Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy
Hentai match
First to cum loses

Calypso was confident she was gonna win as how could anyone handle an Lesbana native in an erotic match up. That was just impossible as the woman of the island of Lesbana grew up training for erotic fighting as the female natives of the island were extremely competitive among themselves. Since the best fighters in the sport got first choice pick at everything they wanted. So with more then 15 years of experience the 30y/o believed that Christmas and Easter would happen on the same day before she would lose in an match type she specialized in.

Her attire existed of black stockings with an light brown strip at the top , an light brown thong and bra , black piece of fabric covering her stomach and long black sleeves with two strips of light brown on her elbow and wrist.Her green afro on full display as she licked her lips before leaving the locker room to get to the gorilla position. Not even an few seconds later Spice by Tape Measure would begin to play as she walked onto the entrance ramp. The fans were wondering who she was as she was new wrestler to the company as she walked to the ring as the announcer said ''Now making her debut for LAW. Hailing from Lesbana Island. Standing at 175ibs , It's Calypso Belafonte''as the black woman got inside the ring as she awaited the arrival of her victim.

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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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This is sperzana first hentai match in L.A.W she knew the lady is heavier than her so it gonna be tough. However ahe feels like if she loses she is gonna try to sexauly break her. It would be better if it was reverse to her.

Sperzana is use to sexaul moves in the ring but now you have to make your opponent cum. She didn’t have much for tye retire requirement so she is wearing her bikini outfit.

" Making her first hentai debut in L.A.W weight at 150 pounds at 5.7ft Sperzana Doncy."

When she entered the ring ahe bent forward and did stretch for everyone.

Last edited by Blade ocs on Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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Calypso would look at her opponent as she would try not to show her displeasure at the fact her opponent had scares on her body. As she considered it an sin against erotic wrestling to have any marks on your body that would make someone seem less good looking then they are. Now where the other woman got the scares from is an mystery to her as she suspected the marks on her stomach were from some beast as she said ''could you not have covered up those ugly scares you got. As they don't increase your looks ''

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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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Sperzana was surpsied. No one ever did mock her scares before.

"Well that a first. I thought scares where a kink. If you don’t have anything to cover it then all I got is a black t-shirt that can make my boobs look a bit bigger. Well i do also have this

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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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''Beter , but you should get it fixed''retorted Calypso as she just smirked as she was pleasantly surprised the other woman would so eagerly cover herself up as she assumed the other woman would not do so just because she asked her too

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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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Reff,: : Okay even though this is a hentai match you may use pro wrestling moves. First to climax loses and the winner gets to have you.

Sperzana didn't really mind. Although she thinks she will stick with her bikini for the future maybe. Pro gives means slams and such can be used. She has no idea what to really expect. Maybe calypso is a powerhosu3 in submission. We will see.

*bell rings*
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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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''Wow way to point out the obvious''thought Calypso as she was just focused on her opponent as she would start things off slow. As she would keep her distance as she was unsure what kind of wrestler Sperzana was as she could fall for her trap if she just blindly rushed forward as she circled around the other wrestler looking for an opening.

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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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Sperzana watching calypso. She puts a hand on the rope she walks along the rope. If calypso dares to come at her sperzana would use the ropes to her advantage.

Sperzana study her circling. When sperzana thought it was just right. She went forward to put her leg in first of where calypso would move to. She would then proceed to go forward making herself purposely tumble forward just so she can get a quick punch at calypso pussy.

If sperzana fails and just tumbles forwards she already planned on how recover quickly to prevent calypso from getting a chance of grabbing her or whatever. She would be up in guard.
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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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As the two woman circled around each other it seemed like it was an waiting game as neither woman would take the first move. With neither of them taking it at first as the two kept testing each other when Sperzana went for an punch aimed at her sex. As the Lesbana native would manage to block the blow as she grasped onto her opponent's arm as she tried to bend it so it would be behind Sperzana's back as she whispered ''nice try little girl''

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Re: Calypso Belafonte vs Sperzana doncy

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Sperzana did not anticipated that at all. She went to fight back agasit the arm bending. She goes to strike her legs to make her break away.

If that failed She would try to go for a big slap to help her break away from her.
:D if you wish to have a match with any if my ocs you can ask on here. All can do intergender. memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=986
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