",Veronika moaned as she shared a lustful kiss with Sachiko.
"Oh, you losers really followed us here, eh? Well, we just wanted to show you that we are not just the toughest but also..." she said while licking her lips, turning Willow to the camera, the naked bodies of the three women at good sight.
"...Sachi? Care to tell those good people what the Heart in Heart Connection means?~"
The crowd was stunned. This whole promo was a work of art, perfectly crafted and thought out by Veronika Noir and Sachiko Koizumi, two wrestlers who had been midcard at best, now definetly turning into superstar territory!
No matter how much the unfortunate man begged for mercy, Sachiko seemed to have none to spare. A wicked grin flashed across her face, and she leaned in closer, rubbing her hands together with a chuckle. Sachiko was willing to go to whatever lengths she needed to to advance her cause, no matter how above-board it was. No matter how legal it was - whether that was in the wrestling sense or the more literal sense. If anything, living on the edge and breaking the rules just made things more fun! As the chair went plummeting over the edge of the rooftop, Sachiko bent a little closer, pressing her thumb and finger to her forehead in an L shape. "Later, loser!" she called out, just as the man slipped out of sight. In Sachiko's mind, his fate was the same fate that awaited everyone else who dared to stand in the Heart Connection's way - and tonight they were out to say as much!
But when Sachiko looked back over her shoulder, as the drone spun around to take in a view of the LAW arena, the grin over her face could only grow wider as her proud handiwork would finally come into view - with the Heart Connection's logo plastered all up and down the building! The delinquent placed her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest, striking a triumphant pose. It had been a lot of work to deface an entire building like that, especially keeping it under wraps the whole while. But now, all that hard work had paid off. The message was clear. The Heart Connection had claimed LAW as its territory, and they were out to make a statement about it!
That wasn't all they were going to make a statement about, though. When the camera shifted to show Sachiko and Veronika in bed, grinding up closer against the unfortunate victim of a previous match, Sachiko moaned louder with every time her body rubbed up a little closer to Willow's. Her hips bucked up against her sides, and her chest massaged all up and down her ribs, while her leg slung around Willow's legs to hook Veronika's and pull the two closer together. But Veronika gave her the floor to speak - and Sachiko flashed her devilish grin to the camera. It was now time to make an announcement to the world. A big, important announcement.
"Weeeeeell..." she began, "it means a couple of things, actually! For one...we are LAW's sexiest stars, and if you're gonna debate me on that you haven't seen our matches," she added with a wink, blowing a kiss to the camera. "Buuut...while we do love our fans...or at least the money that comes in from 'em..." She brought her hands to her chest, pinching her breast into the shape of a heart. "...there's someone I love a whole lot more."
And with that, Sachiko threw her arms around Veronika, pulling her into a passionate embrace. She pulled herself into the dancer's arms - and as her lips met Veronika's, they joined in a deep kiss! The two had made out with one another many a time before as a team, in the ring and out. But this was something different - something more. Sachiko had had a lot of time to think about what Veronika meant to her. And when she found the chance to kiss her, here and now, it was a feeling that stirred something deep inside of her. Something she could never get enough of.
"Starting today," she announced as she broke away from Veronika, "Veri and I are coming forward to the world about how we really feel about each other. Yep - we're more than partners, and more than friends, it's official! If you thought we were a handful already...just imagine how close a bond we'll share now? You really think you can get in the way of that? I'd like to see ya try!~" Her big, bright grin stayed right there on her face...at least until Sachiko remembered something else important.
"...But just because we're a thing now doesn't mean we're not gonna let anyone else into the bedroom! We like to live on the edge...as Willow here can attest to!" She grabbed for the white-haired girl's breast, giving it a firm squeeze. "I say, the more the merrier! So, if anyone wants to hit us up...we're listening. So long as ya can prove you can last!"
Veronika smiled at Sachiko, giving her delicious asscheeks a little spank as they looked into the camera, naked as god had created them, not showing any kind of decency whatsoever.
"Sooooo~ We both fuck you up and fuck you, so better not get in our way except...you think you can handle us?", she asked and blew the viewers a kiss like Sachiko did.
"Now, if you're excuse us. This little "bitch" here needs a little bit more training...see ya in the ring, losers!", Veronika said, ending the invasive promo and as the lights went on again, both the crowd in the arena and at home, the journalists and bloggers and all the other wrestlers wondered what was about to come. Whatever it was, Veronika and Sachiko had searched and found each other and what ever those two would cook up, it would prove to be something to behold, that much everyone was assured.