Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Humiliation Match - Winner determined by who can make who quit the match, due to humiliation.

For the General of the Anthill, a match like this was kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, Antonia did derive pleasure from humiliating her opponents. And her smothering expertize combined with her pompous and sometimes condescending disposition could mortify her foes quite easily. On the other hand, Antonia's ego was big yet fragile, meaning that it didn't take too much for her to start feeling embarrassed herself. However, Antonia figured if she could squash her competition and only leave room for her dominance, then there would be no issue.

LAW's male roster didn't have the best current reputation. There were a number of exceptions of course. Heck, she trained one of them (Oscar Orelash). But it was largely known for being overshadowed by LAW's female roster, both in the ring and advertisement department. Antonia herself totally squashed two male wrestlers already. And assuming this Ren was as easily flustered and smother-weak as the other two, the general was confident she had this in the bag once more!
Entrance Theme
The curvy, blonde Battle Bug made her appearance into LAW Arena, as soon as her signature entrance music sounded. She ambled to the ring and climbed inside, before leaning her back causally against one of the turnbuckles, not having a worry at all. She just waited for her opponent, while pondering all the various ways she could humiliate him to win this match!
Last edited by dddybee on Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Humiliation Match - Winner determined by who can make who quit the match, due to humiliation.

That evening there would have been a really interesting match, one of the boy's first, a match where the goal was to humiliate his opponent, Ren was quite hesitant about facing Antonia, he had done some research on her and seemed to have all it takes to devastate the boy, Ren's last matches hadn't gone very well, especially the one with Faye which ended in his defeat and the humiliation of being filmed in a truly terrible state....But that it was another match now we had to think about winning the match with Antonia and showing everyone that she was able to win against women bigger than him!

The time had come to enter the ring, the girl's entry had been triumphal, she was really beautiful and her costume was really special, seeing the crowd cheering she was certainly one of the strongest wrestlers, this scared the boy a little who hid his agitation behind a big smile. The lights of the whole arena turned red and Ren's entrance song resounded throughout the ring, after the announcement Ren appeared out of a haze of smoke, he darted at high speed towards the ring giving high five to more possible fans, arrived in the ring he went up passing under the ropes and at that moment he saw his enemy better ... seeing Antonia from so close he could notice her physical conformation, he was really "huge" much bigger than the boy, he would have had to put everything himself not to get hit, probably a hit and it would be really hard to get out

Get Ready to loose Antonia! I will show you who is superior!

Ren say whit a smirk and try to taunt her

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Ren Akery soon made his appearance, racing to the ring with joy and speed. Being arrogant, Antonia didn't pay Ren any mind until he was actually in the ring, the nerdy ant playing with her blue Ant Gear tech in the meantime. Once Ren taunted her, Antonia would slowly direct her gaze up and eye her adversary. With a click of a device, a hologram depicting Ren's profile information would pop up. "Let's see. Ren Akery. A mediocre grappler who's performance on LAW so far leaves much to be desired. I see your match with Faye ended quite embarrassingly for you." Antonia noted, before making the hologram fade. She put away her Ant Gear before continuing.

"Nyehehehehe! ME get ready to lose to YOU?! I'd fine such a foolish proclamation insulting, if it wasn't so humorous. How do you plan to oppose me? With arms comparable to twigs for someone of the male gender? Or maybe you believe you'll best me by simply believing in yourself. Bah. You shall indeed show me what I already know. That I AM superior. But while your weakness disgusts me, I will still generously grant you the privilege of being dominated by someone so GORGEOUS." Antonia boasted, flicking her beautiful blonde hair.

She was strategically trying to get Ren flustered by her taunts and good looks early, to ensure this humiliation match would be hers to win. And considering Ren was indeed a lot less burly than the pervious two males she had squashed, Antonia figured Ren would be absolutely no trouble! The General of the Anthill squared up with her foe in the middle of the ring, awaiting the sound of the bell.

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Ren remained silent as the woman begins to examine the boy's career via a strange electronic device, not exactly the best thing that could happen to him... Indeed the boy's previous battles had not ended very well, the boy in fact had been demolished and humiliated by various girls, he certainly wasn't one of Antonia's most fearsome opponents, but he certainly would have given him a hard time, Ren was quite nervous, the woman's words had done nothing but make him shake and make him really nervous, Ren wanted prove to her and the audience that he was a worthy wrestler and prove his strength against Antonia was the perfect opportunity to begin his ascent to the upper ranks of the LAW

《L-last time was only luck...get ready to loose bug girl~ I will show you who is better! I will humiliate you like never before》

Ren said with a "roar" he was really nervous, the woman's words had struck him deeply, he felt humiliated and made fun of, he couldn't allow him to say certain things about himself, even if seeing her better he felt like an ant feet of a giant ready to crush him with all his strength, Ren sweated slightly and got ready to fight, now it was useless to talk, facts had to be done, Ren was really furious, surely this anger blinded the boy's vision and he saw nothing else that someone to destroy! Ren then, after the sound of the bell, projected towards the woman trying a flying punch, given the boy's nervousness and fury it wasn't very precise but the force impressed in the fist was really great, probably it would have been better to dodge the blow than to block it, in fact, in the event of a successful hit, he would have continued to hit or in the event of a dodge, he would have lost his balance, giving Antonia a free spot to hit the boy

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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The intelligent, manipulative tweener was already playing mind games with Ren, taunting the boy with her good looks as well as the shortcomings of his wrestling career. And it appeared that Antonia's mocking was already paying off, if Ren's stammering, nervous voice was anything to go by! When Ren declared that he would humiliate her, Antonia let out another genuine laugh. "Nyehehe-hahahaha! You may not be a worthy adversary by any margin, but I do believe I find you humorous at least." Antonia snickered. "What I don't believe in is luck. Your failures have a most logical reasoning behind them. You're simple an...amateur."

