Ellen Dalton

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Sigma Morgan
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Ellen Dalton

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Ellen "Snap" Dalton
Hometown: Belle Glade, Florida

Age: 30

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Blonde

Height: 6'0

Weight: 215 lbs.

Alignment: Heel

Orientation: Bisexual

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Personality: Confident, fearless, and tenacious, Ellen does anything she wants and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals even if she has to injure fellow wrestlers or cheat the rules to get there. Do to her dangerous upbringing around Alligators she looks down on people who are scared of getting hurt in matches, on top of this there is part of her that enjoys hurting and injuring others. But for a select few including her family and very few friends she is a very loving and protective. She also has a deep dislike for people who joined wrestling through things like singing believing they only got where they are because they were famous outside of wrestling believing they didn't work for a single thing.

Favored Matches: Standard, Hardcore, I quit, tables, mud, oil, anything.

Attitude towards hentai: "I don't think your going to enjoy how rough I am but I'm gonna love it"


Ellen was born in Florida to parents who owned a gator park. To call it an unusual upbringing would be an understatement but Ellen doesn't seem bothered by it. Ellen had a fascinating interest with the animals growing up learning about them and studying them while she helped her family in the park. Where some people might have been terrified of the beast Ellen didn't seem to have any kind of fear of the animals or any people. When she wasn't at school or her families park she was normally watching wrestling or wrestling with her brothers growing up. When she turned twelve Ellen also started working out gaining an impressive physique by the time she turned eighteen. When she turned eighteen Ellen began to learn wrestling easily tossing around most of her smaller training partners with Supplex's and slams. After a few months of training wrestling seemed to come naturally to her and she soon had her first indie match winning it in under ten minutes with her fellow rookie opponent seeming like a rag doll. Due to it being a small indie promotion Ellen didn't exactly make a lot of money from the matches so it was more like a weekly hobby for the time as she continued to work at the family park until Ellen got a call from a larger promotion when she was twenty and made enough to wrestle full time across the entire state of Florida even winning a title. During this time she really gained a reputation as a heel who wasn't afraid to hurt her opponents or do what she needed to do in order to further her own goals going to far as to start brawls backstage and attack opponents after that match!

After five years in Florida Ellen started wrestling across the country and world for several more federations and promotions improving her wrestling and diversifying her move set over the course of another five years until after a show in Japan where she was met backstage by several talent scouts for large and well known federations who all offered her spots on there rosters but the one she decided on was LAW.

Entrance Attire


Heart of the swamp
Gators Hiss
Dragged under
Death Roll
Locked in the jaws


General Statistics
Endurance -★★★★★
Strength - ★★★★★
Speed - ★★★
Defense - ★★★
Technique - ★★★

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes - ★★★★
Submissions - ★★★
Powerhouse - ★★★★★
Aerials - ★
Counters - ★★★★

Friends and Foes:




Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:57 am, edited 31 times in total.


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Sigma Morgan
Posts: 3791
Joined: Fri May 26, 2023 12:47 am
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Re: Ellen Dalton

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

4/2 Updated look and weight
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.


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