Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

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Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Ivry was angry. She was angry because she had just lost her first match to another nun, a nun who completely humiliated her by leaving her alone in the ring in her panties. Ivry tried to find excuses, she had lost and it was humiliated. Obviously, this greatly annoyed Eris who was ready to beat her opponent even outside the ring, anyway she was better in fights without rules or referees.
The nun rested for a few seconds in her locker room and felt her legs again, the grip she had received prevented her from standing up without holding on to something, but now she was better. She then began to sigh and opened her locker to retrieve a towel and shower gel, she intended to take a shower before going home. Unfortunately, Eris hadn't planned a spare bra because she was sure of her victory. This pissed her off even more, enough for her to slam her locker door on her way to the bathroom, put her towel and her new clothes near the entrance and come back with her shower gel.
She sighed deeply and relaxed under the hot water and the foam of her soap, she could finally stop thinking about her defeat and enjoy a good time in this horrible evening.
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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Kiara can be seen making her way into the locker room, without noticing Ivry, she would undress herself and make her way into the shower and surprisingly, meeting her rival as she keep a poker face and remain in silent, what happen in the ring, remain in the ring, she just hope that her rival nun, can do the same as she shower next to Ivry

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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

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Ivry was quietly taking her shower before noticing her rival nun entering the shower, right after her. The person who had just humiliated him about thirty minutes ago was there, in the only place where Ivry took advantage of the calm. Ivry groaned slightly before seeing her rival totally ignore her, passing by as if they didn't know each other. This surprised Ivry who stopped grumbling and sighed, throwing a small smile and thinking in his head.

"(After all, this was a place for all female wrestlers, Kiara was also allowed to take a shower here.)"
"(What happened in the ring stays in the ring.)"
"(Anyway you've finished your shower soon, you can tolerate it for a few minutes.)"


Ivry got up then, more annoyed than ever and walked towards her rival who was taking her shower. She took her by the hair to press her rival's face against the wall in front of her.

"I'll put you through hell, bitch!!"
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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Taking her shower in silent, she would heard her rival scream out something as she turn around, before felt Ivry grab her by the hair and force her against the wall as she glare at Ivry, hearing her taunt, Kiara would simply close her eyes for a sec and smile "Is that so? maybe I should break that damn foot when I have a chance" She said softly as before she would try to throw her knees up and slam it into Ivry's guts
Last edited by Void-Effect on Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Ivry sighed as she got kneed on her stomach, causing her to release her grip and take a step back. She growled with rage and you could very well understand that she was angry and that she hated her rival. The two women were then preparing to start a fight in the bath, which did not seem to bother them. Ivry clenched her fist and charged towards Kiara with a shoulder slam, she was looking to use the wall to hurt Kiara and hoped she fell to the ground sliding, despite the slim chance of that happening
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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Kiara would made a tsk noise, already tired by their previous match, she is surprised by Ivry's ambush, or rather, she just simply doesn't wish to fight right now before she would felt herself being slammed into the wall as she let out a gasp of pain as she held her stomach, try to force Ivry off as she felt herself too tired to really put in too much effort

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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

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Ivry found herself pushed back again following the second tackle against the wall. She noticed however that her opponent seemed less strong than during the match, it was also the case of Ivry but she seemed to have recovered better.

"Hehe... Looks like god is with me!"

Ivry smiled devilishly and spanked her opponent who was against the wall, seeking to humiliate her personally, worse than she received earlier.

"I'll make you cry~"
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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

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Kiara would try to fight back before she would glare at Ivry as she growl out in anger and pain, hearing her taunt, she would try to fight back by throwing kick while her rear being spanked as she yelp in pain as she try to throw a knees toward her rival "hah...hah...hah, you got lucky because I was tired, bring it on, this is nothing"

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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Ivry is then pushed back, growling in pain and stroking his belly. She had taken a lot of voup in the stomach and her pains were starting to come back little by little. Even if this fight seemed a bit like a fight, the fatigue of the two women rather showed a little more violent catifight.
Ivry grunted, clenching his teeth and grabbed his opponent's hair with one hand before chaining the slaps with his hand, seeking to exhaust his opponent by inflicting pain on his cheeks.
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Re: Pull the Butterfly's wing ! Ivry vs Kiara

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Kiara would yelp in pain and surprise as she felt her hair being slapped as she felt herself being slapped, groaning in frustration, she would slap back at Ivry as she try to pull herself back up so she can escape from this needless fight, Kiara is tired, and she isn't looking for another fight that doesn't have any meaning or necessary

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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