The bell rang. Not even bothering to take up her usual, defensive fighting stance, Antonia grinned at her male opponent smugly. But despite her arrogance, the army ant was paying close attention to her prey. She saw the movement her in her opponent's arm, and deduced a punch was coming. A flying punch.

"Slow." Antonia remarked, after Ren's boots left the mat. "Sloppy." The general continued, as she tilted her head to the side and effortlessly dodged the blow. Armie knew her foe would likely be off balance, as soon as he landed. "Sad." She would scoff, as this was confirmed. Taking advance of this, the general would throw a precise liver punch at Ren! If successful, the blow would certainly paralyze Ren, as liver strikes often did!

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Ren had immediately fallen into the woman's trap, in fact many doubts and questions made room in the boy's head making him lose concentration on the match, this was quite obvious, in fact Ren's blow had not been of great effect on the woman who had avoided him , in fact after hitting the void he lost his balance falling next to Antonia who hit him with a lot of force on his liver, it took him with a lot of force, Ren moaned slightly, he felt like paralyzing himself and returning motionless to the ground

i-i-i will win over you, you c-can't win this-

he moaned again while he was in that almost desperate situation, the woman had a very large advantage over the boy, not only for that blow to the liver but also based on the muscular conformation between the two competitors, Antonia was really older and more experienced than the poor boy , in fact his victory was very probable

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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After flawlessly countering Ren's first attack, Antonia left her male adversary helpless and paralyzed on the canvas. Even so, Ren still continued to insist he would somehow come out victorious against the General of the Anthill!

"Hmmm, Your continued insistence on delusion is losing its charm. I am beginning to get annoyed in fact." Antonia said coldly. "And thus, it is only logical that I silence you now."

Antonia would go down to plop her large, shorts-clad butt right on Ren's mug, subjecting him to a humiliating facesit. "You really claim to be a wrestler? I'd say a career as my posterior pillow is far more suitable for your talents." Antonia mocked, as her grinded her plump stinger bum down on his mug.

The general wasn't always mean of course, but she simply had no respect for an adversary she deeded to be so inferior. On top of that, this was a humiliation match, so the general would aim to make Ren as embarrassed as possible!

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Ren's move had been perfectly rejected by Antonia who, in addition to avoiding the blow, had hit the boy heavily almost paralyzing him, the red-haired boy moaned slightly with excitement and pain he was feeling

Ngnnn... i'm not can't win that fight s-so eas...

he could not finish his sentence that antonia rushed at him using her backside like a wrecking ball crushing the boy's face and throwing him to the ground making a loud thud, Ren was unable to speak clearly as he tried to lift the woman by blowing miserably given the physical differences between the two, the woman had total control over him and could do what she wanted and Ren would suffer heavily

That move had really put REn in a painful situation, the woman was only using him as a chair and he was being humiliated in a very heavy was probably just the beginning but he wouldn't give up he would do anything to win

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Antonia had slammed Ren with a buttdrop, stinging the male with her stinger, before smothering him in a humiliating facesit! It was quite the embarrassing situation, having your face wedged up the general's thicc cheeks, and that's precisely what the ant was counting on! "Can't I...?" Antonia said in an unamused tone, when Ren declared she couldn't win this match so easily. "Do you have any logical basis for such a claim, or did you retrieve said claim out of your posterior?"

After smothering Ren for a bit, Antonia would get up on her own terms. "At least you're out of my posterior, for now..." She snickered. She'd yank the dazed man up into a seated position, while the general stood over him. In a swift motion, Antonia would clamp her strong, lovely thighs around Mr. Akery's neck, subjecting him to a standing headscissors!

"Look at the audience." Antonia instructed, as she continued to choke the poor man with her thighs. "Do you really think any among them expects you to emerge victorious against an adversary as talented as myself? Really now?" The general had upped the humiliation, by forcing Ren in position to look at the crowd, while he was being dominated by the army ant's sexy thighs!

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Re: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Ren Akery - Enter Humilation

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Ren was overwhelmed by the great power of the general's backside, that big red backside had landed violently on the girl's face slowly taking away his ability to breathe properly, Antonia was really much bigger than her opponent, she didn't seem to want to hold back and try to humiliate the boy in the most diverse ways. Ren when he heard her speak he tried to respond with a groan taking a breath, he couldn't allow her to humiliate him like that, maybe he wouldn't have succeeded but at least he had to try, Ren then took all his pride and uttered a few words so as not to leave the woman without answer...

<I-i'm strong i will show it->

Ren said those words with a small moan it was now clear that he could never beat Antonia, the woman had immediately taken a really big advantage, as soon as Ren was released from the suffocation of the woman's back he took a few breaths, was on the ground, looked up and he saw the imposing woman, he felt really small and insignificant, the physical arrogance and her attitude were overwhelming him mentally and physically... He didn't have time to relax for a second that Antonia counted his offensive against her, using her big and adorable legs, they wrapped themselves around the boy's neck with a lot of strength squeezing him in a very powerful headscissor, Ren could only moan for the pain and for the air he was missing at that moment

Given the great strength impressed by the woman's grip, he was unable to answer the woman, who was showing the whole audience who the boss was, was showing her supremacy by destroying the poor rokie who was watching the audience trying to free herself from that powerful grip with a few results

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